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Originally Posted by zerojay View Post
It's so very easy to tell that you haven't ever had your hands on it, Benny. So crystal clear.
And it is so easy to tell who has their hands on a Nokia provided one... also crystal clear.

The point Benny brings up is a valid one for all of us who were attracted to the original "Internet Tablet" concept to begin with... for whatever reason.

The fact is that for some, like myself who use an employer or contract provided cell phone on an unsupported network, even if you gave us an N900, it would only be useful connected via WiFi without incurring the additional monthly cost of a new cell service.

Also, those who have spent big bucks on the then "top of the line" cell phone in the past year or two, even from Nokia, would have to forsake this $600+ purchase if they were also given an N900.

Those of us who now use an N8** series and who are hanging around here hoping that at least some development will continue with these devices might feel abandoned by the apparent lack of sensitivity to there plight.

And BTW, I have had $700 dollars budgeted for a new device since the beginning of the year and I would spend it in a New York minute on the N900 if it turned out to be the evolutionary device that was conceived by most members of this forum just a relatively short while ago.

Limiting the N900's cellular connectivity out of the box by not providing DUN is not evolutionary... its revolutionary.
Not all revolutions are good things.

(This post was not meant to disrespect anyone who received a promotional N900 recently. In fact I am happy for you all and now hold Nokia in a somewhat higher esteem. My post was in support of all us who are now economically fated to what is left of the N8**'s developmental cycle. )

Last edited by YoDude; 2009-10-11 at 18:28.

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Originally Posted by GeneralAntilles View Post

Mobile = pocketable device to use on the go
Computer = computer

So, it's a computer in your pocket. . . .
I think he was referring to the word Maemo. I have never used that word in casual (aka talking to non-geeks) speech. In that sense, Maemo is still not "cool," because no one wants (or knows how ) to say it. When people ask what my N810 is, I say it is a mobile computer, and they understand that (somewhat*). But if I say its a MID running Maemo Linux, they are like WTF???

*People don't seem to understand why it does not have a phone, thats the biggest thing
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Originally Posted by mobiledivide View Post
The join date on can be used as a badge right
Well, my join date was in 2004 when Maemo Devices was not yet Maemo devices and Maemo was just one server name (that Jesus had invented with password generator) we were using to flash new rootimages to boards which did not even have any cases yet. My macroboard had a external hard drive and it was booting from it. And back then, there was no Internet tablet talk yet (and the device was not yet called Internet tablet), because it all was a secret. But it was a lot fun.

Carlos had written to job advertisement that needs to master either Gtk or Qt. I was betting on Qt. However, I soon learned that they had chosen Gtk.

And then it was about to become public, and there was a horrible Maemo logo (it was a placeholder), and I went and designed my own. It became the first Maemo logo before the current one (which I think is very cool).

So I think Maemo was very cool thing already in the beginning (the device was not so extraordinary, but the cool part back then was that it was running Linux, today a bit more is required than just running Linux, it also needs to be cool otherwise), and now the N900 and Maemo 5 makes it even cooler. And the Qt will make the UI development easier than ever. There was no way to make the C-based gobject code to become easy and the Qt will fix that issue pretty well. Also there will be better development tools (like Qt creator) than ever before. There is HW acceleration and OpenGL-ES 2.0 support on the device [N900]. I think it is cool and it is by no means fading away, quite the contrary. With N900 many of the wishes I had already when we were doing the 770 materialize.

So status check where is Maemo today:
- N900 is the coolest device out there in this segment
- It runs the most powerful mobile operating system ever made to the date
- It is the most open production phone ever made to the date
- It is the best innovation platform there is currently
- Maemo 5 UI innovates new instead of keeping all the old metaphors. And after getting it, it is really great.
Karoliina Salminen
Maemo Devices

Last edited by karoliinasalmin; 2009-10-13 at 00:49.

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I also think maemo has always been very cool since, atleast since I bought my n800 in 2007.

The title of my thread is actually based on country music song with a similar title and not meant as disrespecful, in any way. It is actually meant as a compliment. We just need to "maemoize" the lyrics...

