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Originally Posted by janszoon View Post
  • Speed indicator (knots)
  • Distance (point to point)
  • 'Spot x' button takes you immediately to new POI based on GPS location (Rather than Menu >> POI >> New >> Based on position. A one click POI :-)
  • POI alert/sound (as hands might be other things, an alarm of approaching POI or eSPeak ;-) eg POI near Fishing spot 1
Something that free hiking and boating have in common besides the above needs is "free navigation" ie. not constrained by road or other vectors, simply a heading / distance display from current position to a POI (also known in most handheld GPS receivers as a waypoint). A question in another thread brought the fact that the n900 really has no hiking GPS app ala a garmin or some such handheld.

PS Apparently Advanced Geocaching Tool has direction and distance.

Last edited by handaxe; 2010-11-15 at 23:33.

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Originally Posted by Wikiwide View Post
Agree. There are different ways.
1. Use tracklogs which are close enough (10m?) to the start and end points as route.
2. Remember routes received from Google and reuse them.
3. Ask user to download OSM vector maps for wanted region and then use the vector maps for offline routing.
Option 3 seems the most interesting to me. I'm not sure how1 and 2 will work with unexpected detours (miss a turn, road construction/closure, etc)...

Class .. : Quiet One
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Originally Posted by jkq View Post
Check out the Device State section of the wiki and for a way to keep the screen on.

Cool thanks. I like the Mappero approach which controls screen blank via a number of states and conditions. eg unblank screen if:
Full screen and moving
Receiving GPS data

My N900 Photo Gallery and Slideshow

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I installed roadrunner (speed camera proximity detector) and tried to run it alongside modRana yesterday. They didn't appear to coexist well - both apps remained running but modRana wasn't redrawing the map with current location. I didn't have time to check closely but I suspect RR possibly wasn't updating GPS co-ord's correctly either.

I had assumed that multiple app's would be able to concurrently access the GPS without interfering - apparently not, unless I did something wrong during the test.

As RR is really just a collection of POI's with a proximity algorithm and an interface to alert the user when he gets within 'x' Km's of any individual POI, I wondered whether it would be possible to build this into a future modRana release?

It would be nice to have a prominent icon displayed on screen and/or an espeak prompt warning of any speed cam's on the upcoming stretch of road. Would take modRana one step closer to emulating a dedicated in-car navigation system. Thoughts?
n900: "with power comes responsibility".

If you buy a niche, highly modifiable smartphone and proceed to mess it up by blindly screwing around, don't just blame the phone, also blame yourelf.

Last edited by Pigro; 2010-11-16 at 10:14.

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
But it (Send to Phone) seems to be USA-only, so I would not be able to directly test/debug it there in Europe
So your'e saying you need testers?

Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
There are already some extracts available from Cloudmade and other sources.
I have scripts for pulling the Cloudmade stuff already for postgres. I'm sure I can adapt it.

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modRana V0.18-1 has just been released!

Whats new ?
  • directions and voice navigation are now multilingual
    • the dsitance anouncements and "you should be near the destination" are in english for now
  • online routing and POI search are now asynchronous
    • it works in background and you can normally work with the GUI while it runs
  • an option for autostarting navigation has been added
  • you can now turn the GPS on/off (the hardware, not just position updates)
  • a POI can be now set as current position (do this with GPS off, your position would be updated back at once otherwise)

More later
modRana: a flexible GPS navigation system
Mieru: a flexible manga and comic book reader
Universal Components - a solution for native looking yet component set independent QML appliactions (QtQuick Controls 2 & Silica supported as backends)

Last edited by MartinK; 2010-11-17 at 02:32.

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Originally Posted by MartinK View Post

Does point to point routing work for you ? The address routing is currently quite basic and does not find many existing addresses, but this should be improved quite soon.
To start a navigation session, you first need to successfully get a route (point to point, address to address, etc.), then go to "route" -> "Current route" -> "tools" and press the "Start navigation" button.
Not the original poster, but, I had the same problem. I had read this thread and much of the wiki, downloaded the maps, and took my n900 with me while driving to jury duty today. I had a vague idea of where to go but didn't know the specific route.

Opened the modRana route option, entered the route, it showed on the map, but I couldn't find a way to "start" the navigation routing. Finally pulled over to the shoulder of the road and stuffed the sim back into my Android phone. Google nav got me to jury duty.

