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Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I can stop whenever I want to...
I knew a guy who was addicted to sniffing brake fluid, he said the same thing.
N900: One of God's own prototypes. A high-powered mutant of some kind never even considered for mass production. Too weird to live, and too rare to die.

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Posts: 26 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Apr 2010
I really understand you. I bought my N900 in May 2010 and addicted to this site. Sometimes I want to sell my N900 so that I can concentrate on my work!
Posts: 161 | Thanked: 186 times | Joined on Apr 2011
amazing to see many people similar... atleast not on a boat alone...

Btw, was a forum lurker before. joined one month ago when i faced problems with nitdroid installation.

As I see, this will only get more obsessive with next week's launch of N9
Posts: 54 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ USA
Remember, TMO reponsibly

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*raises hand*
Hello my name on this forum used to be giladmttw and I'm and addict.
I bought my N800 three years ago and visited this forum every day since then. When I got the N800 I decided to try and not use any other computer but the device for all my activities. At first it was hard, some websites were not supported well, I couldn't send job applications, couldn't check flights, edit documents in hebrew, important stuff. Well a week turned into a month which turned into two years of tweaking my device to perfection, and by the end of the second year I had the perfect device.
Which stopped booting six month ago.
I was in shock. I decided to go for the N900 and got mine about a month ago. Or is it two ? Don't know, lost track of time, check my join date.
Sometimes I asked myself what's so important here. Why not just put the device in your pocket and do something else, something real.
Well after losing my tablet I know that this is something real, it is a real part of my life. I use it all the time to download movies for family, check up on stuff for family and communicating, all important stuff, it may look like a toy but it's not.
Yesterday I compiled a program in easy chroot and left it running over night to check for stability. In the mornning I found the desktop crashed. I was very sad to see that. My own sweat and blood program crashing my beloved hildon-desktop ? I really wanted it to work so I could give something back to the community. Thank you all the devs and users, love this place.

The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to uppercase For This Useful Post:
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I have locked myself in my bedroom constantly refreshing nokia's website page regarding the status of my n900's repair.I live in hope everytime I press F5 the status changes from "in repair" to "repaired"

I live in hope! please pray for my N900. I thinks it's time for my half hourly F5 refresh of Nokia repair website wish me luck!

Absence makes the heart grow fonder!!!

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I have a love-hate relationship with TMO: on one hand the community driven development is absolutely addicting, on the other, watching these brilliant minds collaborate (CSSU, NITDroid, h-e-n, themes, mods etc etc) makes me feel so f**king stoopid.

Ok, so it's more of a love-love relationship.
[ArchLinux|OpenBox blissness]

"The Cake Is A Lie"
edgar2's Avatar
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back in the days, there was a discussion at t.m.o about marketing slogans for the n900. some of them were pretty clever. too clever for their own good even.

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Posts: 355 | Thanked: 245 times | Joined on Jul 2009 @ Northern VA
You know what scares me, is that the N9 is going to be a reality pretty soon here, and like when I had my N810, I wasn't that bent on getting a N900, but then I realized all the current up to date stuff that goes on in this forum, I'd be on the outside looking in. I couldn't have that, so I sacrificed and put away money every week so I could get the N900 upon release.

My purchase was forum driven, because I haven't seen a better collected group of intelligent (for the most part :-P ), enthusiastic, contributers to a device than this place.

I got an android for work, and have you seen the clusterf*ck that is the android community. This place is amazing I've gotten better answers in the off-topic and competitors threads on here than I have on dedicated Android forums.

So guess what, I'm totally getting the N9 and as I explained to my gf last night when she asked why, because I check this forum everyday and without the newest device I'll feel left out. She didn't get it and rolled her eyes at me and called me a dork, but yeah I'm totally a dork for few things in my life, pro wrestling, comic books, and mameo/meego devices are on my very very short list :-)

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Posts: 617 | Thanked: 338 times | Joined on Mar 2011
I love n900 too , I'm searching for hacks/mods every day but I still preffer to get outside with friends , maybe clubbing , get drunk , looking for girls , etc. .

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