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In my opinion, i say don't buy it...
First of all i'm a teenager that means i hang out with girls all the time and it is embarrassing taking out a huge brick phone from your pocket when all the girls carry a note 3.

Second, it is slow, sooo slow and it is sometimes so frustrating when it freezes.

Third, not enough apps, no multitouch screen, no nothing.

Fourth,and that is good news, you can hack with this tiny brick

That's my opinion
Posts: 71 | Thanked: 177 times | Joined on Aug 2013
Originally Posted by mony123 View Post
In my opinion, i say don't buy it...
First of all i'm a teenager that means i hang out with girls all the time and it is embarrassing taking out a huge brick phone from your pocket when all the girls carry a note 3.

Second, it is slow, sooo slow and it is sometimes so frustrating when it freezes.

Third, not enough apps, no multitouch screen, no nothing.

Fourth,and that is good news, you can hack with this tiny brick

That's my opinion
Frack swag

For OP: Yes. It totally worth it, now in 2014.

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Originally Posted by mony123 View Post
In my opinion, i say don't buy it...
First of all i'm a teenager that means i hang out with girls all the time and it is embarrassing taking out a huge brick phone from your pocket when all the girls carry a note 3.

Second, it is slow, sooo slow and it is sometimes so frustrating when it freezes.

Third, not enough apps, no multitouch screen, no nothing.

Fourth,and that is good news, you can hack with this tiny brick

That's my opinion
Girls carrying Note 3 just to check social crap, now THAT is truly embarrassing
Seen in the comments section for an article on xda:
"I see a lot of complaints about Google deciding to keep data on their servers indefinitely.
Well, if that's the price for FREE AI. I'm in".

Boy, what can I say? EPIC......No, LEGENDARY......

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I remember how a friend tried to mock me in my teens when wearing jeans was all the rage and my parents bought me trousers made from some different material. Unfortunately, his attempted mockery was lost on me because I did not give a flying hoot. But it did highlight to me at the time as it does now how teenagers are so desperate to copy each other. So obviously it is "cool" to have a Note 3 and "embarrasiing" to have anything else - because all your mates have exactly the same. Yes it is sad but trust me there are a few teenagers in every decade who have the guts not fall into that trap.
Русский военный корабль, иди нахуй!

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endsormeans's Avatar
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2nd that .
Fame and looking cool have become not the end all and be all for the young....but have become all important for society in general.

Frankly those who think LOOKING cool is better than BEING cool ...are riddled all through the music and film industry.
And how cool do they really look? Frankly the "cool" self-conscious navel-gazers look like idiots. Sorry Biebs want to be truly cool..n900 is way cool.
When you finally are standing in an ocean of carbon copy dumbphones ...and you have an n900....nobody is going to laugh...everyone is going to want to be you....simply on the grounds of it being something different..not it's capabilities.... Sad ain't it?

Ach! I started walking away from the direction society was heading in...20 years ago....too much a "brave new world" today for my liking.(Don't mistake me here...walking away from society is not walking away from humanity) .

As far as fame. ...Believe me here..I've 1st hand experience....I've had my 15 min a few times over..doesn't matter the message you try to get across...
I would be leery of gaining any attentions in this dystopic age. You may not like the outcome.

On the esoteric spiritual.... Many august ... sage philosophers and prophets have said in the past... that to get out of this existence without being noticed is the preferable method of exiting.

On the pragmatic blunt end of it....It will take time...
years more than likely....but
and find the girl who simply wants to be happy...
not interested in the latest whatever.......
that is the one you want to pursue...
to catch ....and to never let go of.
You'll be a happy man....
Took me years....
but I got mine
Lurker since 2007, Member since 2013, Certifiable since 1972

Owner of :
1-n770 (in retirement), 3-n800's / 3-n810's (still in daily use), 5-n900's ((3 are flawless, 1 loose usb ( parts), 1 has no telephony (parts))
3-nexus 5's : 1 w/ Floko Pie 9.1 (running beautifully) waiting for Stable Droid 10 rom, 1 w/ ̶Ubuntu Touch, 1 with Maru OS (intend maemo leste when ready)

1/2 - neo900 pre- "purchased" in 2013. N̶o̶w̶ ̶A̶w̶a̶i̶t̶i̶n̶g̶ ̶r̶e̶f̶u̶n̶d̶ ̶p̶r̶o̶c̶e̶s̶s̶ ̶l̶a̶s̶t̶ ̶f̶e̶w̶ ̶y̶e̶a̶r̶s̶ - neo900 start up declared officially dead -
Lost invested funds.

PIMP MY N8X0 (Idiot's Guide and a video walkthrough)
242gb ON N800

Meateo balloons now available @ Dave999's Meateo Emporium

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Posts: 131 | Thanked: 184 times | Joined on Dec 2011
As ever, depends what price you can get it for.

It's not as good as Note 3, but it'll be < 20% of the price.
Likewise Jolla's phone.
If that Neo900 is out, that will be better as only having 256MB on a fully multitasking OS is just one long sigh.

If you're worried about your phone not being pretty enough, you've no chance with the girls anyway.

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FlashInTheNight86's Avatar
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Wow, nice answers there. And yes, the easiest way to be cool is just to be yourself instead of trying to copy others.

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Originally Posted by jago25_98 View Post
OK... had a go and the contacts are ripped off the board. Not sure what I can do about that? -drill? hmm...

I had one with a broken USB and there is now instruction here at TMO on bypassing the USB pads to other points on the board. Instead I followed instructions here and added my own on charging via the Palm Touchstone inductive charger.
Inductive charging is really cool and I should really install it on my 'good' N900 so I am not risking the good USB port every time I charge and can save it for USB host mode or file transfer.
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Originally Posted by jago25_98 View Post
If you're in the UK, ebay item 181032062769.


How open is the hardware? One problem we keep having on Android is the modem(radio), GPS and a few other bits being closed. This has put a chilling effect on development. Can you give me a primer on the n900 being hopefully better than that?

The main thing I wanted to do with the n900 was have it constantly ready to go war driving. Unlike Android the drivers are direct in the OS.

I still need some sort of big overview/ tech intro to Meemo and Android though coming from linux. Something just to tell me how to find info in /proc, or the filesystem, or how to look into where apps are or find a file inside an app. Just those things you do on linux normally anyway.
As for openness, modem is closed, as well as the gfx and other stuff. However, there is some work going on to bust the modem open. shows some of the stuff being currently worked on for 3.x kernels mostly.

About /proc, etc, Maemo follows proper Linux FHS. So you should be able to apply the Linux knowledge you already have. The only thing different was the use of /opt to store application binaries (a side effect of / being only 256MB. there were other ways Nokia could have used though).

Last edited by sicelo; 2014-03-09 at 08:40.

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Posts: 21 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Oct 2013 @ lebanon
thanks guys for the advice... i shouldn't copy others but be myself...
maybe that's a good life skill

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