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Posts: 135 | Thanked: 75 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Buenos Aires, Argentina
pidgin user here
I'm always offline at telepathy, I don't like it. So I use Pidgin instead.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Amsterdam
i dont like the functionalities in Pidgin (alerts and the like), plus it eats to much resources.

Anyway: now my msn (Haze) works and i found some interesting things:
- i re-entered my password in the availability menu
- i removed my icon for msn
- i removed my screenname for msn

Whenever i get a 'network error' now i just remove my screenname and it works again. But ... unfortunately, people cant see me online and i dont receive their messages. I can see them and they receive my IM though ....

so i didn't solve all problems apparently :-(

Last edited by rogierrr; 2011-06-15 at 13:03.
Posts: 39 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2011 @ Amsterdam
Apparently the method posted by 9000 on 04-25-11 07:39 AM works better than mine. None of my contacts were able to see me online or send any IM, although they received mine and i can see them. With 9000's method around 20 dependencies will be installed automatically (if you added Maemo Extras-devel repository in application manager) including telepathy-haze and account-plugin-haze-sipe and avahi-daemon and bind9-host.

Now i seem to have no problem anymore. Thanks 9000!

NB. after adding the maemo extras-devel repository, exit the application manager before 'sudo apt-get install account-plugin' in the terminal.
Posts: 20 | Thanked: 3 times | Joined on Feb 2011
hello all! anyone having problems with pecan on theese days?
on summer i was having different n900 i sent it to warranty and got back dif phone, so i needed to find secound hand N900. now i have it few weeks and it seems pecan has someway changed!

it keeps disconnecting and re-connecting, i have also gtalk, skype and sip, they don't do that, only pecan do it.. it does time to time, and very often, i use wlan 80% of my time at work and home, else where i use 2,5g or 3g. When 2G or 2,5G i noticed(via radio interfaces) it keeps sending data all time when pecan is connected.

is there any tweaks how i can set disconnect timeouts to bigger numbers? thanks!

Last edited by riku2015; 2011-10-11 at 04:25.

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