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New release is out - 0.12.0

This release introduces Mapnik styles (@Thra11, thank you for suggestion) and night mode as well. The available styles are "default" and "car" . The styles are almost the same with the gas stations dropped in pecking order for the default and shown at lower zooms for car. However, the base is there and, if someone is interested, its possible to adjust available styles to show pedestrian/bicycle/transport layers more prominently (or coffee shops, for that matter).

For styles to show up in the clients, one has to add them into the list of basemaps. Which brings me to the question: Poor Maps users - do you use @1 OSM Scout Server layer or should we just remove it and simplify the matter by keeping @2 only? Note that larger tiles lead to more efficient rendering.

From this release, Mapnik supports day/night styles as well. It should be all configured and supported by modRana and Poor Maps via different basemaps already.

This release fixes a bug that slowed down Mapnik rendering by over sizing buffer around each tile. It should increase rendering speed for all clients. The increase would be more significant for clients requesting small tiles, such as modRana.

The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to rinigus For This Useful Post:
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The new release is out - 0.13.0, code name Beta 1

This release is mainly about polishing GUI and simplification of configuration settings.

This release introduces profiles that allow you to simply select the backends that you wish and configures storage and settings accordingly. Default profile is set to Mapnik/Geocoder-NLP/Valhalla. So, here is a shift of the default settings as suggested earlier in this thread. You can still select each backend individually if you wish by setting profile to Custom.

On the first start (and should be only for one time), you are greeted with the wizard that guides you through selection of profiles and languages for address parsing. If the wizard comes back on other program starts as the small-town leader of French resistance (only for those who get the joke), please file it as a bug.

I have implemented all the functionality that I was planning for 1.0 release. The remaining bugs/issues that I am aware of are at . In addition, I may work on before making 1.0 release. If there is something more that should be adjusted before that release, please let me know.

I hope that you enjoy using it!

Edit: 0.13.1 has updated translations and a bugfix related to POI search (thank you @MartinK for reporting it).

Last edited by rinigus; 2017-07-07 at 20:53. Reason: 0.13.1

The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to rinigus For This Useful Post:
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Hi all,

I get a corrupted file when downloading "europe-france" which is a pity after the 9Gb download. In fact the mapnik.sqlite is broken, said the log file.

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to rigow For This Useful Post:
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Originally Posted by rigow View Post
Hi all,

I get a corrupted file when downloading "europe-france" which is a pity after the 9Gb download. In fact the mapnik.sqlite is broken, said the log file.
Thank you for reporting, I will look into it ASAP. Until its resolved, I suggest to get regions of France that you are interested in. It may even end up as a faster solution for rendering than getting France as a single package. As it is, map drawing, search, and routing all support databases that are split into sub-regions in the default profile (mapnik/geocoder-nlp/valhalla).

I'll get back here when I get France downloaded and tested.

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Originally Posted by rigow View Post
Hi all,

I get a corrupted file when downloading "europe-france" which is a pity after the 9Gb download. In fact the mapnik.sqlite is broken, said the log file.
I just managed to download France on PC and mapnik seems to be fine with France nicely drawn. So, the file on the server shouldn't be corrupted.

What's exactly in the corrupted message? Does it state that the territory is subscribed or that it still needs to download it?

If you still need to download it, put the device on charger to prevent it going to sleep while downloading and use as reliable connection as you can (usually WiFi).

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Hello rinigus,

Sorry for the delay, but I finally managed to update the French translations. It should be ok to include it in your next release.

Thanks for you work again !

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Originally Posted by Zeta View Post
Hello rinigus,

Sorry for the delay, but I finally managed to update the French translations. It should be ok to include it in your next release.

Thanks for you work again !
Thank you very much!. The next release would need few more strings to be translated since there is a bit of new functionality. But those strings should be easy. I still have to finish few things and then will be ready for the next cycle.

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I am planning to update the server in 1-2 days. As a part of the update, the database formats for Mapnik, Geocoder-NLP, and libosmscout will change and become incompatible with the earlier versions. So, if you critically depend on the server, please grab the maps that you would need this week to be sure that you would not be hit with any bug unprepared.

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New release and new maps are out: 0.14.0, 0.14.1 (Beta 2).

This release adds ability to search and draw maps in English, instead of the local language. Thus, for you who are in Asia and are struggling with the local script, you can fetch new maps and new version and would see names of the places in English, if available. For that, you would have to set "Preferred language" to English in Settings. I am expecting this to be the last new feature before 1.0.

Since Valhalla adds large number of files, I have rewrote cleanup code to use separate thread for deletion of files. It should not lock GUI while deleting.

As usual, translators have been working hard - thank you very much! I pulled translations this morning and will make new point release when more translations will be updated.

Edit: 0.14.1 increased the number of allowed queries done internally by geocoder-nlp in accordance with the number of languages. Without this, I was missing few search results that were working earlier.

Last edited by rinigus; 2017-07-19 at 10:58.

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User's manual coveeing setup of the server and clients (Poor Maps and modRana) is out and available at .

Hopefully, I covered the most important aspects. Let me know if I missed something. Look by CSS/HTML experts is welcome to get the fonts shown a bit bigger on Jolla browser in tutorials.

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