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Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Excellent, I'm grabbing this the second I get home today. One question though, is it possible to move nodes around, like to drag and drop (with the target of the drop becoming the parent)?
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
not currently, no. implementing a good dnd interface is not easy, as you can't use the pointer for it. i'll probably have to put buttons to move nodes around

but maybe a quick hack that turns the tree into an effective listview (create-new-nodes-as-siblings-instead-of-childnodes) could be implemented, like a checkbox in the menu, or maybe a checkbox in the "create new node" dialog. that should help keep things tidy.

i'd like to concentrate on sketching speed issues in the next release or so, i'll make it work at 8bpp (instead of 32 as in now) and i'll try out some new drawing methods, as well as try adding clipboard support for the sketches.

also i want to enable the tree expanders somehow (probably with a supplied .gtkrc), the tree looks very sad right now.
Hedgecore's Avatar
Posts: 1,361 | Thanked: 115 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Oops, I'd figured D&D support would be something relatively easy. + / - buttons (even linked to the zoom in/zoom out buttons, heh!) would be great. I'm loving the app as it's so versatile. I've been writing down local shows, and for shows my band's playing sketching out flyer designs etc. Keep those updates coming
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2006
I tried maemopad+ yesterday and really liked the app. I was actually surprised that the touch screen was so responsive in tracking my handwriting. However, I think i may have found a bug or two or maybe i am doing something wrong.

If i create a node in the sketch mode and write/draw some stuff it works fine.
But if i tap again on the created node name (sketch node) it starts off with a blank page erasing all the previous work.

However, i found that if i create a sketch node and then a text node and tapping the sketch node works as expected and i can switch between the two node types.
The problem only occurs when i have only one sketch node.

Another thing is that the app seems less responsive in the zoom modes and my handwriting doesnt seem normal compared to when i scribble things in the regular mode.

Hopefully this will get addressed in the next release.

Great app btw.

Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
yeah the bug you described still exists, i will try to fix it in the next release.

in the current beta drawing is faster, that would probably fix the fullscreen mode (i think that's what you meant with "zoom mode") being slow thingy.

last night i finally implemented undo, redo is still buggy. I also bound [-]/[+] keys to undo/redo.

my TODO before the next release:
- add a checkbox to create node dialog to create the node as sibling as not child (or reverse in the UI)
- fix redo
- make [-]/[+] also work in the create node dialog
- try rendering the background pixmap from tiles and precalc the tiles at widget init
- BUG: clicking on current sketch erases all work
- probable bug: ending drawing beyond canvas makes undo a dull boy (crash protection in place)
- make sketchwidget borders work again (the bg pixmap precalc thing will break it)
Posts: 29 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Mar 2006
Great. Look forward to your next release.


Originally Posted by disq
yeah the bug you described still exists, i will try to fix it in the next release.

in the current beta drawing is faster, that would probably fix the fullscreen mode (i think that's what you meant with "zoom mode") being slow thingy.

last night i finally implemented undo, redo is still buggy. I also bound [-]/[+] keys to undo/redo.

my TODO before the next release:
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
Version 0.18
another all-nighter release!

moved stuff to, it's slow but i didn't feel like installing svn/apache, and my hosting goes down a few times a year.

Files are here:

Changes (sorted by date desc, my favorite ones are in bold)
project home moved to
fixed the "clicking on current sketch erases all work" bug
added "Clear" item to edit menu
now also saving fullScreen status in the misc table
fixed redo -- could be optimized by checking for dupe tilepixmaps in adjacent revisions and refcounting
made graph squares bigger (looks better)
rearranged brushsize button with the eraser toggle
if the brushsize button is clicked when eraser is on, it just turns off eraser and won't pop menu
made the eraser smaller (2x +4 of the current brush size, 3x+4 was too large)
added graph background to the sketchnodename dialog (the borders don't work anymore, to compensate)
treeview loads up with node0 selected. ugly workaround in place (mainview->loading)
added watch cursor as a "loading" sign
added fullscreen submenu to menu/toolbar
made the eraser larger (3x +4 of the current brush size)
now rendering the background pixmap from tiles and precalcing them at widget init (just to test the performance) in human language: traded a little cpu usage for ~700k of ram
implemented primitive(=no layering/selection) clipboard functionality for sketches
added a checkbox in create node dialog to create the new node as sibling/child
that checkbox's state is saved to db
made undo/redo buttons change sensitivity
made default newnodetype sketch
moved node operations in the menu to a node submenu
made tools menu not appear when no node is selected
made [-]/[+] also work in the create node dialog
added borders around the main sketchwidget
fixed graph bg alignment
tried 8bpp, didn't work
made drawing faster
implemented undo/redo on sketches
[-]/[+] keys do undo/redo on sketches now
- show treeview pixmaps (HOW?)
- BORDERS around sketchwidget (HOW?)
- resize canvas (pages of 480 pixels?)
- import/export images (minimal vector ops might be needed here, to move and resize the image)
- change canvas background color (just to keep up with xournal :P )
- erase by drawing over option?
- maybe leftarrow-rightarrow change focus and uparrow-downarrow walk the tree? (need a way fix the textview issue)
- keep/show last modified date for every node
- search
- adjustable text properties (formatting)
- richtext editing (read: allow formatting)
- Test against low memory conditions and rewrite portions accordingly
- redo eraser/pencil/color toolbar logic some more

- add a swatches toolbar? at least "last used 4 colors" somewhere?

- creating a childnode to the rootnode is not possible
- fix/add hook: make tools menu not appear when no node is selected
- probable bug: ending drawing beyond canvas might make undo a dull boy (crash protection in place)
- node order -- column `ord` not saved (FIXME)
- change detection might be too sensitive, test
- offering filenames on newfile/savefile dialogs doesn't work as it should
NONEED- use xlib instead of gdkdrawingarea for the sketchwidget?
WONTWORK- try using 8bpp pixmaps
Posts: 370 | Thanked: 443 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Italy
Disq, you're doing a great job! Now the prog is fully usable to take on-the-fly notes, the speed improvemement has far been the most important point. Some concerns about UI:
1 - i dislike (but it could be just mine) the automatic resize of the brush tool. After set dimensions, you rarely change them (excpet when drawing some sketch), so a set-and-remember-and-leave-it would be more useful IMHO. Just click on the pencil or on the brush when you need them et voilą. Anyway, clicking on the pencil now deactivates the brush, so another great usbility improvement.
2 - to much options associated to the full-screen button. Any app in Maemo just switch between two modes, and so I think that the button should just do this. Choose one of the full-screen modes and go with it. Perhaps in the future you can add a prefs menu that keep memory of the mode associated with the button. If you need another mode, you can ever use menus.
3 - on-screen menu while in full-screen mode? hehehe...

Wonder on a future version with a OCR program in the background (or by pressing a key) that convert your notes to text... So no needings to keep separate drawings and notes anymore!

Just my 2 cents

PS: see you in IRC!

Last edited by jurop88; 2006-04-05 at 10:15. Reason: added a forgotten 'no' just before needings...
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
glad you liked it

1- using the stylus it's usually hard to erase something completely and you usually end up doing multiple passes (left-right-left-right etc) but with the eraser size slightly bigger than the brush size, i find it much easier.

2- again, i find having layout presets practical, putting it in a menu or in a prefs dialog is nearly equal to taking it away, the user will have to navigate thru ui elements (menu->submenu->menuitem, or menu->prefs->tabs) to simply change the type of view. but maybe one could set prefs for the behaviour of the full screen hardware button, so it just toggles one of the modes and not cycles thru all of the available modes.

3- did you try using the menu key?

and about the ocr thing, well, it's kinda out of my league
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
version 0.18a

fixes a serious memleak that occurs while loading a sketch from db. now maemopad+ should consume between 7-10 megs of ram at most.

(reminder for new users: it still requires sqlite3 to work)

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