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Originally Posted by oneoneone View Post
So, guys, any progress?
Were you able to try the standard LJP for PalmOS with my command lines above?

I have been running Final Fantasy II and III (US Versions, SNES) pretty well under Garnet now.
Posts: 466 | Thanked: 661 times | Joined on Jan 2009
Oh, right. I haven't posted how to map keyboard keys!!! I'll do that soon. There are more command lines for mapping.
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Originally Posted by jackburton View Post
Were you able to try the standard LJP for PalmOS with my command lines above?

I have been running Final Fantasy II and III (US Versions, SNES) pretty well under Garnet now.
Unfortunately, no. I'm just noob in such matters. It is very hard for me to understand all those commands and such things.
Actually I can only click the "install" button. Such a shame, but can't do anything. Just have no time to learn all this stuff. Just waiting for someone so kind to do all work for me.
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I succeeded in launching Earthbound via terminal using your instructions, unfortunately key mapping is a major issue (having an N800 and so few hw keys doesn't really help...), LJP uses - & + keys for quicksave/quickload, the DPAD does the same using L and R and I can't remember what the rest of the keys do right now...
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Originally Posted by JustNick View Post
(having an N800 and so few hw keys doesn't really help...)
Yeah, I have no idea how the N800 would be able to work with SNES games. NES might work okay using the onscreen button mappings available in LJP, though.
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I wanted to do a follow-up post for those who need keyboard mapping with the N810.

One can map keyboard keys to palm keys via the command line option:
  -k, --keymap=GDK_KeyCode:vchrPalmOS,...                                                                      Key Mapping (e.g.: 0xFF91:vchrHard1
The GDK_KeyCodes come from gdkkeysyms.h. I used this as a reference: gdkkeysyms.h

In order to know what the Palm keys i could map to, I ran a "strings" command from my Easy Debian install against the gvm binary and found the following:
Using gdkkeysyms.h and these vchr* palm codes, I could then map the N810 keyboard for Palm for use in LJP.

The following command is what I have used to successfully play Final Fantasy 2 and 3 (SNES U.S) under LJP under Garnet:
/usr/bin/gvm/gvm -a LJPM --dynheap=8192 -i Arz1 -O no -c palm -T -s 320x480 -b 16 --refresh=2 --keymap=0x069:vchrhard1 --keymap=0x06f:vchrhard2 --keymap=0x06b:vchrhard3 --keymap=0x06c:vchrhard4
This maps the following keys:
i is mapped to vchrhard1
o is mapped to vchrhard2
k is mapped to vchrhard3
l is mapped to vchrhard4

Once these keys are mapped to PALM, one can subsequently map them in LJP. For Final Fantasy 3, i have the following keys mapped:
i->left trigger
o->right trigger
k->b button
l->a button
touchscreen upper left->select
touchscreen upper right->start
touchscreen bottom left->y button
touchscreen botttom right->x button

I have L and R mapped to keyboard keys so that I can run from fights, which requires both these triggers pressed at once. I tried setting LR to onscreen soft keys, but since Multi-touch doesn't work, both cannot fire at once. X and Y are menu keys on FF3, so this works for me. What's nice about LJP is that each game can have it's own config.

I am also using the "--nice" command line option. This is not documented in the "gvm --help" output, but I did see it in the "strings" output for the binary. Not sure if it helps or not. It can't hurt.

With double dragon for NES, I was able to easily play through the second level with these mappings on my first try. While definitely not suited for action, it is playable. I think my config is best for slower games like simulations and RPGs.

I hope others find this information useful.
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Here's a screenshot
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Posts: 1,213 | Thanked: 356 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ California and Virginia
Ok, I have been messing around with this key binding stuff:

Up and Down, as well as the zoom's, are set to PageUp and PageDown. There is nothing using rockerup or rockerdown, however these CANNOT be set. So we loose two keys. launcher and menu both do NOT work. rockercenter does work.

I really want all six keys to be mapped, is there any way to do this? It is difficult to use the touch screen.

Ironically, the SNES emulator is powered by Snes9x, the same one which barely runs on the tablet...
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I had the same problem with the rocker keys. I was wondering if the different key mappings may be tied to the Device Model emulated. My command line uses the device id for the T3. One could try to see if the other keys can be mapped depending on the device. This is the "-i" or the "--deviceid=abcd" option.

The following are potential devices to try:
-Treo 650 is device ID "H102" with company id "hspr"
-T3 is device "Arz1" with company "palm"
-T5 is device "TnT5" with company "palm"
-T|X is device "D050" with company "palm"

I got these by doing a "Configure" from the gvm-launcher and seeing what happened when selecting device model "Custom".

This might work, but I have no idea. It's an area to try out and see.
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Hmmmm, does anyone have a treo?
Is it possible to map the keyboard directly using a treo in LJP?
If so, can the same be done for the n810 (I guess not)?

My T3 only has the 4way D-pad, 4 hard buttons, and a voice memo button. Also the power button. Why is there no mapping for a voice memo button?
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