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Posts: 109 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Sep 2012
Still no success with skype on my N9...

Skype can be added to my 'accounts' (so it is listed)...
Bu when I open skype from my accounts, it says 'while you are offline some settings are not available'... (but I cannot put my status as online)...

On my desktop, I am using skype version
Maybe I should upgrade or downgrade my PC version?
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
You are using an up-to-date Skype version so that should not be the cause...Maybe you need some one within China to help you with what they have done to work-around this?
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Sep 2012
Originally Posted by thedead1440 View Post
You are using an up-to-date Skype version so that should not be the cause...Maybe you need some one within China to help you with what they have done to work-around this?
Thank you thedead1440,
Maybe I should find a Nokia flagship store and see whether they are willing to help me... I have checked all other mobile phone shops but they refuse to accept my N9...
Posts: 109 | Thanked: 18 times | Joined on Sep 2012
---> Final Post <--

Finally got skype working on my N9!!!

1) As suggested, I have filled in all my records in the PC profile...
2) I have re-installed the deb file(s) through the terminal...
3) rebooting over and over...

Thanks to all the terrific people over here in this great forum that made this happen!!!

- A proud N9 user...
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 20 times | Joined on Dec 2011 @ Ireland
I had the same problem with my old Singapore N9. (this was on pr 1.2). You first need to have nano installed. With that installed log in as root in terminal (devel-su pass:rootme) go to the sources.list.d directory and type
nano /etc/apt/sources.list.d/aegis-ssu-keyring-009.list This will open up Nano and you can edit this first repository line to say .../harmattan/001. / Save this and then run apt-get update and you should be able to install apps. May not work on pr1.3 but this is the workaround I used. You can then change the file back to 009 after to ensure all updates are available
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Mexico City
I know this thread is old but I have a Chinese N9 with no Skype. I am using root in devel mode. I have two deb files. One is named l10n-app-skype_0.0.131+0m8_all.deb and another called account-plugin-skype_0.104.1+0m8_armel.deb.

I have the files in my Download folder. When I type cd /home/user/MyDocs/Downloads, I have a '#' after it like this:
/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads #
I type
I receive this:
sh: l10n-app-skype: not found
/home/user/MyDocs/Downloads #
Are these the files I should install? Why can't it find the files?
Help anyone? I really need Skype on this phone. It's the only way to keep in contact with my parents and grandparents in the USA.

Thanks in advance
irulestar's Avatar
Posts: 217 | Thanked: 89 times | Joined on Dec 2013 @ Indonesia, Banyuwangi
Try install skype_armel.deb it via filebox!!!
And then Type on terminal
~ # apt-get -f install

any Question? ask here and Follow first @irulestar
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Mexico City
When I try to install the armel.deb in file box I receive this message:
Can't Install Invalid installation package
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Mexico City
Any more help would be greatly appreciated.
Posts: 70 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Mexico City
I found a working solution on this link Thanks guys! Since my first Nokia N800 in 2007, on with my N900, and now my N9,-- you guys have been an invaluable resource. Happy New Year!

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