While I had read much of the documentation and played with modRana at home, I hadn't navigated with it until I was in the car. Once I was in my car, I wasn't really in a position to dig through either this thread or the wiki to figure out how to activate the navigation.

When I got home I set up a route to my local deli and walked there. The navigation route worked fine at that point and I can see how to turn it on.

I do realize this is free, alpha software and you're only just starting to polish things up. But, it would be REALLY REALLY helpful to be able to turn on navigation from the Route page (rather than pre-program the Route and start it through "Route => Current Route => Tools".)

If POI is meant to be the way to type in addresses and get to them on the fly, then, it should (somehow) be made clear through the screens. Right now, I don't see anything that looks like it's meant for "on the fly" navigation.

There needs to be a way to suddenly activate GPS routing at a minimum for those "oh damn" moments when you're shifted to a detour you don't expect (edit: and didn't have modRana running till you were detoured -- I don't mean re-routing an existing session). Or, when you're out at a place you do know and are asked unexpectedly to drive somewhere you don't know.

Related to this, a way to *easily* chose start and end points (either for routes or POI) from your Contacts list addresses would be awesome. Something simpler than typing the address in by hand, which again necessitates pulling the car over when it may not be safe/convenient. I'm borrowing this from Android's Google Nav, which is the service I've been using. It doesn't seem like all that big a deal until you start to use it and it seeps into your GPS-expectation-subconscious .

Again, I do realize this is development software that one person is working on, not one of Google's pet "eternal beta" products that has a dedicated team updating it on a full-time basis. Reading over this thread I can see how modRana has been progressing over the past few months to really seem like it's catching up to Google Nav in performance.

Awesome software, hope you'll consider the suggestions, off to click the paypal support link!

Last edited by eachna; 2010-11-17 at 07:46.

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Posts: 451 | Thanked: 334 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by MartinK View Post
  • directions and voice navigation are now multilingual
Apparently this doesn't solve the UTF-8 international problem, just tried to navigate somewhere in Moscow, same as before. The "watch out for cliffs..." blue box is not displayed, nothing is said, and the prog gets stuck on repeatedly "saying", though nothing is said, one direction instruction, as apparent in the following debug:

