, 20:42
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@ Delta Quadrant
POI's now are quite useful on the thing.
>> http://www.internettablettalk.com/fo...ad.php?t=11911
, 20:51
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Ah, well. Maps aren't enough. It's tougher to write good navigation software than many people think. Sounds to me like TomTom solved the problems reported in Navicore years ago. For example, my 2004 version of TT comes not only with regional maps, but also with a special map called 'major roads of Europe', and to navigate from Paris to Wien (Vienna) you just load mjoe and off you go. Then, if you need to go to some minor road not covered in mjoe when you're near your target you just switch to the local region. I believe it's an even smoother operation in newer versions of TT (I bought TT5 too but as I'm happy enough with the older version I've yet to install it).
, 22:11
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Ok. MaemoMapper is great great great application, great implementation.
Unfortunately it works with Google/MS/Yahoo/ OSM maps downloaded from the Internet and out free access to maps can be restricted or cut off any time.
, 23:58
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Just a clarification here....
Technically, OpenStreetMap is the only officially supported map source for Maemo Mapper, and it is free, and my communications with them have implied that they will always be available freely for use by Maemo Mapper. Maemo Mapper complies with OpenStreetMap's license and is not infringing on their copyright.
, 00:20
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@ BC, Canada
Does it mean using Maemo Mapper with Google/MS/Yahoo maps
can infringe on their respective copyrights ?
Maemo Mapper is released under the terms and conditions outlined in the GPL.
Also, to (hopefully) cover my own butt legally, use of this software requires and implies that you agree that you understand that using Maemo Mapper to download maps from a commercial map repository may be considered a violation of copyright law and that John Costigan cannot be held responsible for any of your actions related thereto.
, 00:36
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@ Montana
, 00:39
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@ Po' Bo'. PA
, 12:35
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, 02:53
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@ Sacramento, California
Nokia has no previous experience with navigation.
Marketing campaign targeted businessmen who bought N95 and N95 8GB to install navigation software.
It works fine as gizmo but is not true navigation.
Nokia lost her chance to make money in navigation market.
Maps alone generate no profit.
Maps installed on cell phone don't generate profit too.
Nokia's products are very inpensive in Europe,
Nokia 95 8GB at $1300 in Vobis network.
Low quality navigation in E-Series phone generates no profit.
There are already hundreds of embedded car navigation devices on a market , some priced as low as $100.
Nokia has lost that market forever.
Pay-per-track navigation is to expensive.
N770, N800, N810 is not commercial products.
Nokia tablets are hgigh-end products for Linux/Debian fans only.
Windows Mobile fans prefer ASUS, Samsung with TV out.
I don't see any chance that situation can improve any time in a future.
US with 3G WiFi, Bluetooth, GPS, 16GB iPhone to be released early 2008
will not buy Nokia navigation any more.
Europe with overpriced Nokia products will give up local Nokia products
and starts private import from US
( US N95 8GB $600 vs. EU N95 8GB at $1300).
N770, N800, N810 is still by-product, to complicated for Windows Mobile fans, to complicated for Symbian fans, to expensive for Linux fans.
I wish Nokia all the best but market situation is getting only worse, as embedded car navigation products from Asia, US are so getting so cheap, Nokia has no chance to compete in Asia, US or on European market in the field of car navigation.
Price is what makes you next buyer.