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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Version 2.2 of what? Are you referring to gregale (Maemo 2.2) or to Maemo Mapper v2.0.2?

In the list of installed apps, try selecting Maemo Mapper and pressing the "(i)" button at the bottom of the screen. Search the popup dialog for information about what could be wrong.
what ever the error is, i was not able to install new version of Mapper, i am sorry for not giving you much details , i am trying the link which you gave us in the first post of this thread.

any ways i tried doing update in 'application manager', and successfully installed to new version of Mapper.

Thank you.
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what do I need to do to install on my 810?
I get dependency errors and don't know where to get the 2008 repository
Sorry - searched the thread for 810 and got 0 results did not see the previous page.

Last edited by gemniii42; 2007-11-25 at 01:01.
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Just for info I too have "lock-up" problem - will sometimes only run 20 sec b4 the gps info is lost .
the strange thing is when i dont need the maps its works but i am lost is dont !!!!!.

Only happened after upgrade to 2.5
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First, a word of thanks to Gnuite! This is a fabulous application and I certainly appreciate all the hard work you've put into it. I am also grateful for your participation in the forums, patiently explaining and bug fixing for all us whiny users

My question (and I have searched, and read this entire thread) is:

How do I connect to the built-in gps receiver in my N810?

In settings, when I 'scan' for a gps receiver, it looks for a BT device and finds nothing. I even started the wayfinder app to get a gps signal, but don't seem to be able to make the connection. I am sure it is something fairly simple...thanks in advance!
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Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
First, a word of thanks to Gnuite! This is a fabulous application and I certainly appreciate all the hard work you've put into it. I am also grateful for your participation in the forums, patiently explaining and bug fixing for all us whiny users

My question (and I have searched, and read this entire thread) is:

How do I connect to the built-in gps receiver in my N810?

In settings, when I 'scan' for a gps receiver, it looks for a BT device and finds nothing. I even started the wayfinder app to get a gps signal, but don't seem to be able to make the connection. I am sure it is something fairly simple...thanks in advance!
I can't guarantee Maemo Mapper will work with the N810 at all (much less the internal GPS) until I actually have an N810, and thanks to the U.S. release delays, that may not be until next month.

Until then, with a little work, you can probably get Maemo Mapper to work with the internal GPS if you use GPSD. Set your GPSD hostname in Maemo Mapper to "localhost" (default port, 2947), then start GPSD and attach GPSD to the internal device. That last step is vague, but I have no idea how GPSD works on the N810, so you'll have to figure that out yourself, or get help from someone more familiar with the internal GPS receiver.

Good luck. And please share your findings (success or failure) on the board. Thanks.

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Originally Posted by Greyghost View Post
My question (and I have searched, and read this entire thread) is:

How do I connect to the built-in gps receiver in my N810?

In settings, when I 'scan' for a gps receiver, it looks for a BT device and finds nothing. I even started the wayfinder app to get a gps signal, but don't seem to be able to make the connection. I am sure it is something fairly simple...thanks in advance!
To make the steps, Gnuite described a little bit easier, you can try the following:

- start the bundled Maps-Application and let it enable GPS for you, keep the application running! (alternatively you can go to Control Panel -> GPS Location and let it update your location, in this case you need to keep this tool open)
- start MaemoMapper, goto settings, enter as GPSD Host: localhost, Port: 2947 (if not configured allready)
- enable GPS in MaemoMapper via GPS -> Enable GPS

This at least works with my N800 running OS2008 and the Nokia LD-3W GPS Module connected via Bluetooth (of course i can also use the normal Bluetooth-Connection from MaemoMapper, which does not work for you).

I guess the steps described above should work on the N810, so please try it out.


I checked out how Chinook handles GPS a little bit, it seems that GPSD is started via DBus by the integrated Wayfinder application and the Control Panel. dbus-monitor shows the following while enabling GPS:

signal sender=:1.196 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/hildon/Statusbar; interface=org.hildon.Statusbar; member=UpdateStatus
string "/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/hildon-status-bar-bluetooth.desktop"
boolean true
signal sender=:1.196 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/hildon/Statusbar; interface=org.hildon.Statusbar; member=UpdateStatus
string "/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/location.desktop"
boolean true

After this, gpsd is running with the following arguments:

/usr/sbin/gpsd -n -N -F /tmp/.gpsd_ctrl_sock /dev/rfcomm0

(on the N810 it should be /dev/pgps instead /dev/rfcomm0, as far as i can see from the init-scripts)

When exiting wayfinder or the Control Panel applet, following dbus-events appear:

signal sender=:1.196 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/hildon/Statusbar; interface=org.hildon.Statusbar; member=UpdateStatus
string "/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/location.desktop"
boolean false
signal sender=:1.196 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/hildon/Statusbar; interface=org.hildon.Statusbar; member=UpdateStatus
string "/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/hildon-status-bar-bluetooth.desktop"
boolean true

If i can find some time in the next days, i will investigate if these dbus-events really activate and deactivate the gps. I will let you know.


