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Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
UPDATE 2010-02-21
New package revision r880 released. Lots of changes here - again I've received help from Borislav Mitev - thanks . Among the changes are localizations for:
  • Media Player
  • Images
  • RSS Reader
  • All games
  • Cities - 100% finished

The Following User Says Thank You to todor_tsankov For This Useful Post:
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Zdraveite iskam ako moje da vi pomolq za pomosht ..
Install si DialCentral no sled kato go startiram mi iska username i password koito az nqmam kak moga da se registriram i kude za da polzvam programata ?
Blagodarq predvaritelno
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Originally Posted by tweety View Post
Zdraveite iskam ako moje da vi pomolq za pomosht ..
Install si DialCentral no sled kato go startiram mi iska username i password koito az nqmam kak moga da se registriram i kude za da polzvam programata ?
Blagodarq predvaritelno
@tweety: I would like to ask you not to change the subject of this thread - you could always start a new one, or just search the forums.

Anyway - I've never used dial central, but as it is written in the app description this is an interface for GoogleVoice, so I suspect that these are the username and password that should be supplied.
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Dear Todor,

I would like to thank you and also to Borislav for nice job you did.
Also the new translation of "Accounts" in Phone Menu is perfect. ;-)

If I can help you with something - just e-mail me or call me.
Have a nice day!
G. E.
Posts: 26 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria Yambol
Извинявам се предварително, че отново пиша в темата.
Имам запитване дали някой си е настроил FMMS да работи в България на вивател, и ако е възможно да ми помогнете да си настроя моя, тъй като от виваком нямат и на представа как става това. Благодаря предварително и пак се извинявам.

I apologize in advance that I write again to the topic.
I asked if anyone has FMMS tuned to work in Bulgaria Vivatel, and if possible to help me to my settings because of vivakom and no idea how. Thanks in advance and again I apologize.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
UPDATE 2010-03-02
Hi fellows! This time the list of the update will be pretty short - because there is no list at all. The reason for that is that today (after allot of problems with transifex) thanks to firstsan I was able to push the final localizations to the google code repository. With that the whole Maemo5 is now localized in Bulgarian! Please bare in mind that this does not mean that everything on your device will be in Bulgarian. There will be still things like third party apps that will not be localized.
From now on I'll continue to push updates and improve the translations and will also start to localize third party apps. The goal is to have a fully Bulgarian "speaking" device

The only bad news is that the package that will incorporate these changes is still underway and will come in the next days. So please test the package and give feedback so we can move it to extras-testing and may some day to extras.

The Following User Says Thank You to todor_tsankov For This Useful Post:
Posts: 229 | Thanked: 36 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Dear Todor,

As always superb job!

Yesterday I updated BG localization.

I have a question for you - regarding your last post you mentioned Bulgarian localization will be included in a package.
Will it be included in next firmware update? Or it will be available as Final in app directories?

Thank you very much!
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Originally Posted by jorjino View Post
Dear Todor,

As always superb job!

Yesterday I updated BG localization.

I have a question for you - regarding your last post you mentioned Bulgarian localization will be included in a package.
Will it be included in next firmware update? Or it will be available as Final in app directories?

Thank you very much!
The package I'm referring is the one that now resides in extras-devel under the name N900-i18n-bg_BG. This package eventually will be moved at some point to extras-testing and extras - which is known as Maemo Extras in the package manager.
The revision that has the latest changes is r970, so any package that has version number greater that this will have the changes incorporated.
tuminoid's Avatar
Posts: 188 | Thanked: 185 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Finland
I've got a translation project going on for Cellular Modem Control Buttons, and I could add Bulgarian translations as well.

Strings I need translated are at: and the Transifex project is at:
My wiki: User:Tuminoid
cpumem-applet: home | packages - status: 0.0.3 in Extras

cell-modem-ui: home | packages - status: 0.5.1-1 in Extras
nowplayingd: home | packages - status: 0.1-2 in extras-devel
custom-pwkmenu: home - no packages yet.
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Originally Posted by tuminoid View Post
I've got a translation project going on for Cellular Modem Control Buttons, and I could add Bulgarian translations as well.

Strings I need translated are at: and the Transifex project is at:
I've sent you an e-mail with localized file.
I wish all developers were considering localization of their apps from day one

The Following User Says Thank You to todor_tsankov For This Useful Post:

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