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Originally Posted by Chuck Norris View Post
I'm sure we don't have any windows lovers here
why? they have more professional apps. I mean on Pc.
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Originally Posted by Rauha View Post
No need to wait. Go and test WP7 phone in a shop or read Mango reviews, like this one from Arstechnica.
Either that, or just buy an HD2 and get it over with for another couple of years
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well, then, tell me mr. Certified...
how comes more & more computers come w/ m$-off pre-installed, albeit in a limited version?
so the 99% stat remains true?
(99% of computers are delivered w/ the crap, thus it runs on 99% of the computers....)
or because in the broadband age, ppl don't mind a download of 15 or even 30 min to get a free working version, instead of having to pay for it; even so, most ppl probably download a full free office suite anyway, simply, thks to the sales stat....

btw, 1%, that's about wp7's market share, according to Gartner's most recent market study (world wide, Q2 only)
came across a UK stat for Aug, with the same number...
sure, not selling the N9 may increase that number, by, what... 0.000001%?

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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
well, then, tell me mr. Certified...
Formerly certified. Only thing I'm certified now would be insanity. Especially since I'm still answering you.

how comes more & more computers come w/ m$-off pre-installed, albeit in a limited version?
Because Microsoft still reigns supreme in regards to user share. What do you expect to be installed? I'm not sure what you're leading to with your framed question; so let's just say this.

Microsoft Office is a certifiable bread winner for Microsoft. Cannot get any plainer and simpler than that.

I have no clue what in the **** you are talking about.

btw, 1%, that's about wp7's market share, according to Gartner's most recent market study (world wide, Q2 only)
7% in Germany... somehow. But yeah. Again, what's your point? State it clearly, state it concisely.

Oh, and for the records... Microsoft Office does not equate to Nokia N9 no matter how twisted you somehow confuse the two.

One does not lead to the other. And Microsoft Office does not lead to WP7 sales either - Microsoft Office licenses went up actually. Can't say the same for WP7. Not at all.
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
Formerly certified. Only thing I'm certified now would be insanity. Especially since I'm still answering you.

or my trying to make a mule drink...
tell me, great accountant...
how difficult is it to be profitable (Mac Unit) if the only thing you have to do is cash in the fees?
but, yeah, i guess, m@ke$$h!t might even screw up that

obviously, with wp7, it's not that easy...
here the Gartner stats (scroll down some to see the platform table...)

btw, as you are throwing stats around...
in Germany Firefox has over 40% of market share
hihaaaaan comes 2nd @ 34%
that's a reliable stat, because the browser can be identified...
in fact user are more likely to identified (wrongly) their browser as IE (having a Gecko based one) then the other way around... thus the truth is probably even worse (for m$)
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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
or my trying to make a mule drink...
You make no sense. Address me while more coherent please. Deciphering a fool's intent is not on my list of things to accomplish. Not now, not ever.

how difficult is it to be profitable (Mac Unit) if the only thing you have to do is cash in the fees?
Find another company with a Mac Business Unit and then ask that question. As it stands, you're asking more questions than answering. That's not a discussion, that's an interrogation.

I'm not Microsoft. I'm not Apple. I'm just a shareholder in both. Why don't you become one and then ask those questions? They'd answer you.

but, yeah, i guess, m@ke$$h!t might even screw up that
Who? These are getting more undecipherable by the moment.

Your segue from Microsoft Office to Firefox in Germany to share is mind numbingly impossible to follow. Therefore I will not.

Be clear, be concise, be coherent. Until then, I choose not to respond to babbling and meandering conversation that I cannot make heads nor tails.

Simply put... I have no ****ing clue what you're spouting forth lad.
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you can run, but you can't hide...

7.1 % market share in Germany, is it?
just, tiny little problem....
the morron who did those stats is by his own confession a m$ fan and cared to add the wm market shares (for 7 large markets, including US & UK)
jul 2010 (or something like that; heading not clear...):
wm: 11.1% + wp: 0.0% = 11.1%
jul 2011 (...):
wm: 1.1% + wp: 7.1% = .... 8.2%

no comment ¦-)
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Originally Posted by Chuck Norris View Post
I'm sure we don't have any windows lovers here
I actually like Win 7 x64, if you can handle the usual quirks.

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Originally Posted by misterc View Post
"English.... Do you speak it?" - Jules Winnfield

I guess the addition of the qualifier "...somehow" earlier did not explicitly denote my lack of faith in that number. I go to Germany a lot... I've seen perhaps one person with a WP7 phone while there.

So 7.1%, I didn't believe it any time it was stated. I still do not. That's higher penetration in the US... and the Germans are a harder bunch to get into than us fickle Americans.

So... with that said for the very last annoying time, I will address you. I don't believe it, didn't believe it, won't believe it. Stats are easily made up. That one, I found truly doubtful.

Anyway, I'm sure you'll respond with some drivel about something else, blah blah blah. Bring something adult and worthy of my attention next time you post, savvy?
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