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Shaichico's Avatar
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Stockholm (formally Amsterdam, London)
Please find enclosed a transcript trace of my failure

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 153, sync_all_profiles(widget=<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x40b6fda0 (GtkToolButton at 0x4ae9d8)>, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b6fcb0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x444060)>)
        id = i[0]
        do_profile_sync(id, data)
  variables: {'data': ('local', <hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b6fcb0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x444060)>), 'id': ('local', 2), 'do_profile_sync': ('global', <function do_profile_sync at 0x40bded70>)}
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 125, do_profile_sync(id=2, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b6fcb0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x444060)>)
            profile['remoteSource'], \
            profile['lastUpdate'], progress)
  variables: {'profile': ('local', {'lastUpdate': 0, 'direction': 0, 'lastLocalUpdate': 0, 'remoteSourceTitle': u'', 'remoteAccountId': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'localSource': u'0', 'remoteSource': u'', 'localSourceTitle': None, 'id': 2}), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bb6800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x5571a0)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 495, syncFromGoogle(pid=2, localSource=u'0', remoteSource=u'', lastSync=0, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bb6800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x5571a0)>)
      getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, \
  variables: {'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bb6800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x5571a0)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 221, getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid=2, localSource=0, remoteSource=u'', lastSync=0, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bb6800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x5571a0)>)
        if e.recurrence <> None:
          recurrence = process_recurrence(e.recurrence.text)
          if not recurrence:
  variables: {'recurrence': ('local', {'dtend': '2009-03-23', 'dtstart': '2009-03-22', 'rrule': 'FREQ=WEEKLY;INTERVAL=1;BYDAY=SU'}), 'process_recurrence': ('global', <function process_recurrence at 0x40b54730>), 'e.recurrence.text': ('local', 'DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20080404T173000\nDTEND;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20080404T180000\nRRULE:FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20080421T173000;COUNT=8;INTE\n RVAL=1\nBEGIN:VTIMEZONE\nTZID:Europe/Stockholm\nX-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Stockholm\nBEGIN:DAYLIGHT\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0100\nTZOFFSETTO:+0200\nTZNAME:CEST\nDTSTART:19700329T020000\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU\nEND:DAYLIGHT\nBEGIN:STANDARD\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0200\nTZOFFSETTO:+0100\nTZNAME:CET\nDTSTART:19701025T030000\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU\nEND:STANDARD\nEND:VTIMEZONE\n')}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 182, process_recurrence(rstring='DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Stockholm:20080404T173000\nDT...BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU\nEND:STANDARD\nEND:VTIMEZONE\n')
      recurrence['dtstart'] = convert_date(
      recurrence['dtend'] = convert_date(
  variables: {'recurrence': ('local', {'dtstart': '1970-03-29T02:00:00', 'rrule': 'FREQ=WEEKLY;BYDAY=MO,WE,FR;WKST=MO;UNTIL=20080421T173000;COUNT=8;INTE'}), 'convert_date': ('global', <function convert_date at 0x40b546f0>), 'end': ('local', None)}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
I have omitted my personal email with "myemail"

Posts: 22 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Slovenia
Originally Posted by Cargi77 View Post
All day events created in google calendar quite often show up as 2 day events on my n900 (with the original date as first day).
Same problem here, full-day events end up as two-day events in the calendar. After a quick glance, I discovered the events are stored as day1 2am - day2 1:59am. Seems like timezone issue?

EDIT: can't say for sure, but this started happening in the latter versions (or maybe since PR1.2). For some time before that, I'm pretty sure this wasn't happening.
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 641 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Switzerland
Originally Posted by rm42 View Post
I just ran into this error and I think I know why. You see when I created a profile in Erminig I failed to specify which local store to use. I tought it was simply going to use the local calendar as a whole. I think you need to validate that form to ensure that a specific local calendar (what many of us are used to thinkin of as 'categories') has been selected.
Hmm, I don't think that this is the problem, since the local store is (for the moment) hard-coded.

