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Posts: 51 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Jul 2007 @ Powell, OH
Originally Posted by re2st View Post
Oh wow! That's awesome! Quad-band GSM and three-band WCDMA! I want it! Hehe..

Any idea where I can have it unlocked like that? Most unlock service only unlocking it from the carrier..

I got my phone from this guy here is the link

I'm not sure if he will do phones he didn't sell, but you can always ask.

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OK, I just got a Samsung Sync (not exactly on purpose, check out my blog if you want the full story), and since it has 3G, I'd REALLY like to tether the N800 to it. Reading through the thread, I'm a bit confused as to which "how to" guide I should be reading for my phone and N800. Specific pointer please?

Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Ok, so i have an option of getting the Samsung Sync or the Razr V3xx. Which one do you guys think i should get? I'm gonna use it for HSDPA surfing on my N800, so i want the best hassle free experience.

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Originally Posted by tom504 View Post
I thought I read somewhere that the script for the 770 can be used to tether the PAN for the 800 but you don't need to use ins mod line because it was already compiled into the kernel.

Everything I read was that out of the box neither the 770 nor the 800 can tether via PAN without running this script posted on this board.

This is the script I am using w/ the 770:

BTADDR='Cingular Blackjack Bluetooth Mac Address'

hciconfig hci0 up

#insmod just to be sure
insmod /mnt/initfs/lib/modules/current/bnep.ko
#start PAN Bluetooth connection
pand --connect $BTADDR

# wait for the interface created by pand
echo -n "Waiting $s secs for $IFACE"
while [ $s -gt 0 ] ; do
ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 && break
echo -n "."
sleep 1
if ifconfig $IFACE >/dev/null 2>&1 ; then
# bring it up
echo "OK, bringing $IFACE up"
ifconfig $IFACE $IP up
route add default gw $GW
echo "nameserver $NS" >/tmp/resolv.conf.lo
echo "Error: $IFACE not available."
I've got a Tmobile Wing that I am trying to make this work on... any pointers for a NOOB??
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Just download the WM6 DUN cab file from xda-developers and install it on your wing. After that, just go through the standard process of phone pairing through you're N800. I'm using it with my HTC Wizard (EDGE) right now and it works just like it should...
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Originally Posted by docc View Post
Just download the WM6 DUN cab file from xda-developers and install it on your wing. After that, just go through the standard process of phone pairing through you're N800. I'm using it with my HTC Wizard (EDGE) right now and it works just like it should...
Are there additional packages that I need to install? It still doesn't work for me.. I run this script as root via SSH and it gives me the output below. The bluetooth mac is not the one from the phone even though thats the one I've put into the script. (My bluetooth keyboard maybe??) Any ideas?? I do have the DUN cab installed...
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Posts: 64 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Aug 2007
Got it working via a much simpler method posted here...

Thanks for the help anyway!
Posts: 7 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Hello, I recently just bought a N800 and am trying to pair it with my blackjack using that linux blog but for some reason whenever i type the commands in xterminal it doesnt do anything. Ive searched on this forum and basically all i can find is saying how you need a script to run it. Thank you in advance.

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