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still working in (2). i cant figure out a way cause read() to actually wake up when theres input from the device.

anyone know a way to magically bless a process, or file on the filesystem, or something, that will prevent or interrupt deep sleep?
~ teleshoes ~

The Following User Says Thank You to wolke For This Useful Post:
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so i decided to just run `keepalive-tool sf-button-monitor` to never let the phone deep sleep, ever.
my battery usage for a full day used to be 100%=>72%, and now its 100%=>61%. this is easily worth it, to have the button actions always work without unlocking the phone first. i had not realized how LITTLE deep sleep was actually doing for me.
~ teleshoes ~

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3 months of keepalive-tool running constantly, and my battery hasnt died once.
(the volume buttons just always work, locked or unlocked, like on the N9)
~ teleshoes ~

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added repeated-commands

action=repeat(500, brightness +1),ch-press vu-press,always
=> hold camera-half and volume-up to have brightness incrementally increase
(where `brightness` is a script you write)
~ teleshoes ~

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Posts: 276 | Thanked: 224 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Frankfurt, Germany
i get error loop on line 264 and 268, read on closed filehandle, use of uninitialized value $buttonId...

The Following User Says Thank You to mankir For This Useful Post:
Posts: 986 | Thanked: 1,526 times | Joined on Jul 2010
updated for Xperia 10 III

added support for power button and "google assist" (camera) button.

power button also works now on Xperia XZ2 Compact, and maybe others (but not Xperia X or Xperia X Compact)

(power button still of course also always locks/unlocks the phone, so this is maybe not that useful)
~ teleshoes ~

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