I will however explore this possibility.

Posts: 17 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Austria / Voecklabruck
hi lorelei!
erminig-ng is great, but... :-)
i have a error log, too...
i am using it with 4 calenders but now 1 cal makes problems..
here is the log: (hope it helps..?!)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 80, sync_profile(widget=<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x40b70580 (GtkToolButton at 0x4cc130)>, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b6d3a0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x45c060)>)
if selected_id:
do_profile_sync(selected_id, data)
variables: {'data': ('local', <hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b6d3a0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x45c060)>), 'selected_id': ('local', 4), 'do_profile_sync': ('global', <function do_profile_sync at 0x40c2c9b0>)}
File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 125, do_profile_sync(id=4, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b6d3a0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x45c060)>)
profile['remoteSource'], \
profile['lastUpdate'], progress)
variables: {'profile': ('local', {'lastUpdate': 1274825974, 'direction': 0, 'lastLocalUpdate': 1274825980, 'remoteSourceTitle': u'3BEG', 'remoteAccountId': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'localSource': u'7', 'remoteSource': u' .com', 'localSourceTitle': u'3BEG', 'id': 4}), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b6daf8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ddb30)>)}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 495, syncFromGoogle(pid=4, localSource=u'7', remoteSource=u'', lastSync=1274825974, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b6daf8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ddb30)>)
getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, \
variables: {'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b6daf8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ddb30)>)}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 256, getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid=4, localSource=7, remoteSource=u'', lastSync=1274825974, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b6daf8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ddb30)>)
insertGoogleEventLocally(event, int(localSource), pid)
variables: {'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'localSource': ('local', 7), 'pid': ('local', 4), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>), 'insertGoogleEventLocally': ('global', <function insertGoogleEventLocally at 0x40b55170>)}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 91, insertGoogleEventLocally(event=<Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>, cid=7, pid=4)
if localID:
updateGoogleEventLocally(event, cid, localID)
variables: {'updateGoogleEventLocally': ('global', <function updateGoogleEventLocally at 0x40b551b0>), 'localID': ('local', u'992'), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>), 'cid': ('local', 7)}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 100, updateGoogleEventLocally(event=<Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>, cid=7, localID=u'992')
# XXX Check for failed updates!
cwrapper.updateLocalEvent(cid, event, localID)
variables: {'cwrapper.updateLocalEvent': ('global', <function updateLocalEvent at 0x407f1e70>), 'localID': ('local', u'992'), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>), 'cid': ('local', 7)}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 97, updateLocalEvent(cid=7, evt=<Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>, lid=u'992')
evt.get_start(), evt.get_end(), evt.get_rrule(), \
evt.get_rtype(), evt.get_until())
variables: {'evt.get_until': ('local', <bound method Event.get_until of <Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>>), 'evt.get_rtype': ('local', <bound method Event.get_rtype of <Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>>)}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 98, get_until(self=<Event.Event instance at 0x40c49878>)
# ??
return int(iso8601.parse(iso_date)) + 1
variables: {'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'iso8601.parse': ('global', <function parse at 0x40befb70>), 'iso_date': ('local', '--::')}
File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 22, parse(s='--::')
if m is None or != s:
raise ValueError, "unknown or illegal ISO-8601 date format: " + `s`
gmt = __extract_date(m) + __extract_time(m) + (0, 0, 0)
variables: {'s': ('local', '--::'), 'ValueError': ('builtin', <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>)}
ValueError: unknown or illegal ISO-8601 date format: '--::'
greetz drnorton
jcompagner's Avatar
Posts: 290 | Thanked: 165 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Since support for recurring events i am not able to sync my main gmail calendar.
I started completely new (deleting the .erminig.db file in the user dir)

