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Hello all,

Has any of you solved his issue with the charger(s)?
Has any of you sent his device to the care center?
What was the result?
I'm having exactly the same issue.
Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Czech Republic
Hi, I have droped my n900 with pluged changer. Then I have problem with connection and charging. I have to replace changer. With new changer any problem. I charging at home and in car.
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Originally Posted by JCH View Post
I got my N900 two days ago. It was charging fine the first night with the included wall charger. Today it won't charge with the wall charger but will charge with the USB cable to computer.

Anyone else had this problem? Before I call to get the wall charger replaced I thought I'd ask. I bought this phone through Amazon. Anyone have to deal with some warranty issue like this with Amazon?
I now have exactly the same problem. I too bought from Amazon. My phone's not been on for the past 2 months.
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I bought mine also from amazon. Mine starts charging but then it says "not charging" and i have tu unplug/replug. I have never had it over 50% battery charge.
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In my case was because of totally flat battery. Solution...
You need 1 old charger for nokia (3.7V on output)

Cut the plug for old nokia. Cut out wire cover to copper. Check polarization of cables with voltmeter (plus and minus).

Take out battery from n900. Attach cables according to polarization directly to battery. Wait 20 min.

Then unplug cables. And put battery back to n900. It's should wake up. At least mine woke up. And I tried to charge it 8 hours with no effect... and then after 20 min ... cha-chin
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is this a bug or what. mine just turns of for no reason . i try everything to turn it on but no luck. I have to take the battery oit so it can turn back on .
Posts: 144 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Mar 2010
its definately the phone, as the desktop charger is also usually useless. when plugged in (to either the mains or desktop charger) :-

- the phones green "charging" bar may move up and down, but its usually not REALLY charging

- when the screen goes off automatically as usual when not in use, the orange charging light may go on and off, indicating a charge, but its usually not really charging.. as an example, even though it "knows" I have connected the mains plug to it, sometimes its SWITCHED OFF at the mains! lol.. so its really just wasting more power. when connected to the pc, after a few mins I can switch the phone on again, no increase/difference to the amount of power left

- sometimes (when the screen is on) literally after around 3 or 4 seconds of the green bar moving, it will tell me to "disconnect the charger" to avoid wasting power... so even with little or almost no power, the phone THINKS its fully charged (despite the battery bar being empty)...?!?

- at other times when I connect the mains plug, after a few seconds it will literally say "stopped charging" for no reason, and the green charge bar stops moving!

- when on the occasion that I cant get the phone to charge AT ALL, and its ran out of power completely, I am at a loss, unless I wait a long time inserting the cable 100x times until it starts really charging

..........I had not installed anything new when all this started happening, so its not likely to be a "new installation" of any particular software thats caused the problem. I thought it might be my charger leads (or the phones charger connectors), as sometimes the orange light flickered on/off quickly whilst on, perhaps indicating a poor signal, but when it decides to work out of the blue, its ok again.. the problems of not being able to charge seems to occur most often for me when the power is VERY low on the mobile, although perhaps it just seems that way, as thats when you would panic most trying to get it to work Im pretty sure moving the keyboard in or out whilst charging makes no difference-waiting for the next update (2 yrs time, if the phone is still being updated by then) or forcing a downgrade/reinstalling the old firmware might be the best bet, although Im not sure I want to chance ruining the phone for good, lol.. it doesnt charge, but when it is charged, it works. just! lol

Last edited by extent; 2010-07-27 at 12:21.
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I have had a related problem: Once the battery fully drains and I try to charge up the old N900, I often have to push the on button about 10 or so times, as the machine gives various signals, such as the light turning blue temporarily, or a "closing" screen comes up several times, etc. It can take about 5 minutes of pressing the power button intermittently for the N900 to power back on. Has anybody else had this problem? Is there an easier/quicker way to get the N900 back on, after the battery has drained? I'm using the wall outlet plug.

Also, one time, the N900 did give me a scare when it once just stopped working and showed a black screen. I popped out the battery and put it back in and all was right again.
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nope, Ive got the same issue, my phone right now is pretty much fully drained of energy now, its gone off on its own, and when I leave it alone, even if I dont press anything, the screen comes on several times with a faint "NOKIA" logo showing - usually on a near black screen (with little to no brightness). Im assuming this is the closing screen you are referring to. Ive also had the startup screen come on (with brightness) a few times on its own, but never the "hands" screen. Perhaps the nokia screen coming on all the time is a result of all those power button presses, trying to get the thing to come on, and it remembers them all (and therefore tries to do them all at once, who knows...) *shrug* ???

Ive also found ANOTHER issue to add to my collection. I tried to charge earlier, and after 20 mins or so the green battery power bar said I was almost half way charged-wohooO! lol-that sounded good.. but then the screen went black (after a few seconds of not being in use, normal automatic timeout i think to save energy)... and when I tapped a button, I was now back to having no power in the phone again, an empty power bar, with the usual needing to charge warnings!

I no longer trust the power bar anyway, theres no way of knowing if its really charging at all (even if the power bar is moving it might be a lie, as I found out before when it wasnt even plugged in). Who knows, perhaps the phone IS really charged up, but it thinks its not, so gives the warning messages, and switches off, for all the wrong reasons! We may never know

lol my phone now has zero battery power, and ive left it plugged in on the offchance it may really start charging (as its done before).. but its a gamble, as if it never charged up again, then thats one phone ready to throw in the bin- and its certainly been one phone not worth its money or all the effort. if any future updates dont solve the problem, then thatll be the last nokia phone ill ever use-they arent worth it

Last edited by extent; 2010-07-27 at 15:34.

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update >> my phone is now showing a full battery, I checked it a few mins ago and the power light (the one thats usually orange and going on and off when charging from the mains) is now green, its not flickering-im assuming this is the indication of being fully charged. I will see how long my phone takes before it gives me another battery low warning, if it does.

If its a now genuine fully charged phone, then it would seem (if I havent just been lucky) that I will now always have to run out of power completely before my phone will start charging genuinely.. very annoying! ;(

I dont see why nokia could not come up with a real solution, im certainly not the only one with the problem after reading the forums on here. It seems fairly common, and nokia surely use their own phones themselves to search for major bugs, and are bound to have come across it-to be able to work out why its happening and how to solve it!?!

Im now waiting for my phone to make that "low power" tone to warn me I have nothing left.. Ill give it 20 mins max !! *sigh*

Last edited by extent; 2010-07-27 at 19:33.

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