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Originally Posted by jesuscliment View Post
Hi all.

This might come a bit too late, but i can tell you how to pronunce "maemo". I came up with the name, so...

The origin is as stated: pwgen (a password generator utility which you can set to give you all character passwords) gave me an option, "maimo". I used 5 characters names for my machines, so i also restricted it to that. But I did not like the "i" so I changed it for an "e".

Maemo was the name of my desktop, and little by little it gathered importance in the project, as i made it the canonical repository for everybody involved. And became THE server. And the project. And the SDK. And the OS.

So now that the origin is clear, and me being Spanish and Finnish being pronounced almost exactly as Spanish...


mah as the beginning of my
eh as the "e" in "pet"
mo as in Monica, but only pronouncing the M and the O.

Hope you like it.
Then it's three syllables instead of two...

That's interesting. So that must have been your machine with the yellow maemo label. A picture of it was posted not long ago either here or in a blog, I'm not sure which.

Thank you JC.
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Originally Posted by qole View Post
And anyway, what did you expect Jesus to do? Start a new thread? No. He had to resurrect this thread.
. . .

I think you're thinking of that other guy, from a while back... The joke was amusing and inevitable, at any rate. +1 Internet to Qole!
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Originally Posted by YoDude View Post
Then it's three syllables instead of two...
Yes, I wanted to say that in another thread yesterday but I didn't want to ruin timsamoff's haiku.

That's interesting. So that must have been your machine with the yellow maemo label. A picture of it was posted not long ago either here or in a blog, I'm not sure which.
Stefano, our current IT Jesus.

If you want to hear how the majority of the Maemo SW team pronounces "Maemo" go to the audio file linked in this blog entry. I'm not Jesus but at least we are native speakers of the same languages, so I'm probably close to the original.

So what, "Maemo" is pronnounced with variations in several local adaptations. That's fine. Happens to all global brands. For instance in Spain only posh arrogant people would pronnounce "Nike" as it is pronnounced in the company headquarters ('naikí'). Everybody says "Nike" as "Mike" (something that actually makes sense if you think it twice). This doesn't seem a burden for them to sell a lot.

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I only ever hear people pronounce it "my-moh", but I guess that "mah-eh-moh" comes very close to that when spoken quickly.

Just don't pronounce it the German way (mämo). I earned some blank stares for that on the summit, until somebody "translated".
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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
For instance in Spain only posh arrogant people would pronnounce "Nike" as it is pronnounced in the company headquarters ('naikí'). Everybody says "Nike" as "Mike" (something that actually makes sense if you think it twice). This doesn't seem a burden for them to sell a lot.
How do posh, arrogant Greeks pronounce it? I think Porsche is a better example.
N9: Go white or go home
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Ah, the good old name debate. Can get funny though, like with BIC. Bic is originally written as Bich (in french, after the founder's name, so that would make it 'bish' IINM). However, when moving outside of France, they were afraid people would pronounce it 'b-i-t-c-h', so they shortened it. At least that's what the legend says.

But this happens all the time. Boy would someone selling Ondo phones get surprised in Hungary And, if I'm at phones, from what I hear Moko (as in OpenMoko) is not exactly a dinner topic in Spain, either.
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Originally Posted by daperl View Post
How do posh, arrogant Greeks pronounce it?
Not /ˈnaɪki/ but [níːkɛː], which oddly enough is just how you would say it in Spanish if you wouldn't think that the word should be pronnounced as in English. But try to say [níːkɛː] in Spain and people will laugh at your face for ignorant. Weird globalization.

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krisse's Avatar
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Originally Posted by attila77 View Post
Ah, the good old name debate. Can get funny though, like with BIC. Bic is originally written as Bich (in french, after the founder's name, so that would make it 'bish' IINM). However, when moving outside of France, they were afraid people would pronounce it 'b-i-t-c-h', so they shortened it. At least that's what the legend says.

But this happens all the time. Boy would someone selling Ondo phones get surprised in Hungary And, if I'm at phones, from what I hear Moko (as in OpenMoko) is not exactly a dinner topic in Spain, either.
Oh there are millions of these examples... I can't print all of them here but there are various Finnish products which sound very rude if you say them in English (for example a crisp bread named after the Finnish word for "fitness", look it up).

Sometimes it goes the other way too, there's an Indian car company called Reva:

...there is NO WAY they would EVER dare to market anything under that name in Finland. It will not happen.

I guarantee you any Finns who visit that website for the first time will laugh very very hard, especially at phrases like "Make your own reva" and questions in the FAQ like "How green is the reva?", "What is the seating capacity of the reva?", "How safe is the reva?", "Are reva spare parts available?", "How frequently do I need to service my reva?" etc. In fact I have tears streaming down my face as I write this. :-)
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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
... in Spain and people will laugh at your face for ignorant. Weird globalization.
Yes, weird. I live in the U.S. near the Mexico border, and regardless of your first language or your station, after a few moments of confusion, you might also get laughed at if you pronounced Nike as in Mike. But not so if it's plural.
N9: Go white or go home
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Originally Posted by qgil View Post
Yes, I wanted to say that in another thread yesterday but I didn't want to ruin timsamoff's haiku.
I wondered about that myself and came to the conclusion that "Fremantle" would work better that "Maemo 5" anyway (it's more "natural" and all)... I'll go change it.


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