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If you want IM on all the time and you don't want to eat your battery up, install the 2G/3G switcher applet and set it to 2G when you're not using the internet for anything else. Will save a lot of battery power.
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I changed swappiness from 60 to 30 and cluster-size from 5 to 1 and the device won´t get pass the 5 dots. Just keeps loading something... Maybe the cluster change causes a KP or something? Actually the phone got into a reboot loop just now. hmm weird. Could be a power-kernel problem with the settings?
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Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Oh no!!!Copied the rcs file using winsp, modified the swappiness, cluter thing to 15 and 1, copied the file back and replaced the original. Changed the indexer settings as shown above. Switched off my device, changed the battery, switched it on. Nokia white screen shows for a few seconds and then device switches off again. Tried it five times and happens again and again. So I have now officially bricked my device.

And my usb port is faulty so I cannot even reflash the device. So I now have a dead device.
Probably \r\n instead of \n...
Thats a good reason to go buy yourself a Galaxy S though (;
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Originally Posted by eitama View Post
Probably \r\n instead of \n...
Thats a good reason to go buy yourself a Galaxy S though (;
What does that bolded part mean?

Would love it if Nokia replaced my bricked device with a galaxy epic. Or better still a galaxy tab
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Posts: 702 | Thanked: 334 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Israel.
Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
What does that bolded part mean?

Would love it if Nokia replaced my bricked device with a galaxy epic. Or better still a galaxy tab
Hehe, The bolded part...

Text / Ascii characthers, like the ones inside rcS file you edited are stored in files, when you enter 5 lines into that file, the editor you are using automatically adds special chars at the end of each line that are interperted as end of lines, or new-lines.
Pressing the Enter key actually does that, you press enter, the application adds \n (linux) \r\n (windows)

In the above peace of "code" there are 4 lines, each of the 1st 3 lines end with an invisible new-line char.
Linux uses \n (0xA in hexa) and windows uses \r\n (0xD0xA).
When you copied the file over winscp, and opened it on WINDOWS with some editor, the editor probably change all the \n occurrences to \r\n occurrences. Then you copied it back to the N900,
the n900 is trying to read that file, and says to himself "WTF??? what the hell is this \r\n, this is not for me... i'll reboot."

Why does linux use \n and not \r\n? the same answer for the question : "why does windows use \r\n and not \n?"...

Why does N900 fail to read that? cause it's linux.
Next time, use VI.

For further reading about this... Wikipedia

I'm sure Nokia will be pleased to give you a samsung galaxy s, or tab, right after they give me one
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Posts: 263 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on May 2008
Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Oh no!!!Copied the rcs file using winsp, modified the swappiness, cluter thing to 15 and 1, copied the file back and replaced the original. Changed the indexer settings as shown above. Switched off my device, changed the battery, switched it on. Nokia white screen shows for a few seconds and then device switches off again. Tried it five times and happens again and again. So I have now officially bricked my device.

And my usb port is faulty so I cannot even reflash the device. So I now have a dead device.
I believe you screwdup the encoding of the file... edit it in the phone, it's very easy, you'll replace 100 to 10 or so, and 5 to 1 on the swapiness and page-cluster, it VERY EASY!

Install leafpad and you're ready...

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Originally Posted by ivnvir View Post
I believe you screwdup the encoding of the file... edit it in the phone, it's very easy, you'll replace 100 to 10 or so, and 5 to 1 on the swapiness and page-cluster, it VERY EASY!

Install leafpad and you're ready...
Thanks. I have learnt my lesson now. Unfortunately I have learnt it to late. I have now bricked the device and my usb port is faulty so I can't reflash.
Posts: 263 | Thanked: 108 times | Joined on May 2008
Originally Posted by etuoyo View Post
Thanks. I have learnt my lesson now. Unfortunately I have learnt it to late. I have now bricked the device and my usb port is faulty so I can't reflash.

Sorry if it's, indirectly, my fault... I haven't put the step by step tutorial, just hints...
Hope you get your usb back, then will be easy to get it back!
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hmmm i changed it back to 100.. the reason ??

-after using a day, black screen
-couldnt use Navigation for some reason ? it hangs all the time
-and my battery drained the same speed as usual..

thats my opinion

If life gives you lemons, make lemonade
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I've tried to do it via Python but so far unsucessful, due to the file is strictly unmodifiable by python.

I try echo it through python but failed badly.

Anyone give me some advise on how to get this work with python at start up?

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