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Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Without "root" privileges you can't edit or change files outside your "/home" folder. For a normal user that is no problem.. but if you want to do the cool stuff then you need root. The n900 is really not the same without rootsh.
I suppose I would fall into the category of a "normal" user then. Linux seems confusing and not very user friendly but it does intrigue me and seems very efficient and manageable. What are some of these "cool things" that you can do with root?
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Overclocking. NITDroid. Secure Shell. Easy Debian... the list is pretty long, you have a couple of days to listen?
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Originally Posted by nokiaboy97 View Post
I suppose I would fall into the category of a "normal" user then. Linux seems confusing and not very user friendly but it does intrigue me and seems very efficient and manageable. What are some of these "cool things" that you can do with root?
It's little like beeing an administrator on the Windows system. It gives you privilegies to anything on the system. It is a big security treath to become administrator but still most windows user put them selves as this. On the linux system you normaly start as a normal user and become a super user (root) only when necessary.

For a normal user of the maemo system the root is not necessary. You can install and play with the normal things anyway. But if you would like to become a power user you need it. Like editing config-files, overclocking e.t.c... and it is here the real power of the n900 lays. The abillity to tweak the hell of it.

I have been using linux for quite some time now but did use windows before. And i would say that the linux way is more logical though it can be confusing in the beginning.
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Last edited by AlMehdi; 2010-08-30 at 07:16.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Apr 2010
lol I just want to "unleash" my N900
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Originally Posted by nokiaboy97 View Post
lol I just want to "unleash" my N900
Try to read up on root and the linux filesystem.. the more you understand about it the better. If you don't there is a big chance you mess up the system. And make backups.. trial by error is in my mind the best way of learning.
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Before this thread gets to long and more and more people contribute or ask questions I like to end this up with a summary.

To become root on your n900's Maemo5 you need to install rootsh, then you may become root by typing
sudo gainroot
in a terminal window (xterminal - open via menu or by pressing ctrl-shift-x).

If your "sudo <command>" does not work with permission denied you are probably trying to do two things at once where the first command is with root permissions but the 2nd isn't.

Please be sure to know your way around at the CLI before you proceed or follow step-by-step instructions carefully!


Last edited by chemist; 2010-08-30 at 08:13.

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