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I think you shouldn't have bought the phone in the first place. Just be happy with whatever you have right now. If they will release it officially then good but if not I promise myself not to buy any Nokia phones anymore. =)
Posts: 559 | Thanked: 166 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Cyprus
Well, I have the leaked one so don`t care about the real one....I`m happy the way it is
Posts: 179 | Thanked: 99 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Yorkshire, UK
PR1.2 - No. It won't fix what needs fixing. Sadly.
Posts: 47 | Thanked: 8 times | Joined on Apr 2010
The reason the majprity of these people are fixated on the pr1.2 update is due to the continual upgrade/update/purchase mentality because they have the attention span of a gnat - even shorter.

Like cashclientel said most of the users will notice no difference anyway.

If pr1.2 brought worldwide death and destruction they'd still be shouting for it.

It will come when it has been throughly tested - as it should be.

Mods: can we deep-six all of these annoying/no factual/no discussion/no semi-intelligent argumentative threads?

And as for the "rick-rolling" threads? Just ******ed.

Sorry, but I am getting sick of skimming through 200 threads daily with these useless comments.

Posts: 508 | Thanked: 130 times | Joined on Sep 2009
in less then a month i can get a new phone for free. i dont give **** about it anymore.

i patched the n900 to 1.2. I know its not the final version and maybe some more stuff will be fixed but i dont care anymore. Half of the functions are still not working. and im starting to get bored with the open platform thing everyone keeps yelling... yeah sure you can change everything... but who cares??? maemo 5 looks crap and has no descent apps and support.

After the n95 and n96 the n900 will probably be my last nokia. Even when its new it still looks old when its made by nokia... nothing fresh or new is comming out of nokia's hands anymore. Its a shame... it truly is.

Nokia's current vision: $$$$$$$$$

Last edited by sygys; 2010-05-18 at 13:11.
Posts: 472 | Thanked: 442 times | Joined on Sep 2007
If the PR1.2 update is the most important thing to you, I say get your priorities straight.
If you don't know how to check your N900's uptime, you probably shouldn't own it.
Posts: 5,795 | Thanked: 3,151 times | Joined on Feb 2007 @ Agoura Hills Calif
GPS is much better. The rootfs problem is improved. These are both important.
Posts: 380 | Thanked: 459 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Slovenia
I don't care for now.. had to return my n900 cause vibra stopped working :/ i hope it'll be released 'till i get it back.
Posts: 330 | Thanked: 82 times | Joined on May 2010 @ Mumbai, India and Amherst, USA (Current Location)
I don't care either.

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Posts: 305 | Thanked: 71 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ 'Nam
Haven't cared in months but I am happy with my phone for the most part. But a lot of people is not going to be happy seeing the PR 1.2 is mainly a bug fixer update not to many cool new features a lot of people think is coming and that's going to be the biggest let down for most. IMO
But Nokia will drop it when they are ready so as n900 users all we can do is sit back and wait for the "magic" to happen.
I ever tell you about the time......


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