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Originally Posted by AlMehdi View Post
Just the matter of you not beeing able to mention them show that there aren't anyone.
LOL what... are you trying to say I'm a liar?
Look I've told you I'm sick of constantly re-explaining this ****.
They're there, I've been trying to find them...
If I find all the information I'll post it later...
But don't you suggest I'm a liar, that's not cool at all.
It's just way down the priority list....

Last edited by jalyst; 2011-12-28 at 12:54.
Posts: 1,751 | Thanked: 844 times | Joined on Feb 2010 @ Sweden
Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
LOL what... are you trying to say I'm a liar?
Look I've told you I'm sick of constantly re-explaining this ****.
They're there, I've been trying to find them...
If I find all the info I'll post it later....
But don't you suggest I'm a liar, that's not cool at all.
It's just way down the priority list....
Well.. you better. Because i do know the differances and none of those matter. Not to the point where it surplusses the hw-keyboard. So i am pretty sure you are not holding on anything juicy. And you seams to be rather alone having this view as you have been defending it alot (to the point you get sick of it).

To be honest.. we are discussing a non-issue. It is just a matter of taste. So both our claims are valid. But i can't see anything that makes the n9 a better device over the n950. And i know you can't find anything that proves else.
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There was a fairly detailed debate I had with chenliangchen over at FMC.
But his post was off-topic, as were my/his subsequent posts, so I think they've been deleted.
We wound-up our debate amicably, & he PM'd me with further Qns about the respective devices.
There was some other posts/threads, they were even more exhaustive, still looking for those.

*EDIT* here's one, don't think it was the most revealing:

I do find it odd that by virtue of the keyb, the N950's "just better" IYO.
It's a matter of whether a person's really going to benefit from that or not in their usage.
The VKB's truly excellent, combined w/Swype & it gets even better (in some respects it regresses).
Then there's the fact that there's awesome little BT/USB portables out there.

*Better screen (yes it is better overall, if you're not one of the N9 owners with a dodgy panel, less common now)
*FMTX (not ruled-out yet, unlike N950)
*BT4.0 (also still a possibility, N950 uses slightly diff. radio chip, it'll never be an option)
*Slightly higher capacity battery
*Better cellular reception (seen several N950 owners who own the N9 confirm this, can't recall if WiFi was an issue too)
*Apart from the N950's higher MP count, there's other differences between the camera modules.
The N9's module is better in some respects, Damien explained it IIRC, I'll post that later if I find it.
*Gorilla Glass
*No doubt I've forgotten something....

All of the above tallies up to make for a better choice if hw qwerty's not imperative.
Whether or not it's imperative depends on the user and their usage patterns.
He/she needs to use the VKB/Swype for an extended period to determine if it'll suffice.

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-01-02 at 15:18.
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I have N950 and also received the free developer gift Lumia 800.

As Lumia 800 and N9 has the same screen, I can definitely say N950's screen is more accurate. It's obvious with small text, for example when browsing. The text is just much more readable in small size.

However, N9's screen has a big plus too, the always on screen with the notifications and clock.

I don't personally car much about the hwkb. I only use it when I'm using terminal. Even then it's just a bit better than vkb, I much more prefer to ssh into the device anyway.

So N950 or N9, it really is a preference. I agree N9 is overall better, but it really depends how much you value hwkb and the more accurate display.

Personally I'd rather take N9 as a "user" phone, but I prefer N950 as a phone to use for developing. The biggest reason is the ease of reflashing the phone with the One Click Flashers, the hwkb is a minor plus.
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Originally Posted by ajalkane View Post
As Lumia 800 and N9 has the same screen, I can definitely say N950's screen is more accurate.
It's obvious with small text, for example when browsing. The text is just much more readable in small size.
That's def. one disadvantage, by virtue of the N9 using a PenTile CBD AMOLED.*
By virtue of augmentations Nokia's done, the base panel's actually equivalent to SAMOLED. (possibly slightly better overall)
But SuperAMOLED's a Samsung marketing term, hence it's not referred to as that.
Of course, there is many other important metrics by which one assesses a display.

*with the right contrasted fore/background it's becomes most evident, esp. w/tiny text.

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-01-15 at 17:20.

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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
There was a fairly detailed debate I had with chenliangchen over at FMC.
But his post was off-topic, as were my/his subsequent posts, so I think they've been deleted.
We eventually wound-up our debate amicably, & he PM'd me with further Qns about the respective devices.
There was some other posts/threads though, they were more exhaustive, still looking for those.

I do find it odd that by virtue of the keyb, the N950's "just better" IYO.
It's a matter of whether a person's really going to benefit from that or not in their usage.
The VKB's truly excellent, combined w/Swype & it gets even better (in some respects it regresses).
Then there's the fact that there's awesome little BT/USB portables out there.

