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Originally Posted by Kham View Post
It is now bug 11464! Go vote for it.
Thanks, but after flashing PR1.3 bug didn't repeat, so I'll wait.

Who added "troll" tag to thread? Why? It's real problem. (Or at least was.)
Posts: 82 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ West Coast, USA
Originally Posted by int_ua View Post
And me too, but only for one contact.
It's not free space issue. I have 12Mb/800Mb/>1Gb on root/home/MyDocs and can install new apps without any problems.
I can assume that this can be caused by some smileys which are similar to sql syntax or by renaming the contact. Or by extending it's data with some non-typical information. Or by some conversations addons: I have Skype, GoogleTalk, ICQ, Ovi and Vkontakte (russian [anti]social network, clone of facebook that enabled jabber for all users) accounts activated at least once.

Another symptom is that for this contact statuses of new messages cannot be updated: I can see notification that sms was delivered, but in conversation window it's still can be seen as awaiting to be sent.

Will try to see .db
Same here with my wife's N900. It's only happening with one of her contacts and always the same contact when the problem arises. Some of the messages disappear or it shows her messages a day or few days old. Plus it shows the actual phone number rather than the contacts name that my wife has her saved under.

She did a battery pull and restart and only temporarily fixes the problem. I hope she doesn't have to do a flash or anything serious just because of one contact.
Posts: 118 | Thanked: 39 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Jakarta, Indonesia
just recently experience this problem, only one contact conversation is missing & not updated everytime i send/receive messages. it started to happen when i was deleting several messages, a new message comes and i begun experiencing that missing conversation

btw i'm PR 1.3 and power kernel v46
Posts: 34 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2009
Having the same problem. Very frustrating.
Sandeep's Avatar
Posts: 110 | Thanked: 59 times | Joined on Nov 2010 @ Bangalore
The following thread could help you.

Originally Posted by Dgonik View Post
Having the same problem. Very frustrating.
Posts: 28 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jan 2010
was that ever fixed? my conversations and phone call history are dissapearing every once in a while, then, after reboot, they would come back...

please help
Posts: 43 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by srodin View Post
was that ever fixed? my conversations and phone call history are dissapearing every once in a while, then, after reboot, they would come back...

please help
I am having the same issue, and it seems to happen more and more and they cone back after reboot but it is driving me nuts.
Bazza's Avatar
Posts: 733 | Thanked: 249 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ UK
Have you been installing lot's of webos games?


Have you filled up your opt memory with other programs?
Retro gaming nut.

handhelds running mame really well, GP2x (mk2), GP2x wiz, JXD s7300

Samsung galaxy note 2 owner and of course mame on that too

ex - Xbox 360 user - here is the reason -

I am back Xboxing again - and here is what i did to correct it -

***UPDATE*** now 47 months on and x-clamp fix has just failed....not a bad run
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So if I'm going a little off topic here guys but it's only because I can't seem to find the answer anywhere and no one will respond to my question in another thread.

I have fMMS with a bunch of picture messages, maybe over 60-70 of them still on my N900. Only way I'm seeing to delete them is literally one by one.

Is there a way to select all or more than one and delete? That would be helpful since if I have to do each one seperate, it would take very long and be super annoying.

Any help would be appreciated!
Posts: 9 | Thanked: 30 times | Joined on Dec 2010
Found a workaround for this today - the problem occurs because the Headers table in the /home/user/.rtcom-eventlogger/el-v1.db becomes corrupt. Happily this is repairable, on the device:

First gain root access:
sudo gainroot
..then switch to the target directory:
cd .rtcom-eventlogger
Now dump the contents of the existing database to a raw SQL file:
sqlite3 el-v1.db .dump > el-v1.db.sql
Restore the SQL to a new database:
sqlite3 < el-v1.db.sql
You may ignore SQL errors at this stage; they occur due to corruption in the source.

Now overwrite the broken DB (you may wish to back up the original file):
cp el-v1.db
Finally, ensure that the file is owned by 'user' and is in the 'users' group so it may be read by Conversations
chown user el-v1.db
chgrp users el-v1.db
Now close and re-open your Conversations app - the changes should be immediate!

Hope this helps,

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