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Originally Posted by gnuite View Post
Good luck. And please share your findings (success or failure) on the board. Thanks.
Gnuite, thanks for the prompt and informative reply. Short answer: It works!!

I figured that I had to 'trick' the internal GPS into thinking it was being used, and initially used the map app, but as Chelli pointed out, I was also able do this by going to the control panel and checking the GPS location; then I just left the window open. BTW Chelli, thanks for the clarification; most helpful for that last little bit!

Then, in MM settings, I followed your instructions for connecting to GPSD and it worked just the way you planned it (right?)! I found my location and zoomed in, then watched in amazement as it actually tracked my path around my house! And I have a very small house I have no idea why this might be useful, but dang, I think it's just amazing that it does.

A word of thanks is in order, sir, for this wonderful application.


You deserve more than a single word; you have earned high praise for this elegant implementation of a seriously useful and customizable tool. In sharp The integration of multiple maps, POIs, route planning and tracking is simple, intuitive and quite polished, given the serious constraints of coding for the tablet.

Especially when you don't have one. Sorry about that.

Understand though, that my feelings of guilt are in some way assuaged by the knowledge that you will soon have one and that you will not only make far better use of it than I, but I'll be the beneficiary of your efforts.

In other words, thanks again.
Posts: 874 | Thanked: 316 times | Joined on Jun 2007 @ London UK
You deserve more than a single word
The last time I checked out I spotted a button marked 'Make A Donation'.

What is that for I wonder?
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Originally Posted by Chelli View Post
I checked out how Chinook handles GPS a little bit, it seems that GPSD is started via DBus by the integrated Wayfinder application and the Control Panel. dbus-monitor shows the following while enabling GPS:

signal sender=:1.196 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/hildon/Statusbar; interface=org.hildon.Statusbar; member=UpdateStatus
string "/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/hildon-status-bar-bluetooth.desktop"
boolean true
signal sender=:1.196 -> dest=(null destination) path=/org/hildon/Statusbar; interface=org.hildon.Statusbar; member=UpdateStatus
string "/usr/share/applications/hildon-status-bar/location.desktop"
boolean true
I did a little investigation, and UpdateStatus appears to be a signal (not a method), so it's probably just notification about the change in status of the GPS receiver and/or GPSD (on or off).

I've been trying to incorporate the new libgpsmgr/libgpsbt framework into Maemo Mapper, and while the libgpsbt framework uses DBUS to search for a bluetooth GPS receiver, the libgpsmgr framework that actually controls GPSD itself doesn't appear to use DBUS at all. Looking at the code in gregale/bora, I think libgpsmgr uses lock files to track GPS clients. There are new versions of libgpsmgr and libgpsbt, but Nokia appears to have closed-source them (grr!), so I can't see how they work. Perhaps the new libgpsmgr controls access to the internal GPS receiver.
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Maemo Mapper v2.1 has been released.

This release adds the beginnings of a DBUS interface. There is only one method right now, set_view_center, which allows an application to set the latitude, longitude, and zoom level of Maemo Mapper's view. This could be used, for example, to allow a third-party application to focus your view on a particular point of interest. More DBUS methods will come in future versions of Maemo Mapper. See the dbus-ifc.h file for details about the DBUS interface.

Also, I've made many changes under the hood in the communication with a GPS receiver. GPS communication is now entirely handled via GPSD, which should hopefully make the connection more stable and flexible. It should solve some of the "connects for a few seconds, then hangs" issues, and it also lays the groundwork for support for the N810's internal GPS receiver.

There is still no official N810 release of Maemo Mapper, but if you happen to be using Maemo Mapper on an N810, try using the "File Path" receiver type and entering "/dev/pgps" as the path.

  • Changed GPS interaction to use GPSD exclusively, including the new libgpsmgr framework. This allows Maemo Mapper to automatically find a GPS receiver (no need to specify one in Settings, although Maemo Mapper will try to prefer the one you specify). Hopefully, this will also address the "hanging" issues that people have been having, and it should also make the migration to Chinook easier.
  • Added an initial stab at supporting the internal GPS receiver on the N810. Use the "File Path" receiver type with "/dev/pgps" to use the N810's internal GPS receiver. ("/dev/pgps" is now the default.)
  • Added the framework for a DBUS interface, including a single DBUS method (set_view_center). More to come later....

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