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Will MPlayer support streaming video? The Media Player on the N800 is so limited, I doubt Nokia will ever be able to make it as good as MPlayer. I would really like to stream windows media (.asx) to the N800.

MPlayer is great, I'm really looking forward to a version that takes advantage of the N800 capabilities.

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My ultimate goal is to stream from Orb ( to my N800. It does work today using real media, but at poor quality. If the N800 could play a 500kbs stream at 720x480, or even 640x480 at 25fps from Orb, I would happily pay for that feature. As a matter of fact, that is the only reason I spent $400 on the N800 to begin with. It actually works perfectly on my x51v, but the x51v screen is polarized in a way that gives me a headache when viewed in Landscape mode.
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2TheMostToys: Try installing the package linked from this page

MPlayer should already support streaming and play video if you feed an url to it (either in the command line which is the preferred way for experimenting first, or in the top edit box in GUI). But windows media is not the best supported codec and you may have some performance problems using it. Even mpeg4 may be a bit too heavy at 640x480 resolution right now, but 25 fps can be ok. So the best way to check if it works is to try

PS. Thanks to Nokia for providing me with N800 discount code. But as I live in a country where Nokia online shops are not available, it may take some time (months?) before I actually get this device in my hands.
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Serge: Whereabouts are you? I'm sure someone living in a country with the closest Nokia online shop would be happy to ship the device to you, since your work on mplayer's been so sterling!
Andrew Flegg -- |
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I have that version installed. How do I set the web browser to launch MPlayer instead of the built in Media Player. Or I guess I could try to copy and paste the URL, but I don't know how to view the URL of a link. Orb creates dynamic (very long and cryptic) links, when I click on the link text, it automatically launches the built in Media Player.

BTW, the demo video plays, but only almost as well (a little choppy and slight tearing) as the built in Media Player.

I also tried a few wmv's that easily play on the x51v and MPlayer hangs "GMPlauncher is not responding". I am not stuck on wmv as a format, it would just save me from doing a LOT of transcoding.

Thank you, I hope your N800 arrives promptly.
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Wmv doesn't play for me anymore. MPlayer 1.0rc1 on my PC plays this video fine. Earlier ports of rc1 for Maemo played it, although not perfectly. The current version simply freezes while it tries to load. This video uses wmv3 if that's important.

/ $ mplayer -vo xv /media/mmc1/video/theassumptionsong.wmv  -nosound -benchmark -endpos 10
MPlayer 1.0rc1-maemo.8 (C) 2000-2006 MPlayer Team
[MENU] Can't open menu config file: /home/user/.mplayer/menu.conf
Menu inited: /etc/mplayer/menu.conf

Playing /media/mmc1/video/theassumptionsong.wmv.
Cache fill:  0.00% (0 bytes)
ASF file format detected.
( pressed control-c )

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: enable_cache

MPlayer interrupted by signal 2 in module: demux_open
/ $
Edit: Latest mplayer on the 770 plays this fine, n800 freezes.

Last edited by sdrman; 2007-01-27 at 04:31. Reason: Include more information
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Originally Posted by aflegg View Post
Serge: Whereabouts are you? I'm sure someone living in a country with the closest Nokia online shop would be happy to ship the device to you, since your work on mplayer's been so sterling!
Thanks for your concern, I think that I can solve this problem myself even without the help from forum members (most likely even much faster than initially anticipated). It will only take some time, so I will be just a bit late to the N800 party Anyway, this time can be spent on improving Nokia 770 support in mplayer, it still has some potential for performance improvements.
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Please forgive me for not tracking back through this forum...
I plan on purchasing the 770, with the primary reason of watching training videos on the move... all the videos I have are in WMV format, and I have no desire to convert them to AVI... how simple would it be for someone like me (I'm an IT guy, but know little of programming) to get this MPlayer up and running for it?

Additionally, is the input code a one-time thing (like installing an add-on), or is it something I'd need to input everytime I wish to start up a WMV video.

Any additional words of advice would also be appreciated (as you can tell, I'm pretty much ignorant in this field).

Thank you in advance!
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Originally Posted by Bobaganoush View Post
Please forgive me for not tracking back through this forum...
I plan on purchasing the 770, with the primary reason of watching training videos on the move... all the videos I have are in WMV format, and I have no desire to convert them to AVI... how simple would it be for someone like me (I'm an IT guy, but know little of programming) to get this MPlayer up and running for it?

Additionally, is the input code a one-time thing (like installing an add-on), or is it something I'd need to input everytime I wish to start up a WMV video.

Any additional words of advice would also be appreciated (as you can tell, I'm pretty much ignorant in this field).

Thank you in advance!

mplayer is easy to setup. Just click on the installation file, wait for app installer to open, click install and you're done with it. It has wmv support built in.

Might help to know if you have wmv7,8,9 or 10 videos? I think mplayer might have 7 and 8 support, but not sure about 9. Definately not wmv10 support.

In any case, for example media converter allows you to drop all your video files for conversion in the evening, choose resolution, then click on convert and you'll have all videos converted by next morning (well you'll have converted versions as well, it doesn't consume the originals).

While you are thinking about buying N800, you might want to see if your training videos can be converted:

While I think wmv files might work well on the mplayer, I still recommend converting them.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2007
Thanks for the prompt response... so I guess conversion is the best way. My experience with conversion is with another piece of software called WinAVi and it takes a long time to convert my files. Maybe Media Covnverter will fair better, I'll give it a swing when I get out of work.

What's your take on the N800 vs. 770?? Apart from looking nicer, the N800 has the SD card slot... any other insight you may have as to which one I should go for? (the SD issue isn't the biggest problem)


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