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Originally Posted by Nik1 View Post
All of us must remember that Nokia is fairly new to the UMPC game. This may disappoint many people, but in my opinion, anyone that bought the n770 was a mere ALPHA/BETA tester for a future device to come. The future device today is the the N800. This is not a mystery though, all great things require time to build upon each predecessor.
Ok, what would you think, as a 800 buyer, if in a matter of 12 month the "future device" will be the N900? (not so unprobable, since Nokia already announced the release of Wimax tablets for 2008)
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Originally Posted by fanoush View Post
That's huge oversimplification and exaggeration. With windows mobile you are completely screwed. With maemo you have approx. 90% (my guess) of system sources available. This still makes it not completely free and some bugs are really not fixable, but you (or someone else) can do a lot to fix your problems. That's big practical difference not just problem of semantics.
Yes, it is an exageration but it's not major - at least not in the sense I'm thinking. I wasn't talking about developer control and access to resources, I was refering to control over the life of the OS and implicitly over the life of the device. I have passed through the same problem with other devices (Jornada 720, Zaurus) and I'm getting a little tired of bone head decisions in the name of progress. I really feel the irony of deciding "we need to sell the next version" because sometimes that is my motto too, but I had hoped Nokia would get it right - at least in the last hour.

I can only hope now that before throwing it away they release everything - and I'm putting all my hopes in this. The only thing we need to do is let them understand they won't be losing sales, but rather get ahead of the mobile devices crowd and satisfy their "pro" users
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Originally Posted by maxilogan View Post
Ok, what would you think, as a 800 buyer, if in a matter of 12 month the "future device" will be the N900? (not so unprobable, since Nokia already announced the release of Wimax tablets for 2008)
I'd be wanting to know "How much?" I'm a bit of a tech whore myself.
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Originally Posted by Tuxedosteve View Post
I'd be wanting to know "How much?" I'm a bit of a tech whore myself.
I'd be thinkin' that myself too, but it's not that I have four hundred bucks a year to spend into this kind of things (something more, if you think that I am paying it in Euros )

Oh! By the way, is there anyone who wants to get me one N800 at 279$ at a closing CompUSA and send it to a company in Texas? One of my colleagues is over there..
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Originally Posted by tabletfan View Post
Apple will be new to the cellphone game when it comes out with the iPhone this summer. Do you think the iPhone will be a mere ALPHA/BETA product? I bet it will be polished and a fully functional product.
And I'll bet it has bugs, and doesn't sell anywhere near the insanely projected numbers, and is eventually abandoned.
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This is really disappointing. I bought my 770 in December, 2006. It's still covered by the warranty. Now I learn that Nokia is abandoning it. This is unacceptable!

Others have suggested that OSS developers take over fixing the OS for the 770. As much as I'd like to believe that will work, my experience tells me that it'll be a crapshoot. I had a Sharp Zaurus for three years. In that time, I used OpenZaurus. It was nice that there was something that worked but there weren't enough volunteers to fix bugs and the build system was undocumented and impossible to figure out unless you read the source code.

If volunteer OSS developers can maintain and improve the OS for the 770, I'll be overjoyed. I'm not holding my breath.

To whom at Nokia can I complain?
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Originally Posted by talmage View Post
To whom at Nokia can I complain?
Ari Jaaksi:
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The topic has been heating up these days on the maemo mailing lists (users and dev), maybe you could start there.

Texrat has also suggested Dr Jaksi's blog, but I'm doubtful about that, I think it's mostly a soapbox for him and the comments are overflowing with spam anyway.

What saddens me most (apart from individual perceived loss) is that from the responses I see in the lists from Nokia staff, I get the impression that their maemo team is mostly a bunch of talented, well-meaning people, not so different from the community leaders on the other side, but they are getting stonewalled and hindered by corporate ponderousness and hidden agendas on a lot of fronts (surprise, eh ?), and there is a risk that all their hard work and good ideas will end up wasted that way...
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The cynical among us saw this coming. As soon as the N800 was officially released, we heralded the end of the 770. Nokia tried to deny it, tried to assuage concerns, and some of us even bought it, but now it's official.

I'll repeat my initial argument. What the hell is so innovative and special in the N800 that it warrants abandoning the 770 entirely?

The added flash memory and memory card slot? No, that just adds file system space for storing music and videos. The extra RAM or faster CPU? It lets N800 users run more programs at once, and even some more CPU-intensive applications, but it's not a huge advance. The camera, or bluetooth 2.0? Please, how many applications (so far) are even using either of those?

There is nothing new in the N800 that justifies cutting off 770 users from OS2007. The proof is in the viability of the "hacker edition" that almost works but will never be supported (officially or otherwise).

I am extremely disappointed in the way Nokia handled this situation. I like the 770, and the N800 is a decent hardware improvement, but there is no reason (other than laziness) that Nokia needed to end support of the 770. I (and I'm sure other 770 users) would have been perfectly content if they simply added a new set of (specialized) applications that required the N800 for performance or feature reasons, while continuing to support general OS2007 functionality on the 770.

One word, Nokia: ouch.
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as a most of the time silent reader i totally agree with gnuite's view.
Being completely pleased with my 770 and seeing it's still being sold i cannot accept the OSS mirage simply thrown away so badly...
Hey ! call me naive but i'm a profound believer of openess goodness and Nokia is not feeting any good with my approach these days.

Having said this, i've installed the hacker's edition rootfs to flash and have evaluated it for an hour or so. I completely agree with what has been said elsewhere in this forum : basic tablet operations are going remarkably well.
This leads me to think that my new naive dream is obtaining some kind of non supported continued availability for this HE edition on the soon "prehistoric" 770 !

As others expressed already, weeks to come will determine how interested i will or won't be in next Nokia's IT products.

See ya, Alex

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