
Thread Tools
Posts: 175 | Thanked: 70 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Pretty awesome app.

I wish it had a few things though. I wish it had a downloads tab that showed you downloads you had in progress and also a resume download button for when your connection gets lost.

Other than that I think its a great app with smooth transitions, a simple interface. and a pretty quick search feature.
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2010
My Mytube App is having a prob...

Seems like its just downloading the Thumbnail and the Info only...

No Video Downloaded...

And When i clcik play....Nothing Happened...

Any solution on this?

I dloaded the .deb installed successfully but after that....still no changes...

i think im missing the:

where can i get them? in the previous pages...the links for the yotube.dl is pointing to other file...

its pointing to chiahet.rar is that correct?


Last edited by angelbratz; 2010-07-24 at 09:38.
manvik60's Avatar
Posts: 128 | Thanked: 46 times | Joined on Mar 2010 @ Switzerland
Yes, mytube is not working at the moment, something changed at the Youtube side.

Just wait until someone fixes the program, keep watching the threads.

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It looks like youtube-dl got an update just today. I downloaded the script, and it works on my n800. It's stdout will need to be modified though, for it to be compatible with mYTube.

If I have time later today, I might see if I can hack it up. If someone else wants to take a stab at it, you wouldn't hurt my feelings
thp's Avatar
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gPodder is affected by this change as well. For all developers: The change should be easy - the "get_video"-URL only has to be changed slightly, no new "secret" parameters have to be determined, the old "token" (t) and the ID (video_id) should be enough, but the parameters (and maybe even their order) seem to be important.

Here's the fix in gPodder's development repository:

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Dangsss.....So its not just me alone...

But...What im facing now is nothing happen when i click Play...

Im just curious on how its actual behavior if just by playing it...

I cant Dload and cant play....Can search...But cannot play...
pycage's Avatar
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Originally Posted by thp View Post
gPodder is affected by this change as well. For all developers: The change should be easy - the "get_video"-URL only has to be changed slightly, no new "secret" parameters have to be determined, the old "token" (t) and the ID (video_id) should be enough, but the parameters (and maybe even their order) seem to be important.

Here's the fix in gPodder's development repository:
Oh, it's actually easier than this. Just look for the fmt_url_map stuff in the HTML file and you'll get all download URLs served on a silver plate.
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Posts: 52 | Thanked: 49 times | Joined on Feb 2008
This script seems to be working. Copy it to /usr/bin and be sure to set it to youtube-dl and instead of youtube-dl-x in mYTube's preferences. I also had to set the format also, to get it to work. My settings under youtube-dl are:

youtube-dl -f 5 -o %d -- %s
Attached Files
File Type: gz youtube-dl.gz (17.0 KB, 175 views)

The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to liquid217 For This Useful Post:
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thanks, for mie it work now.

youtube-dl in /usr/bin (0755 not forget)
Posts: 55 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jun 2010
Originally Posted by liquid217 View Post
This script seems to be working. Copy it to /usr/bin and be sure to set it to youtube-dl and instead of youtube-dl-x in mYTube's preferences. I also had to set the format also, to get it to work. My settings under youtube-dl are:

youtube-dl -f 5 -o %d -- %s

Seems like im still facing the Video Not Playing and when Download... it just dload the info and the Thumbnail only...

Am i missing something???

But i think im still missing a thinggy...may i have the link where to get the that im supposed to put it in /usr/lib/pyhton2.5/


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