Hurray! I received my ship notice this morning. Well, wonders never cease. I thought for sure I wouldn't see it ship in 2006. Thank you Nokia for finally pulling your heads from your a**es. I'm happy to see that NokiaUSA finally has as good a relationship with NokiaEurope as CompUSA does
I suspect most of us who settled for the 3-day shipping are the ones who didn't give in to the pressure to by it at CompUSA. Same for those who used the $50 discount trick on the web site (which I unfortunately did not).
For those that got next-day shipping (assuming no $50 discount), it's a no-brainer to go with CompUSA (I'm assuming NJ 6% sales tax):
$359.99 + $22.95 next-day shipping + 6% tax = $403.94
$399.99 + 6% tax = $423.98
So, for twenty bucks more, you could upgrade from "next-day after Nokia finally decides to ship" to "immediate satisfaction". These folks have already demonstrated that they're willing to spend an extra $22.95 to get the device two days sooner. It's obvious that another $20 isn't such a big deal in light of the prospect of ending the torturous wait.
Out of curiousity, is there anyone who:
- ordered a 770 from NokiaUSA shortly after Nov. 14th
- got the next-day shipping (+$22.95)
- didn't do the $50 discount trick
- has a CompUSA within a reasonable distance with 770s in stock
- and, DIDN'T run out to get it at CompUSA?
I suspect most of us who settled for the 3-day shipping are the ones who didn't give in to the pressure to by it at CompUSA. Same for those who used the $50 discount trick on the web site (which I unfortunately did not).
For those that got next-day shipping (assuming no $50 discount), it's a no-brainer to go with CompUSA (I'm assuming NJ 6% sales tax):
$359.99 + $22.95 next-day shipping + 6% tax = $403.94
$399.99 + 6% tax = $423.98
So, for twenty bucks more, you could upgrade from "next-day after Nokia finally decides to ship" to "immediate satisfaction". These folks have already demonstrated that they're willing to spend an extra $22.95 to get the device two days sooner. It's obvious that another $20 isn't such a big deal in light of the prospect of ending the torturous wait.
Out of curiousity, is there anyone who:
- ordered a 770 from NokiaUSA shortly after Nov. 14th
- got the next-day shipping (+$22.95)
- didn't do the $50 discount trick
- has a CompUSA within a reasonable distance with 770s in stock
- and, DIDN'T run out to get it at CompUSA?