I remember wearing straight legged Levi's
flannel shirts even when they weren't in style
I remember singin' with Roy Rogers
at the movies when the west was really wild
I was listenin to the Opry when all of my friends
were diggin' rock and roll and rythem and blues
I was country when country wasn't cool
I remember sittin' in the drive-in
pullin' up and turnin' down George Jones
I remember when no one was lookin'
I was puttin' peanuts in my coke
I took a lot of kiddin' cause I never did fit in
now look at everybody tryin' to be what I was then
I was country when country wasn't cool

Oooh, I was country when country wasn't cool
I was country from my hat down to my boots
I still act and look the same
what ya see ain't nothin' new
I was country when country wasn't cool
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Originally Posted by ysss View Post
I was alluding to those anti-mainstream people who likes 'stuffs' simply because they're unpopular\exclusive.. and will probably abandon them when it starts to get mainstream...
How can you LISTEN to that band? They sold 2 million albums! Huh!

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Originally Posted by karoliinasalmin View Post
Well, my join date was in 2004 when Maemo Devices was not yet Maemo devices and Maemo was just one server name (that Jesus had invented with password generator) we were using to flash new rootimages to boards which did not even have any cases yet. My macroboard had a external hard drive and it was booting from it. And back then, there was no Internet tablet talk yet (and the device was not yet called Internet tablet), because it all was a secret. But it was a lot fun.

Carlos had written to job advertisement that needs to master either Gtk or Qt. I was betting on Qt. However, I soon learned that they had chosen Gtk.

And then it was about to become public, and there was a horrible Maemo logo (it was a placeholder), and I went and designed my own. It became the first Maemo logo before the current one (which I think is very cool).
Wow. You must have been one of the first handful of people working on the NIT! I hope someday you can tell us how the model number was chosen.
3-time Maemo Community Council Member
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That is a great story from the insiders perspective . I worked on a software product from its inception as a small database to its current incarnation as a cloud/web based powerhouse, 6 employees and a foosball table to now where there are 50+ and direct phone calls to President Obama in the WH.

I have been following maemo since about 2005 and the 770 and learned about linux and open source ethos through it. It is easily the coolest thing that I have ever been part of.

Originally Posted by karoliinasalmin View Post
Well, my join date was in 2004 when Maemo Devices was not yet Maemo devices and Maemo was just one server name (that Jesus had invented with password generator) we were using to flash new rootimages to boards which did not even have any cases yet. My macroboard had a external hard drive and it was booting from it. And back then, there was no Internet tablet talk yet (and the device was not yet called Internet tablet), because it all was a secret. But it was a lot fun.

Carlos had written to job advertisement that needs to master either Gtk or Qt. I was betting on Qt. However, I soon learned that they had chosen Gtk.

And then it was about to become public, and there was a horrible Maemo logo (it was a placeholder), and I went and designed my own. It became the first Maemo logo before the current one (which I think is very cool).

So I think Maemo was very cool thing already in the beginning (the device was not so extraordinary, but the cool part back then was that it was running Linux, today a bit more is required than just running Linux, it also needs to be cool otherwise), and now the N900 and Maemo 5 makes it even cooler. And the Qt will make the UI development easier than ever. There was no way to make the C-based gobject code to become easy and the Qt will fix that issue pretty well. Also there will be better development tools (like Qt creator) than ever before. There is HW acceleration and OpenGL-ES 2.0 support on the device [N900]. I think it is cool and it is by no means fading away, quite the contrary. With N900 many of the wishes I had already when we were doing the 770 materialize.

So status check where is Maemo today:
- N900 is the coolest device out there in this segment
- It runs the most powerful mobile operating system ever made to the date
- It is the most open production phone ever made to the date
- It is the best innovation platform there is currently
- Maemo 5 UI innovates new instead of keeping all the old metaphors. And after getting it, it is really great.
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
When you pick a nonsense word, you are voluntarily picking the hardest thing to publicize, because it has no guaranteed mindshare to start with
Not exactly. There are nonsense words that resonate with other words. Google reminds you of "ogle", for example, and is verbable. Microsoft blatantly aped this with Bing. It can be used as a verb and even people with limited technical knowledge have heard of "ping". But I'm not arguing that Maemo has any of this going for it. It is a bit of a brow furrower as names go. (scans emoticons, finds none appropriate)
* n810 since Feb 2009
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Originally Posted by Thesandlord View Post
*People don't seem to understand why it does not have a phone, thats the biggest thing
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Originally Posted by karoliinasalmin View Post
(...) Maemo was just one server name (that Jesus had invented with password generator)
Dudette, I hope you don't use five letter passwords. That could explain the whole Eldar thingie.

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