**log: stdout redirected to (this :) log file
** making a list of available tracklogs
*  using this tracklog folder:
*  does it exist ?
*  there are 6 tracklogs available
Menu knows menu changed
Initialization complete in 230.00 ms
N900 rotation object initialized
sqlite tiles: initializing db for layer: Yahoo Maps
Clicked, sending menu:screenClicked
Clicked, sending set:menu:main
Menu knows menu changed
Clicked, sending set:menu:route
Menu knows menu changed
Clicked, sending ml:showPOI:setupCategoryList:showPOI:routeToActivePOI|set:menu:POICategories
Menu knows menu changed
drawing list: POICategories
drawing list: POICategories
Clicked, sending ml:showPOI:setupPOIList:9;showPOI:routeToActivePOI|set:menu:POIList
['9', 'showPOI:routeToActivePOI']
Menu knows menu changed
drawing list: POIList
drawing list: POIList
Clicked, sending ms:showPOI:setActivePOI:1|showPOI:routeToActivePOI
Sending message: md:route:route:type=ll2ll;fromLat=55.775116;fromLon=37.593932;toLat=55.772612;toLon=37.646232;
Routing 55.775116,37.593932 to 55.772612,37.646232
onlineServices: worker initialized
onlineServices: worker starting
Sending message: ml:notification:backgroundWorkNotify:enable|ms:route:cancelButton:enable
Sending message: mapView:recentreToPos
Menu knows menu changed
Sending message: ms:turnByTurn:start:closest
{'Status': {'code': 200, 'request': 'directions'}, 'Directions': {'Distance': {'html': '5.0&nbsp;km', 'meters': 4971}, 'copyrightsHtml': 'Map data ©2010 Geocentre Consulting ', 'summaryHtml': '5.0&nbsp;km (about 13 mins)', 'Routes': [{'Distance': {'html': '5.0&nbsp;km', 'meters': 4971}, 'End': {'coordinates': [37.646222999999999, 55.772604999999999, 0]}, 'Steps': [{'Distance': {'html': '150&nbsp;m', 'meters': 153}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.59404, 55.775060000000003, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">\u0443\u043b. \u0427\u0430\u044f\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">\u0443\u043b. \u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0430 \u041d\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 0, 'descriptionHtml': u'Head <b>southwest</b> on <b>\u0443\u043b. \u0427\u0430\u044f\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430</b> toward <b>\u0443\u043b. \u0410\u043b\u0435\u043a\u0441\u0430\u043d\u0434\u0440\u0430 \u041d\u0435\u0432\u0441\u043a\u043e\u0433\u043e</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 28, 'html': '28 secs'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 0}, {'Distance': {'html': '500&nbsp;m', 'meters': 486}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.592309999999998, 55.774079999999998, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Turn <emphasis level="strong">left</emphasis> at <emphasis level="strong">\u0443\u043b. 3-\u044f \u0422\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f-\u042f\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 4, 'descriptionHtml': u'Turn <b>left</b> at <b>\u0443\u043b. 3-\u044f \u0422\u0432\u0435\u0440\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f-\u042f\u043c\u0441\u043a\u0430\u044f</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 122, 'html': '2 mins'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 1}, {'Distance': {'html': '55&nbsp;m', 'meters': 55}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.597659999999998, 55.770919999999997, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Turn <emphasis level="strong">right</emphasis> at <emphasis level="strong">\u043f\u0435\u0440. \u041e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 9, 'descriptionHtml': u'Turn <b>right</b> at <b>\u043f\u0435\u0440. \u041e\u0440\u0443\u0436\u0435\u0439\u043d\u044b\u0439</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 11, 'html': '11 secs'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 2}, {'Distance': {'html': '75&nbsp;m', 'meters': 75}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.597029999999997, 55.770609999999998, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Turn <emphasis level="strong">left</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0446\u043e</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 12, 'descriptionHtml': u'Turn <b>left</b> toward <b>\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0446\u043e</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 18, 'html': '18 secs'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 3}, {'Distance': {'html': '200&nbsp;m', 'meters': 196}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.597799999999999, 55.770090000000003, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Turn <emphasis level="strong">left</emphasis> at <emphasis level="strong">\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0446\u043e/, \u0443\u043b. \u0411\u043e\u043b. \u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 14, 'descriptionHtml': u'Turn <b>left</b> at <b>\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0446\u043e/, \u0443\u043b. \u0411\u043e\u043b. \u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u0430\u044f</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 36, 'html': '36 secs'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 4}, {'Distance': {'html': '3.2&nbsp;km', 'meters': 3243}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.600239999999999, 55.771160000000002, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Continue straight onto <emphasis level="strong">\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0446\u043e</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 18, 'descriptionHtml': u'Continue straight onto <b>\u0421\u0430\u0434\u043e\u0432\u043e\u0435 \u041a\u043e\u043b\u044c\u0446\u043e</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 358, 'html': '5 mins'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 5}, {'Distance': {'html': '450&nbsp;m', 'meters': 440}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.649459999999998, 55.768479999999997, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Make a <emphasis level="strong">U-turn</emphasis> at <emphasis level="strong">\u043f\u043b. \u041a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0412\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0430</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 36, 'descriptionHtml': u'Make a <b>U-turn</b> at <b>\u043f\u043b. \u041a\u0440\u0430\u0441\u043d\u044b\u0435 \u0412\u043e\u0440\u043e\u0442\u0430</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 154, 'html': '2 mins'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 6}, {'Distance': {'html': '290&nbsp;m', 'meters': 287}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.643880000000003, 55.770339999999997, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Turn <emphasis level="strong">right</emphasis> at <emphasis level="strong">\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043f. \u0410\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0430 \u0421\u0430\u0445\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 41, 'descriptionHtml': u'Turn <b>right</b> at <b>\u043f\u0440\u043e\u0441\u043f. \u0410\u043a\u0430\u0434\u0435\u043c\u0438\u043a\u0430 \u0421\u0430\u0445\u0430\u0440\u043e\u0432\u0430</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 31, 'html': '31 secs'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 7}, {'Distance': {'html': '36&nbsp;m', 'meters': 36}, 'Point': {'coordinates': [37.646659999999997, 55.772390000000001, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': u'Take the 1st <emphasis level="strong">left</emphasis> onto <emphasis level="strong">\u043f\u0435\u0440. \u0414\u043e\u043a\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0432</emphasis>', 'polylineIndex': 43, 'descriptionHtml': u'Take the 1st <b>left</b> onto <b>\u043f\u0435\u0440. \u0414\u043e\u043a\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0432</b>', 'Duration': {'seconds': 48, 'html': '48 secs'}, 'visited': False, 'id': 8}, {u'Distance': {u'meters': 100}, u'Point': {'coordinates': [37.64622, 55.772600000000004, 0]}, 'descriptionEspeak': '<p xml:lang="en">you <emphasis level="strong">should</emphasis> be near the destination<p>', u'descriptionHtml': '<p xml:lang="en">you <b>should</b> be near the destination<p>', 'visited': False, 'id': 9}], 'polylineEndIndex': 45, 'Duration': {'seconds': 806, 'html': '13 mins'}, 'summaryHtml': '5.0&nbsp;km (about 13 mins)'}], 'Polyline': {'zoomFactor': 16, 'points': 'cqlsIwqmdFdAtB~@~B|@bB??jAqCpA{BpA}CfKaS??n@xBLB??fByC??Ae@cDwJo@iA??g@{ByE}Xk@gCaB_Zc@gNs@ef@O_RFuLVkJ\\qH`CcZJwClBoYbAyJzHg_@jFwXhBiI??i@y@eBrIeBnK}BpL??yKkP??U`@St@', 'numLevels': 4, 'id': 'route', 'levels': 'B??BB???BB?BBBB??BB??@@???@?????@??BB???BBBB?B'}, 'Duration': {'seconds': 806, 'html': '13 mins'}}, 'Placemark': [{'Point': {'coordinates': [37.593932000000002, 55.775115999999997, 0]}, 'AddressDetails': {'Thoroughfare': {'ThoroughfareName': u'\u0443\u043b. \u0427\u0430\u044f\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430'}, 'Accuracy': 0}, 'id': '', 'address': u'\u0443\u043b. \u0427\u0430\u044f\u043d\u043e\u0432\u0430'}, {'Point': {'coordinates': [37.646231999999998, 55.772612000000002, 0]}, 'AddressDetails': {'Thoroughfare': {'ThoroughfareName': u'\u043f\u0435\u0440. \u0414\u043e\u043a\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0432'}, 'Accuracy': 0}, 'id': '', 'address': u'\u043f\u0435\u0440. \u0414\u043e\u043a\u0443\u0447\u0430\u0435\u0432'}], 'name': 'from:(55.775115999999997, 37.593932000000002) to:(55.772612000000002, 37.646231999999998)'}
Sending message: notification:use at own risk, watch for cliffs, etc.#2
onlineServices: worker finished 
Sending message: ml:notification:backgroundWorkNotify:disable|ms:route:cancelButton:disable
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>
triggering espeak nr. 1
saying: <p xml:lang="en">in <emphasis level="strong">9 meters</emphasis></p><br>Head <emphasis level="strong">southwest</emphasis> on <emphasis level="strong">ул. Чаянова</emphasis> toward <emphasis level="strong">ул. Александра Невского</emphasis>