But still the same error:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 80, sync_profile(widget=<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x40ba8c10 (GtkToolButton at 0x4bf150)>, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b62e40 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x454060)>)
      if selected_id:
        do_profile_sync(selected_id, data)
  variables: {'data': ('local', <hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b62e40 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x454060)>), 'selected_id': ('local', 1), 'do_profile_sync': ('global', <function do_profile_sync at 0x40bd1d70>)}
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 125, do_profile_sync(id=1, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b62e40 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x454060)>)
            profile['remoteSource'], \
            profile['lastUpdate'], progress)
  variables: {'profile': ('local', {'lastUpdate': 0, 'direction': 0, 'lastLocalUpdate': 0, 'remoteSourceTitle': u'Johan Compagner', 'remoteAccountId': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'localSource': u'10', 'remoteSource': u'', 'localSourceTitle': u'Gmail Prive', 'id': 1}), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b55af8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x54e460)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 495, syncFromGoogle(pid=1, localSource=u'10', remoteSource=u'', lastSync=0, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b55af8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x54e460)>)
      getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, \
  variables: {'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b55af8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x54e460)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 221, getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid=1, localSource=10, remoteSource=u'', lastSync=0, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40b55af8 (GtkProgressBar at 0x54e460)>)
        if e.recurrence <> None:
          recurrence = process_recurrence(e.recurrence.text)
          if not recurrence:
  variables: {'recurrence': ('local', {'dtend': '1950-03-18', 'dtstart': '1950-03-17', 'rrule': 'FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=12;UNTIL=20990316T230000Z;WKST=MO;BYMONTHDAY=17'}), 'process_recurrence': ('global', <function process_recurrence at 0x40b46730>), 'e.recurrence.text': ('local', 'DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:19810901T010000\nDTEND;TZID=Europe/Berlin:19810901T020000\nRRULE:FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=12;WKST=MO;BYMONTHDAY=31\nBEGIN:VTIMEZONE\nTZID:Europe/Berlin\nX-LIC-LOCATION:Europe/Berlin\nBEGIN:DAYLIGHT\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0100\nTZOFFSETTO:+0200\nTZNAME:CEST\nDTSTART:19700329T020000\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=3;BYDAY=-1SU\nEND:DAYLIGHT\nBEGIN:STANDARD\nTZOFFSETFROM:+0200\nTZOFFSETTO:+0100\nTZNAME:CET\nDTSTART:19701025T030000\nRRULE:FREQ=YEARLY;BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU\nEND:STANDARD\nEND:VTIMEZONE\n')}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 182, process_recurrence(rstring='DTSTART;TZID=Europe/Berlin:19810901T010000\nDTEND...BYMONTH=10;BYDAY=-1SU\nEND:STANDARD\nEND:VTIMEZONE\n')
      recurrence['dtstart'] = convert_date(
      recurrence['dtend'] = convert_date(
  variables: {'recurrence': ('local', {'dtstart': '1970-03-29T02:00:00', 'rrule': 'FREQ=MONTHLY;INTERVAL=12;WKST=MO;BYMONTHDAY=31'}), 'convert_date': ('global', <function convert_date at 0x40b466f0>), 'end': ('local', None)}
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'group'
After this the sync just keeps hanging and i have to kill erminig process
There is something synched i have about 489 events now in that new calendar. But i dont know how far it got (first time i did go pretty far), and that last update still says "never" and i if i sync again it comes with an other error very quickly:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 153, sync_all_profiles(widget=<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x40b62df0 (GtkToolButton at 0x4bc1d8)>, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b62e40 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x451060)>)
