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Posts: 41 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2007

I still haven't received any responses on this issue, so I will recap:

I'm able to do a "successful" hot sync according to the message I receive on my computer and the N800. But upon opening the app on my N800, there is no datebook and addressbook data appearing. I'm using Palm Desktop by ACCESS version 6.2.2 on a Windows Vista PC.

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Posts: 348 | Thanked: 61 times | Joined on Dec 2007
But there is a big difference between a T3 and TX calendars and contacts. I have both a T3 and a Lifedrive, and they will crash badly and repeatedly if you mix the two. On the N800, I just added the datebookdb and addressdb files from my T3, and it works fine. Adding the contactsdb and calendardb from my Lifedrive won't work at all.

I don't think that version of Palm Desktop will work with the much older stuff in GarnetVM. Why they use the much older stuff, I don't know, but it seems that newer apps optimized for the TX, Lifedrive, etc won't run in GVM. Early OS5 apps run OK. GVM is a kludge at best, and seems to be just a quick and dirty proof of concept, not a real application.

Vista has always been problematic with Palm synchronization in any case, and all I can say is good luck with that.

Last edited by sgosnell; 2008-07-07 at 16:45.
Posts: 41 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2007
Is there NO ONE out there that can help me with this?
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Originally Posted by shtevie View Post
Is there NO ONE out there that can help me with this?
Would this help,

Posts: 41 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2007
Thanks for the fast reply. I saw that post and tried that, but the problem remains. Judging by the other posts, I think this problem is more prevalent than Garnet realizes.
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Originally Posted by shtevie View Post
Thanks for the fast reply. I saw that post and tried that, but the problem remains. Judging by the other posts, I think this problem is more prevalent than Garnet realizes.
Are you SURE? I tried that, reformat the 64k and set up a new user, and sure, it hotsync right away. Again, there is no data, I did it the second time, there are now data.
The trick is to reformat your storage area and that sucks, cause one lost all the installed apps.

But, that is the way Access suggest, it sure works for me, to some extend

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I just tried all over again...reformatted, increased storage to 64K, new user id, tried syncing 3 times. Every time I got a successful sync message on my computer and "sync done" on my N800, but still no data in address book or date book.

BTW, step 2 of Garnet's sync troubleshooter makes no says Hotsync after refornatting but before exporting data to new ID. Which ID are you supposed to sync to, old or new?

On the PC
Create a new HotSync account (Tools Menu => Users, Press New).

On the Nokia Internet Tablet
Open Garnet VM Launcher.
Open the Settings dialog.
Hit the Reformat storage button. Warning: all the data in GVM will be lost.
Hit the Save button.
In the Garnet VM Launcher, hit the HotSync button.
Wait for the HotSync operation to complete.

On the PC
Select your old user account.
Export the data associated with each applications (File Menu => Export)
Select the new account.
Import all the data you exported previously.

On the Nokia Internet Tablet
Open Garnet VM Launcher.
In the Garnet VM Launcher, hit the HotSync button.
Wait for the HotSync operation to complete.
All your data should now be synchronized.
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Originally Posted by shtevie View Post
I just tried all over again...reformatted, increased storage to 64K, new user id, tried syncing 3 times. Every time I got a successful sync message on my computer and "sync done" on my N800, but still no data in address book or date book.
Right click on the icon for hotsync, click custom..., put ALL category to do nothing and click set default, only leave address to "synchronize" and see what would you get?

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My version of HotSync manager is v.7.0.2. so when I right-click, I don't get a "custom" option, but I was able to achieve what you indicated, which was to sync "addresses" only, and nothing else. Again, I got a successful message on both devices, but no data on my N800.
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To begin with, were you able to do a hotsync via the internet with your palm, or whatever you were using before? This way, you can eliminate one factor at a time to determine where is the catch.


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