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I mean Mer centric community. Out if which - Nemo and Plasma Active derivatives are fully open (as in source and development) initiatives.
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Oh and your comment about Nokia shutting everything down; FYI they have agreed to fund servers for the Community during the migration while also asking for a list of whatever they host that the Community requires so that they can discuss transferring this over to the NFP...

Honestly, even the dead platforms here currently are worth much more than Jolla's efforts...You now say Mer centric Community but every thread where you have requested for a port has been Nemo/Sailfish which even combined have a lower user base than what we have here at the moment...Like I said earlier, the release of Sailfish would not instantly kill off the N9s world over; the growth of Sailfish may do that instead...

So till that stage arrives I would request you to not spread FUD and asking developers to stop supporting and/or developing for our devices...Although of course I am pretty sure they too know this and wouldn't abandon us that quick...
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That was the point - whether the user or developer base - it needs more effort. The shift will happen inevitably. We can argue when it should happen more rapidly now or later, that's a matter of opinion. I personally think that now. But I don't think calling Harmattan dead is FUD, while even their bug tracker is closed. It's not like it's some breaking news really.
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Originally Posted by shmerl View Post
That was the point - whether the user or developer base - it needs more effort. The shift will happen inevitably. We can argue when it should happen more rapidly now or later, that's a matter of opinion. I personally think that now. But I don't think calling Harmattan dead is FUD, while even their bug tracker is closed. It's not like it's some breaking news really.
Harmattan dead is circa June 2011 news however Harmattan user-base dead is FUD

You say user base needs more effort? How? They have a proper working device out with near-availability? Oh you want a ready-made user base salivating in-waiting for the jesus phone of Jolla to be released?

How do you even trust them that much? Have they proved anything that great yet? So far what I see is promising and encouraging noises from them but no real product that I could identify such with...Heck, don't they use the n9/50 for demoing their own OS? On #JollaMobile Stskeeps said you would face a number of issues porting over Sailfish OS to your n9/50 including modem issues and its best as a proof of concept...

So as a daily driver Harmattan still is numero uno for the n9/50 and I for one as an user appreciates very much every single development effort for our existing devices just like I'm sure many others do too...

Edit: Anyway I think we have taken the thread enough off-topic. I won't be posting here anymore; feel free to PM me if you still want to discuss this

Last edited by thedead1440; 2012-11-28 at 07:40.

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#25 #HarmattanDev #OffLine again, is it safe to BackUp / mirror it ? #MeeGo #Nokia #n9 !n950club #n9lovers
Current obsession:

Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

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any mirror ?
Current obsession:

Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

Also, I need online storage to archive files :

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Any mirror +1
BWizz - best N9 bookmark editing tool! Check it out ->BWizz for Harmattan

LINKer - transform your N9's home view in a Desktop, give it the freedom it deserves! -> LINKer for Harmattan

QuickBar - Can't find the app you used yesterday in your overcrowded Home Screen? Want access to the QuickLaunch bar even in the home screen? QuickBar for Harmattan

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Last edited by tortoisedoc; 2013-06-13 at 20:56.

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I reported the issue to nokia :
Current obsession:

Please help to list all maemo existing apps :

I am looking for " 4 inch TFT LCD display screen " for Nokia n950 HandSet

Also, I need online storage to archive files :

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While on this topic, does anybody know when the N9 will no longer be supported by Nokia? I.e. EOL?

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