        id = i[0]
        do_profile_sync(id, data)
  variables: {'data': ('local', <hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b62e40 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x451060)>), 'id': ('local', 1), 'do_profile_sync': ('global', <function do_profile_sync at 0x40bd1d70>)}
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 125, do_profile_sync(id=1, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40b62e40 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x451060)>)
            profile['remoteSource'], \
            profile['lastUpdate'], progress)
  variables: {'profile': ('local', {'lastUpdate': 0, 'direction': 0, 'lastLocalUpdate': 0, 'remoteSourceTitle': u'Johan Compagner', 'remoteAccountId': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'localSource': u'10', 'remoteSource': u'', 'localSourceTitle': u'Gmail Prive', 'id': 1}), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40ba9850 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ce350)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 495, syncFromGoogle(pid=1, localSource=u'10', remoteSource=u'', lastSync=0, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40ba9850 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ce350)>)
      getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, \
  variables: {'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40ba9850 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ce350)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 256, getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid=1, localSource=10, remoteSource=u'', lastSync=0, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40ba9850 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4ce350)>)
          insertGoogleEventLocally(event, int(localSource), pid)
  variables: {'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'localSource': ('local', 10), 'pid': ('local', 1), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>), 'insertGoogleEventLocally': ('global', <function insertGoogleEventLocally at 0x40b46530>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 91, insertGoogleEventLocally(event=<Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>, cid=10, pid=1)
      if localID:  
        updateGoogleEventLocally(event, cid, localID)
  variables: {'updateGoogleEventLocally': ('global', <function updateGoogleEventLocally at 0x40b46570>), 'localID': ('local', u'2573'), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>), 'cid': ('local', 10)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 100, updateGoogleEventLocally(event=<Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>, cid=10, localID=u'2573')
      # XXX Check for failed updates!
      cwrapper.updateLocalEvent(cid, event, localID)
  variables: {'cwrapper.updateLocalEvent': ('global', <function updateLocalEvent at 0x407a8e70>), 'localID': ('local', u'2573'), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>), 'cid': ('local', 10)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 97, updateLocalEvent(cid=10, evt=<Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>, lid=u'2573')
          evt.get_start(), evt.get_end(), evt.get_rrule(), \
          evt.get_rtype(), evt.get_until())
  variables: {'evt.get_until': ('local', <bound method Event.get_until of <Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>>), 'evt.get_rtype': ('local', <bound method Event.get_rtype of <Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 98, get_until(self=<Event.Event instance at 0x43b3b170>)
        # ??
        return int(iso8601.parse(iso_date)) + 1
  variables: {'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'iso8601.parse': ('global', <function parse at 0x40b41f30>), 'iso_date': ('local', '--::')}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 22, parse(s='--::')
        if m is None or != s:
            raise ValueError, "unknown or illegal ISO-8601 date format: " + `s`
        gmt = __extract_date(m) + __extract_time(m) + (0, 0, 0)
  variables: {'s': ('local', '--::'), 'ValueError': ('builtin', <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>)}
ValueError: unknown or illegal ISO-8601 date format: '--::'