*Better screen (yes it is better overall, if you're not one of the N9 owners with a dodgy panel, less common now)
*FMTX (not ruled-out yet, unlike N950)
*BT4.0 (also still a possibility, N950 uses slightly diff. radio chip, it'll never be an option)
*Slightly higher capacity battery
*Better cellular reception (seen several N950 owners who own the N9 confirm this, can't recall if WiFi was an issue too)
*IIRC there's actually differences in the modules, apart from the higher MP count of N950.
Pretty sure I found more there that favored the N9, I'll post that later if I find it.
*No doubt I've forgotten something....

All of the above tallies up to make for a better choice if hw qwerty's not imperative.
Whether or not it's imperative depends on the user and their usage patterns.
He/she needs to use the VKB/Swype for an extended period to determine if it'll suffice.
We already brought up those points and you can't list things that are not supported or just rumours.. like the FMTX and such. So the N9 get a 0.5 for some but the N950 get a 1.0 for the hw-keyboard. So it is not that much tallying..

One of the big cons with the vkb is that it takes up half the screen and it is easier to miss the keys. Swype is worse in my mind. Draging the finger instead of pointing is even less accurate... when i use it anyway. The N9 and N950 has the same problems with Wifi. Seams to be the router and ps-poll/save that is the problem.

Anyway.. it always fall back on how it is going to be used. You can't just say the N9 is better.. because it isn't. For me and my usage the n950 is far more superior. And that is true for many.
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Originally Posted by jalyst View Post
Of course, there is many other important metrics by which one assesses a display.

*with the right contrasted foreground/background it's becomes most evident.
Now you are starting to talk reason.

chenliangchen having used both N950 and N9 is spot right on about the the screen of the N950 being superior in practical use, not paper spec.

I still don't agree with the screen technology implemented in the N9 because it is vastly inferior for reading text. They really got cheap on the N9.

Having blacks and bright sunlight performance does not compensate for having to zoom each fragment of a web page for readability.

My reference is ok. After having checked 5 different N9's in stores I have concluded found that my screen is not below average regarding those purple borders and patterns.

The insult will be completed with the Lumia 900 having a better display.
I will then send my mother to extract an N950 out of Elop.
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Originally Posted by chenliangchen View Post
N950 has 12MP camera and a perfect metal body and a much better screen.(If you do have N950 and compare with N9 you will agree)
Yes, it has a metal body. And that's why it has the worst GSM reception of all phones (well, maybe iPhone is worse, I don't know). Because of that d*** metal body it does not only feel dead cold in your hands, but is also pretty much useless as a phone (just touch it to watch the bars go down until you lose the carrier network). Oh, and it is quite heavy, too.
The hw keyboard isn't on par with the N900 either.

Simply forget about the N950. Nokia cancelled the device for a reason.
It's a nice developer device if you don't have to rely on it as a phone, though.
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Originally Posted by ste-phan View Post
Now you are starting to talk reason.
chenliangchen having used both N950 and N9 is spot right on about the the screen of the N950 being superior in practical use, not paper spec.
LOL here we go again, probably the most vocal whinger about the display...
Really, so that is definitive in your mind???
And you're the one asserting I'm a fanboy who's not talking with reason, okay.

Maybe soon I'll finally contact the display expert konttori gave me the contact details for.
I'll present a summary of all the issues/concerns raised, & we'll see what feed-back we get.
Many of them certainly seem to be rectifiable, sub-pixel density of course never will be.

I still don't agree with the screen technology implemented in the N9 because it is vastly inferior for reading text. They really got cheap on the N9.
Having blacks and bright sunlight performance does not compensate for having to zoom each fragment of a web page for readability.
I'm not surprised about you taking that stance, you've basically claimed it's utter shite since day one.
Despite that not being the case from many folks observations (aside form those with the panel issues).
Sub-pixel density is an issue, as the pixel density is not high enough to compensate for that.
But you totally downplay (deliberately?) other metrics, sub-pixel density alone does not make a viewing experience.

Compared to similarly specc'd AMOLED/LCD's, let alone the display tech the N950 utilises...
I've not seen you make a compelling argument yet, as-to-why the N9's weaker in other respects, or overall.
You inevitably make some generalization about AMOLED being bad compared to other display tech.
And that ends up being the crux of your argument....

Originally Posted by pycage View Post
The hw keyboard isn't on par with the N900 either.
I've seen some owners claim that once it's out, it's pretty decent.
Initially getting it open is what's annoying compared to other ph's.

Last edited by jalyst; 2012-01-01 at 07:35.
Posts: 1,033 | Thanked: 1,013 times | Joined on Jan 2010
Originally Posted by pycage View Post
Simply forget about the N950. Nokia cancelled the device for a reason.
It's a nice developer device if you don't have to rely on it as a phone, though.
Nokia cancelled it because of WP7. If N950 launched back in February and was fully backed by Nokia, MS/WP7 would have been a goner. Nokia has on offer 2 WP7 devices. By now, there would have been more than 2 MeeGo devices.

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