the above routing command goes on forever, until you close modrana with the x button, while the GUI doesn't respond to anything.

Shutting-down modules
storePOI: disconnecting from db
gpsd:N900 - GPS device successfully stopped
**log: redirectiong stdout back
I'm sure that you need some ssml tag to specify a different lang for the street name if it's in Russian and any other language for that matter, as the above routing command in modrana specifies the whole text is in English, which it isn't. But not sure whether this causes the lockup loop. What could be the prob?
Posts: 451 | Thanked: 334 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by eachna View Post
But, it would be REALLY REALLY helpful to be able to turn on navigation from the Route page (rather than pre-program the Route and start it through "Route => Current Route => Tools".)
If you go to Options > Navigation, you can set it so that routing starts automatically when you select where to route to...

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PS, I just checked to make sure it wasn't a problem with routing or something on my N900, anyhow routed from point to point in Prague, from Vaclavske nam. to Zlute lazne, no prob.

Didn't hear the directions, since I'm not in Prague now, but the "watch out..." box appeared, and I could touch reroute and it said "rerouting"...

Thus it seriously must be something with the UTF-8 text in Russian, as it doesn't get stuck in the GUI-nonresponsive state while routing in Czech Republic...

The Following User Says Thank You to 白い熊 For This Useful Post:

bada rox, martin_rocks, modrana, navigation, openstreetmap, the best, wehasgps

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