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johsua's Avatar
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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
How to make a full screen clock without compiling anything:

Install xterm

Open xterm

Make font as big as you can

now run

while sleep 1

Now make it full screen,

See you had the right tools the whole time Just got to learn how to use them... I'll tell you what, that clock is way better than the email client
That's very clever. I didn't think to use that clock... I knew about it. I must be getting lazy figuring things out now that my time is rather consumed with a constantly eating, burping, defecating, crying, bundle of pure joy.

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Originally Posted by penguinbait View Post
It plays nice with others

You know I have looked and there are not a lot of fullscreen clocks for linux out there. There was a nice fullscreen Binary clock for python, I think we should port that one....
Way too "geeky" for me. I think I would prefer a regular clock... here - I'll be lazy again - on the easy to really hard scale how does porting python programs to the n800 rate? btw- i know no python, but i do know how to compile etc...
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Porting and coding python is really easy. Most probably, you just have to copy the file to the device and run python
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Originally Posted by macegr View Post
I puzzled through the SDK installation only to have it *partially* work. No one actually has a good tutorial on how to set up a development environment for this tablet. Some of the HowTo's are literally incomplete pastes from several readme bad, there are actually instances of "now use this command:" and there is a blank space. The same files are referred to by different names in almost every setup guide, and in order to find all the necessary files you have to piece clues from five different incomplete tutorials and fill in the gaps with Google (mostly seeing unanswered requests for help setting up the dev environment).

Thankfully I can poke my way around this stuff and figure out what needs to be done, and maybe eventually write something up in a rational manner.

There are a lot of good programmers out there who just want to get a toolkit and write their code, not fix the toolkit first.
I setup the 3.2 dev environment last week and it was *much* easier than when I did it with the original one in 2005.
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This link can take you through the basics of Python: Python Tutorial

I've never attempted a port, so I can't help you there.
I'm not being sarcastic, I'm helping you be less ignorant.
~Malibu Illusion (from a different forum)
Khertan's Avatar
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If you want to port binclock u must before port the module ncurse to pymaemo wich doen't exist.
johsua's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Tragos View Post
I created a JavaScript clock using code from this site:

It just shows a digital clock in the web browser. Nothing more.
Thanks for this. This is what I am using until some one ports a nice big clock app. There is another thread about a clock I noticed, so perhaps I'll get what I want soon.

Also - thanks for the link to the python tutorial - I started reading it, and it seems pretty doable - when I get time... I will try to find a python clock and see if it'll just work with the command line some one else recommended. I'll report back if I am lucky...
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MaemoChron for python 2.5 is available here :
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I loaded it. Works very nicely, looks great, major resource hog though... I could barely use canola with it running. Oh well. I really do appreciate that you ported it to the newer python version though! Thanks!
Posts: 32 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Jul 2007
Why couldn't you just use a javascript clock? Like this:

or this:


You could get the javascript, store it locally and put on whatever look and feel you wanted.

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