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I've just received my brand new, never used N800 and it did exactly the same thing. I was able to get it to work for about 10 minutes with the new battery straight from the box, but then I decided to charge the battery while I did some work. That's the last time I ever managed to turn it on. Plugging the charger in would bring up the 'Nokia' logo, followed by a small (static) battery icon, which then dimmed considerably and then the screen went black. No amount of pressing the power button would do anything. A couple of times, the blue led on the navigation button lit very briefly, but then straight back to a black screen. The charger felt cool to the touch. I removed and replaced the battery a number of times (which also felt cool). In the end, I just packed it up and returned it as DOA. I hope the replacement works! It is a worry seeing a number of entries about this problem.......
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Sounds like a hardware problem, but in any case you should charge it properly first, before switching it on for the first time. Don't depend on a factory charged battery, they are usually delivered with, at best, a rather low charge because it'll keep better shelf life. Charge the N800 for at least half an hour before switching it on (and keep charging), it won't do any harm to charge it an hour or two first. Or more.
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Posts: 11 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Nth Carolina
Sounds like a hardware problem, but in any case you should charge it properly first, before switching it on for the first time.
I have just received my replacement N800 and I think I can see a difference straight away! The original just showed a little 'battery' icon when I plugged the charger in, which then dimmed but did nothing else (and I was never quite sure what Nokia meant in the instruction leaflet that says "The battery indicator bar starts scrolling on the screen after the device has powered up".) The new one showed the same icon, but was followed shortly afterwards by the word 'Charging'. Now, it never did that before! Looking good!

So it appears that something in the charging circuit in the original was u/s - either the charger or the actual internal charging circuit. I had 'sort-of' suspected that - but didn't have a multimeter to check it out. I'll leave this new one on charge for a few hours, and not be tempted to 'play' with it until I'm confident the battery is charged.

Hope this may be of help to others who appear to be having the same - or similar - problems.
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Sep 2007
Mine went completely dead while trying to play an avi. file. Nothing would revive it. Finally managed to get the battery out by using a credit card to pry it. it popped out finally. Waited a minute and then put it back together. It turned on and was working again. Yea!!!
Posts: 57 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ liverpool
hi mikeinnc i have tried to get my n800 sent away for replacement/repair. I contated nokia and gave them my details but havent heard anything for a while now! may i ask what process you went thru to get your n800 looked at?

Posts: 18 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Oct 2007
After trying to update my N800 which didnt really happen after i tried so many times for the last 2 days, I am really not interested to spoil my N800 with this upgrade.

Infact who would like to upgrade and spoil their device? I see that so many people having problems after upgrade or during the process of upgrade, so my advice is to have the OS which comes pre-installed .

We can add many applications and work with this OS without any upgrade infact.

When we see the probability of happy customers to the probability of worried customers then definitely worried customers will be more after trying to upgrade N800.

Even after all these , if anyone got success in software upgrade then please share the exact steps - wat you did and how you did.

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Posts: 225 | Thanked: 15 times | Joined on Apr 2007 @ some where on earth
Sorry to hear that all you guy's are having all these problem's but that's why i love this site and atfer all of these postes i have no intention of up dating my table if it works fine let it be. If it's broke then don't fix.
"A man invents a thing which could revolutionize the arts"
by Mark Twain..
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007
I bought my N800 in March and have had no problems until this morning when it refused to start up. I've no idea why except MPlayer had developed a fault the day before so I updated it but that didn't have any effect. The last thing I did was set the alarm before switching it off last night.

On powering up I was only getting the Nokia Logo and a static charging icon, I tried the button combinations but that did nothing.

I don't have much knowledge about re-installing software ect but thanks to the instructions on this thread I now have a living N800 again


Posts: 144 | Thanked: 45 times | Joined on Oct 2007 @ Detroit
My N800 is not booting up or even showing the charging icon. I was doing a backup of my rootfs to the mmc card and setting up for dual booting. I guess it must have drained the battery a lot or its really bricked.
I checked the charger output it shows 6.2V, the battery voltage shows only 700mV! I guess that means its drained out? is that correct?

I have searched around and found that other Nokia phones may have a similar bug!
EDIT: Cannot confirm this quote..
...which 9500 communicator users have also experienced (same battery: BP-5L) If the battery is quite low then it refuses to charge - and actually discharges! When this happens the battery is dead and the E61 microprocessor cannot turn on and charge the phone...
I am going to try the usb+reflash and see if it will cause n800 to start charging again.

Last edited by vabgeo; 2007-11-19 at 18:01.
Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007
Mine has been doing the no-start thing regularly, too. frequently after I charge it, it will not start for a half hour, then it suddenly will. It also seems to start when I briefly disconnect the battery, and then try powering on again.

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