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Originally Posted by pixelgeek View Post
Somehow when I try to build the application, there keep errors showing up, saying that hildonmm.h and libosso.h couldn't be found (and some others). Where can I find these? Do I need to be online for building the application? Are they somewhere local on my disk?
Yeah they're in the scratchbox set up by the SDK. Try running '/scratchbox/login' to enter the SDK and then run 'apt-get full-upgrade'.
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Ok, Logged into scratchbox, tried the 'apt-get full-upgrade' -> Invalid operation, so I did a regular 'apt-get upgrade' but nothing got updated

Even though I'm connected to the internet, I still get the same error message in the console window:

configure: error: Package requirements (hildonmm libosso) were not met:
No package 'hildonmm' found
Consider adjusting the PKG_CONFIG_PATH environment variable if you installed software in a non-standard prefix.
Alternatively, you may set the environment variables HELLOWORLD_CFLAGS and HELLOWORLD_LIBS to avoid the need to call pkg-config.
See the pkg-config man page for more details.
*** exited with code 1

I tried it being logged in at scratchbox and not being logged in, but this doesn't change anything...
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Originally Posted by dwould View Post
From my perspective I'd say use python. yes c++ *can* be faster, but only if you can actually get it to work. in my experience unless you are trying to push the limits of the device, the difference in app performance will be hidden completely by bad programming.
By which I mean you'll waste so much time trying to make c++ work at all, or do anything, that the theoretical performance difference isn't worth much.

of course if you already know c/c++ and are a super clever guy, then go for it. But for me, coming from a java background, I tried C, and it took me ages to get not very far, and I gave up trying to debug my segfaults. I just wasn't prepared to sink my time into getting good enough at C to make it worth while.

Python is *way* faster to develop and get on with for anyone that doesn't start with serious c experience.

In real terms I think I stand a better chance of writing performant Python than I do in C, just because I have a better understanding of what is going on. But maybe that's just me.
Usually just some methodical working makes this no where near as hard as it might seem but if you come from an environment when this is all take care of for you then you won't have learnt resource management in code (old timer sigh).

Python can be faster for some things and then it can be slower for others - regularly have competitions with the Python guys I work with and it's about 50/50 so far.

The basic difference is that C/C++ require the coder to be more disciplined with resource managment but it does allow a finer control - same in all things, no free lunch!
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Originally Posted by go1dfish View Post
I tend to agree, but one performance hurdle of python difficult to overcome is slow startup speed. Once your app is loaded users are hard pressed to tell a difference espescially if your app relies heavily on fumctionality provided by a relatively fast toolkit like qt or gtk.
The problem though is the relatively huge VM that is dragged about on the machine. On a desktop this is minimal issue but on a mobile this all eats battery and RAM.
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Ahaaaaaaaaaaa Things are looking good now!!
Got Ubuntu installed and wokring like a dream Loving the Karma Koala name

Got QT stuff installed, just looking at that, then will try and get the scratchbox and xephyr working ....

Then, cross fingers i can start trying QT, if i don't like it, i'll try python

Thankyou for everyones help so far!!
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Originally Posted by noobmonkey View Post

Then, cross fingers i can start trying QT, if i don't like it, i'll try python

Thankyou for everyones help so far!!
Or try both at the same time via PyQt/PySide? Though, admittedly, the original Qt documentation is far more complete than its bindings
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@noobmonkey: did you get the helloworld example working? Still getting this error message when I try to build the application...
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Originally Posted by jaem View Post

Yeah, there is a lot of jargon, although most tutorial sites I've seen try to not use too much. The problem is that one has to assume at least some things, or a single tutorial would have to be huge, including every possible explanation. This glossary may be helpful to you:

A few things. I'm not sure which page you're referring to, but you don't have to install Qt the hard way. If you're not familiar with Package Management, read up on it on the UbuntuCat site. It's a system that allows for a modular OS and applications, central distribution and updates for everything, and also tracks all of your system files. Linux very closely follows the philosophy of "a place for everything, and everything in its place", and package management allows for that to work by tracking all installed files in a database. The standalone installer you downloaded is an example of the "last resort" option, because often such things leave untracked files floating around on your system, which kind of defeats the point of tracking them (all personal files should go in your home directory unless you have a reeeally good reason not to). That said, kudos for working out the permissions issue. The reason for that is simply security - when you download a file, it is by default not executable, so that downloading random e-mail attachments (in theory) isn't going trash your system without your say-so. Because most normal users are going to use only the package manager, it's not usually an issue, but I've seen newbies get hung up on that problem for a while. :P
Anyhow, to get to the point, if you want to use Qt on the VM OS (Ubuntu variant), then you install it with synaptic in the GUI, or apt-get in the shell. However, that won't install it into the actual SDK. When you run /scratchbox/login, it puts you into a special shell that can run ARM applications, and can be used for building and debugging. The "home directory" in that shell is actually located in /scratchbox/users/maemo/home/maemo , and you should be able to open a file manager to there and either drop files into it, or open files from it in a graphical editor if you wish. Note I say should - if it doesn't work, let me know. You may need to use the sbox shell to actually do the compiling, although I seem to remember hearing that it comes with a plugin for whatever IDE it ships with that allows to do it in the IDE... don't quote me on that. If you want to install Qt in the SDK environment, you have two choices: Qt 4.5 (stable, but not a full Maemo port, and not going to be supported by Nokia), which is in extras, and is called libqt4-dev (technically that's a lie, but it's split into modules, and that should install them all for you in a more simple way than otherwise), or Qt 4.6 (potentially unstable, but almost fully integrated, and will be supported soon), which is in extras-devel.
So yeah, to summarize the first bit: check the repositories for your program first, then look to see if there is a standalone installer or other less desirable method, and only then worry about compiling if you need to. Package management is great, but the problem is that most distros do it a bit differently from each other, so you can't just take, say, a program distributed by Fedora, and install it on Ubuntu. It's kind of a "blessing and curse" situation - if programs are available (and most big distros have many thousands of apps and libraries), they're (IMO) simpler to find and install than in Windows, but on the other side, at least with Windows any old download will work.
Hi Jaem, sorry i didnt see that post from you - this thread got busy!
Really still appreciating all your help

Now i've managed to get it on another laptop, full screen, everything is starting to make sense - do remember quite a few of the linux commands (Used it a long time ago!) - so things are coming back to me.
New Kubuntu = fail for me
But! New Ubuntu = pretty good!

Managed to get QT/KDev/eclipse all installed and taking a look

I don't think the coding is going to be a major issue, but remembering how everything links together is a whole new world! (ooo Aladdin quote?! lol)

So now i'm happy in Ubuntu, Getting scratchbox up and seeing a maemo screen like i did on the vm box is a start!

Then i get some code, compile it, and figure out how to get it from a deb(I assume a deb?) into that maemo scratchbox, lol....

(I think you can see why it's like chasing your tail..... i thought i was doing well, then realised i have a loooooong way to go!!)

Wonder if i can balls-up venom's post to get the scratchbox to work on ubuntu?
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Originally Posted by pixelgeek View Post
@noobmonkey: did you get the helloworld example working? Still getting this error message when I try to build the application...
Havn't got that far yet, just re-installed ubuntu and setup the coding software, havnt figured out how to get the maemo stuff on here now! lol - 2 steps back, 1 step forward
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I did it using the GUI installer following this guide here:

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