Poll: How long will Nokia N900 last?
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How long will Nokia N900 last?

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Joseph.skb's Avatar
Posts: 752 | Thanked: 284 times | Joined on Sep 2010 @ Malaysia
Originally Posted by punto View Post
The 'It was toast 6 months ago when the iPhone 4 came out' option is missing
I though it wouldn't matter...since those users would have already migrated away from this forum (just kidding, no offense)
Joseph.skb's Avatar
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Originally Posted by JohnLF View Post
It will remain perfectly viable until the software on it becomes obsolete. When the browser(s) cannot render the latest pages, plugins such as flash cannot be worked around or everyone converts their music to MP5 which no-one writes a decoder for, then it becomes less than useful.
Until that day comes, it does everything I need it to do and I will continue to use it and respect it.

There will have to be a LOT of research done for it's replacement, that's for sure.
Yes! the clock is ticking...but when will it all fall apart? What's our best guess? Any way to revive the excitement? How can we breath new life into the N900?
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Originally Posted by Joseph.skb View Post
I though it wouldn't matter...since those users would have already migrated away from this forum (just kidding, no offense)
Given the toilet-bound trajectory of the resales on N900's around my neck of the woods anyone can likely understand why I'm hanging onto mine, out of resignation...
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by theonelaw View Post
It is obvious Nokia is completely abandoning any shred of a decent open-source future.
A complete sell-out of the linux platform is unfolding right now at Nokia.
Anyone at Nokia involved with Meego had best be looking for a new job - fast.
The Meego stuff is getting a lot of frothy wishful-thinking fanboyisms
but the utter absence of any Meego handsets on the horizon
speaks volumes about where Nokia's Meego plans are headed.
Wouldn't it be fitting if they released the N9 with Windows Mobile 7 and announced, on the same day, pulling out of MeeGo for all but the N900 and that the community will be responsible for supporting itself and that they've halted all the Nokia licensed apps and support for MeeGo (i.e. no OviMaps, no Flash, no Skype, only the closed-source drivers that they provided with no future fixes/security updates, etc.).
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Wouldn't it be fitting if they released the N9 with Windows Mobile 7 and announced, on the same day, pulling out of MeeGo for all but the N900 and that the community will be responsible for supporting itself and that they've halted all the Nokia licensed apps and support for MeeGo (i.e. no OviMaps, no Flash, no Skype, only the closed-source drivers that they provided with no future fixes/security updates, etc.).
I mean, if you're getting giddy at the thought you should probably, you know, get a life. All you seem to do these days is post in Galaxy Tab thread and dive into flamewars to bash Nokia and Thank anyone who does the same.

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Personally I don't care if it goes unsupported by Nokia, not going to by a Droid or Apple device [small part because I am not a sheep] due to the very closed way of being handled by the carriers and vendor. The N900's biggest advantage is that it really dosen't need Nokia's support to remain viable, just the communities.

As a side note, I personally am not a fan of the iPhone like gui's ... MeeGo to me is trying to hard to look like iPhone, much like Droid looks alot like iPhone. Win Mobile 7 is different in a damn my toasters plain and white kinda way. Maemo offered a new approach, with the option to look more or less the way you want it too.

If your going to be a sheep, go find your flock. Just don't be surprised if you get fleeced.
Need more apps for the N900?
Qole's Easy Debian lets you choose from some 25,000 precompiled packages running safely on top of Maemo!
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
I mean, if you're getting giddy at the thought you should probably, you know, get a life. All you seem to do these days is post in Galaxy Tab thread and dive into flamewars to bash Nokia and Thank anyone who does the same.
Why so defensive? Just because someone posted an article pointing out statements that you wish Nokia hadn't made, isn't bashing. I can thank anyone I darn well want to thank, just as you can. Your disagreement does not make anyone else's opinions or statement of facts or citing of article a matter of bashing.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 2,100 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Oooo... why so defensive? Just because someone posted an article pointing out statements that you wish Nokia hadn't made, isn't bashing. I can thank anyone I darn well want to thank, just as you can. Your disagreement does not make anyone else's opinions or statement of facts or citing of article a matter of bashing.
No, I'm talking about your recent trend across the forum everywhere except the Galaxy Tab thread. You don't seem engaged in any particularly helpful conversations, mostly just jumping up and down on Nokia, the N900, and users who aren't in agreement with you.

I mean, if you've done something other than pure criticism and mockery, then please let me know. Otherwise you've got the Galaxy Tab thread as the only outlier.

Of course, this is the Maemo.org forums, where Maemo & Nokia = Bad and everything else = Good.
danramos's Avatar
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Originally Posted by wmarone View Post
No, I'm talking about your recent trend across the forum everywhere except the Galaxy Tab thread. You don't seem engaged in any particularly helpful conversations, mostly just jumping up and down on Nokia, the N900, and users who aren't in agreement with you.

I mean, if you've done something other than pure criticism and mockery, then please let me know. Otherwise you've got the Galaxy Tab thread as the only outlier.

Of course, this is the Maemo.org forums, where Maemo & Nokia = Bad and everything else = Good.
Tell me, how I may participate in what you consider to be a constructive way. Keep in mind that I sit upon an N800, not an N900. Or will you require that I purchase an N900 to be able to qualify in purposeful conversation and criticism? Truth be told, Nokia HAS deserved the criticism I've given.
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
Posts: 1,746 | Thanked: 2,100 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by danramos View Post
Tell me, how I may participate in what you consider to be a constructive way.
Probably by not making posts that seem to do nothing but wish ill on users of the N900 and people who hope to use MeeGo. I'm pretty sure that if I were to post equally valid criticisms on Android forums I'd probably be flamed far worse than anyone here ever has (if not have posts deleted outright.)

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