Last edited by jcompagner; 2010-06-01 at 09:30.
Posts: 203 | Thanked: 152 times | Joined on May 2009 @ Austria
same problem here.

HTML Code:
Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 80, sync_profile(widget=<gtk.ToolButton object at 0x40bfcbe8 (GtkToolButton at 0x4af950)>, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40bb6cb0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x444060)>)
      if selected_id:
        do_profile_sync(selected_id, data)
  variables: {'data': ('local', <hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40bb6cb0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x444060)>), 'selected_id': ('local', 1), 'do_profile_sync': ('global', <function do_profile_sync at 0x40c25d70>)}
  File "/usr/bin/erminig", line 125, do_profile_sync(id=1, data=<hildon.StackableWindow object at 0x40bb6cb0 (HildonStackableWindow at 0x444060)>)
            profile['remoteSource'], \
            profile['lastUpdate'], progress)
  variables: {'profile': ('local', {'lastUpdate': 1275404825, 'direction': 0, 'lastLocalUpdate': 1275405522, 'remoteSourceTitle': u'Andreas Weidlinger', 'remoteAccountId': 1, 'enabled': 1, 'localSource': u'1', 'remoteSource': u'', 'localSourceTitle': u'N900', 'id': 1}), 'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bfd800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4c1a50)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 495, syncFromGoogle(pid=1, localSource=u'1', remoteSource=u'', lastSync=1275404825, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bfd800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4c1a50)>)
      getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid, int(localSource), remoteSource, lastSync, \
  variables: {'progress': ('local', <gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bfd800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4c1a50)>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 256, getNewEventsFromGoogle(pid=1, localSource=1, remoteSource=u'', lastSync=1275404825, progress=<gtk.ProgressBar object at 0x40bfd800 (GtkProgressBar at 0x4c1a50)>)
          insertGoogleEventLocally(event, int(localSource), pid)
  variables: {'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'localSource': ('local', 1), 'pid': ('local', 1), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>), 'insertGoogleEventLocally': ('global', <function insertGoogleEventLocally at 0x40b9a530>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 91, insertGoogleEventLocally(event=<Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>, cid=1, pid=1)
      if localID:  
        updateGoogleEventLocally(event, cid, localID)
  variables: {'updateGoogleEventLocally': ('global', <function updateGoogleEventLocally at 0x40b9a570>), 'localID': ('local', u'3600'), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>), 'cid': ('local', 1)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 100, updateGoogleEventLocally(event=<Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>, cid=1, localID=u'3600')
      # XXX Check for failed updates!
      cwrapper.updateLocalEvent(cid, event, localID)
  variables: {'cwrapper.updateLocalEvent': ('global', <function updateLocalEvent at 0x407f3e70>), 'localID': ('local', u'3600'), 'event': ('local', <Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>), 'cid': ('local', 1)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 97, updateLocalEvent(cid=1, evt=<Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>, lid=u'3600')
          evt.get_start(), evt.get_end(), evt.get_rrule(), \
          evt.get_rtype(), evt.get_until())
  variables: {'evt.get_until': ('local', <bound method Event.get_until of <Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>>), 'evt.get_rtype': ('local', <bound method Event.get_rtype of <Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>>)}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 98, get_until(self=<Event.Event instance at 0x427043c8>)
        # ??
        return int(iso8601.parse(iso_date)) + 1
  variables: {'int': ('builtin', <type 'int'>), 'iso8601.parse': ('global', <function parse at 0x40b95f30>), 'iso_date': ('local', '--::')}
  File "/usr/share/erminig/", line 22, parse(s='--::')
        if m is None or != s:
            raise ValueError, "unknown or illegal ISO-8601 date format: " + `s`
        gmt = __extract_date(m) + __extract_time(m) + (0, 0, 0)
  variables: {'s': ('local', '--::'), 'ValueError': ('builtin', <type 'exceptions.ValueError'>)}
ValueError: unknown or illegal ISO-8601 date format: '--::'
GreatGonzo's Avatar
Posts: 275 | Thanked: 389 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Sydney
I get the same error about the date format. Removing both sync profile and calendar and starting again doesn't help either. I have a feeling it is a recurring event where I changed the alarm setting. But@ that is just a hunch. It worked before I changed that recurring event.
Posts: 479 | Thanked: 641 times | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Switzerland
For all those having problems with recurring events: I can see where the problem is. A new case that is currently not handled by Erminig (mainly because I never encoutered it).

I'm working on a fix for this issue.

thank you all for reporting them!

The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to lorelei For This Useful Post:
Shaichico's Avatar
Posts: 80 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Nov 2009 @ Stockholm (formally Amsterdam, London)
just like to say thank you all who are making this app so great.

I look forward to the next release


Originally Posted by lorelei View Post
For all those having problems with recurring events: I can see where the problem is. A new case that is currently not handled by Erminig (mainly because I never encoutered it).

I'm working on a fix for this issue.

thank you all for reporting them!
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on May 2010

I think "my" reoccuring bug is also the date format bug.

Regarding the all day events appearing as two day events on the phone:
It was there before pr 1.2 but I can't say if I've had it always. I live in Denmark if that info is a help on revealing whether or not it is a time zone issue.

erminig, erminig-ng, ernie nig, google calendar, google sync, synchronization

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