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Posts: 118 | Thanked: 229 times | Joined on Oct 2014 @ UK
Not in any particular order, because they all do different jobs. All I care about is how well they do those jobs (though let's not lie, good looks never hurt).

- gPodder
Just does everything it needs to do, and does it well. Never had a single crash with it, the app remembers where I paused the podcast even after closing. Pretty, too.

- Feed Haven
The best RSS reader on Sailfish in my opinion. The dev is active on here, and regularly updates the app with user requests. Does its job and does it well.

- MeeCast
Who knew getting the weather could be so beautiful? The only app that I never close. Swipe left to refresh, right for a different location - barely need to open it fully - but when I do it's all set out in such a way that makes getting the information easy. Nice customisation options in the settings, too.

- YTPlayer
I don't think I'd ever watch YouTube videos on my phone if it wasn't for YTPlayer. Nice, ergonomic layout, makes getting to my subscribed channels easily. Video nearly always plays perfectly first time, some issues in the past for that, but improving for sure.

- File Browser
Genuinely don't know what I'd do without it. It does it's job without ever making a fuss, without ever screwing up. What more is there to say? It works.

Honourable mentions: Tweetian, SailGrande, Truly Yours (amazing app for downloading ambiences), Dalvik stop! (my battery thanks you) and Call Recorder.

I've not included any first party apps. If I were to do so, the browser (if only for the incredible improvements made) and settings (awesome from a usability standpoint) would be right up there.

Last edited by From Vertu with Love; 2015-01-07 at 16:50.

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Posts: 78 | Thanked: 200 times | Joined on Nov 2013
Jolla together app
Friends (we need an update yesterday! )

Honestly, five is too little. There are many other well-made apps: Webcat, LLS player, YTplayer, Screenshot, Quick launcher...
Posts: 307 | Thanked: 488 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ USA around Chicago
My native favorites
1. Email
2. ocNews
3. Calculator
4. People
5. YTPlayer

Other native apps I very much enjoy:
Call Recorder
Messaging. I really need multiple windows, but it is still pretty good.
Poor Maps is getting there. Hopefully I can stop using Android apps soon.

I installed Android just because:
1. Waze - best navigation. period. - Don't know how, but it works GREAT even on 2G, without any offline support, in USA. It's search finds addresses way better than Nokia Here (beta). I also love the impressively reliable social reporting of Cops/Hazard, etc.

2. Whatsapp, Since I have no native choice, I wish Mitakuuluu still worked on my Jolla. Android version interface is really bad compared to Mitakuuluu, which was fun to use. Looking forward to Coderus to come up with a solution.

Community System Patches: (why everyone forgot about these?)

1. Event View Control Center. Cannot use Jolla without this patch.
Apps for iPhone & iPad
Malayalam Keyboard for iPhoneTelugu Keyboard for iPhoneGujarati Keyboard for iPhone

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jimmy neutron's Avatar
Posts: 140 | Thanked: 95 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Andromeda Galaxy
My Top five...

-File Browser

Android apps...
-showbox (movies & shows)
-HERE Maps

Jimmy Neutron
Brain Blast !!! Never trust atoms they make up Everything...
Posts: 738 | Thanked: 819 times | Joined on Jan 2012 @ Berlin
Sailfish Apps
Call Recorder
Cargo Dock

Android Apps
Marantz Remote App
Markkyboy's Avatar
Posts: 433 | Thanked: 727 times | Joined on Oct 2012 @ Costa Blanca, España
Most favoured/used apps;

1. terminal
2. file browser
3. sailfish reboot
4. homescreen refresher
5. warehouse

and not necessarily in that order
..oO(Don't just sit there standing around, pick up a shovel and sweep up!)Oo..
Posts: 72 | Thanked: 194 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Norway
Apart from Jollas own and flashlight:
- Emacs
- gpodder
- Warehouse
- local android app for VPN access (key generator)
- USB switch

Other handy android apps (until Sailfish comes)
- local app for local transport

I am looking into different apps, but not using that many on a regular basis.

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