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Originally Posted by dushkin View Post
In short, would you guys still recommend N900 as a good overall phone?
Going back to your OP & the reason you say you want an N900, yes deffo a great phone for tinkering with.
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Yep. Amazing fone..
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i posted a solution a while back. edit the following file
change value of nice level to -20.
save and reboot

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Thanks, lifenexus. Just did that edit; it'll be interesting ot see if/how much it helps.

I always get a stutter when I leave home and get out of WLAN range. But the worst was when I was moving a bunch of files onto the phone over WLAN via sshfs (not the most efficient approach, but very handy for my needs). The music first stuttered, then stopped completely, playing one fractional-second snippet perhaps every minute. The misbehavior lasted until about 5-10 minutes AFTER the download finished. Wow! I'll never do that again.
Posts: 40 | Thanked: 42 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Vienna
I still recommend the phone. And look at it this way: For this price
you can not get another phone which can

a) ...multitask
b) pretty much everything you want
c) ...has that good a community
d) heavy enough to beat someone to death, in case you get robbed.

For the stuttering. Yes it happens, but its not annoying IMHO. When i put it in my car, start up media player, connect to UMTS, Skype, ICQ, Facebook and MSN and simultaneously launch the navigation app (yes i do these things), then I have little trouble accepting some sound stuttering.

Last edited by wongdong; 2010-06-24 at 07:28.
Posts: 24 | Thanked: 38 times | Joined on Dec 2009 @ Denmark
I don't know if this has been posted in this thread before, so apologies if this is old news.

It appears that a bug has recently been fixed regarding this issue: Bug #7190: music stutters while multi-tasking, especially browsing web

Besides, I agree with the others saying this:
IMHO this is the best phone money can buy ATM. Despite it's short-comings it just does so much more than competing products.

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Posts: 201 | Thanked: 96 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by gkuenning View Post
Thanks, lifenexus. Just did that edit; it'll be interesting ot see if/how much it helps.

I always get a stutter when I leave home and get out of WLAN range. But the worst was when I was moving a bunch of files onto the phone over WLAN via sshfs (not the most efficient approach, but very handy for my needs). The music first stuttered, then stopped completely, playing one fractional-second snippet perhaps every minute. The misbehavior lasted until about 5-10 minutes AFTER the download finished. Wow! I'll never do that again.
sure buddy. let me know how it goes. it works for me now. what "nice" in linux means is, how nice should this process be to other processes. its from -20 to 20. the smaller number means, pulse audio is not be nice to other processes and use its share of the cpu most! and u set it to -20 so its good for helping pulse audio run well
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Originally Posted by Cthulhu View Post
I don't know if this has been posted in this thread before, so apologies if this is old news.

It appears that a bug has recently been fixed regarding this issue: Bug #7190: music stutters while multi-tasking, especially browsing web

Besides, I agree with the others saying this:
IMHO this is the best phone money can buy ATM. Despite it's short-comings it just does so much more than competing products.
Thanks. Let me summarize that bug tracker to save others time:
User1: My n900 audio stutters alot when browsing and doing other things
User2: Mine too!
User3: Some fixes are coming in PR1.2
User4-5: PR1.2 made it worse
Klapper: Yes, we know. Fixed in pulseaudio version xxxxx. No, you can't get it before it's put into a major PR, which may not be the next one. No, there's no information on what was actually done so you can guess if this is likely to fix the problem you have or implement it yourself in advance.

Unofficial PR1.3/Meego 1.1 FAQ

Classic example of arbitrary Nokia decision making. Couldn't just fallback to the no brainer of tagging with lat/lon if network isn't accessible, could you Nokia?
MAME: an arcade in your pocket
Accelemymote: make your accelerometer more joy-ful

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I certainly noticed this get worse from PR1.1.1 to PR1.2 especially as I mainly use gpodder + panucci - really getting fed up of losing parts of the conversation in a podcast when an email comes in.

I've mitigated the issue somewhat by using the tweaked kernel that bumps the clock speed up to 850, but it's still not perfect. I also hear that the next release of Panucci for the N900 will renable the option to use the native audio decoder instead of it's own which is meant to be less buggy. That may help.

What I do know is that using the native media player does at least put the phone in a mode where alerts get changed to a simple background beep rather than the full alert tone set for the profile. this certainly would help panucci if it did the same.
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Originally Posted by Flandry View Post
Thanks. Let me summarize that bug tracker to save others time:
Which bug is that? :)

Ha. Well, mine stuttered like nuts on 1.0 and 1.1, still does in 1.2. As long as it isn't usable as background audio, does it matter by how much?

My worst offender is audio stutter while browsing the web. Two light activities and it should be clear that audio should come first. Still borks.

Anyway, I just wanted to say that OC to 900 MHz helps none. It's not a matter of power.
N900 dead and Nokia no longer replaces them. Thanks for all the fish.

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