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Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Originally Posted by greenstorm View Post
Thanks a lot ! Would it be sufficient to copy everything off the device, repartition it and restore the contents of the partitions back on them? No real time to bother with flashing the device atm
Indeed; you can do a re-partition before getting your things out but its always good to have a back up in place
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012
And how to do that? I mean re-partition without needing to back the data up?

As far as I understood from some quick googling, the partition-table isn't structured the way that I can snip 4GB off MyDocs and add it to /home/ ? Or am I mistaken?

Hopefully I'll be able to fiddle with all that tonight. I do need to do that from a natively installed Linux-box, correct? VM won't suffice? (no problem though, I have an old laptop around)
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Yup get a Linux native machine

I haven't done partitioning in around a year so really can't remember how I had changed the structure but I think simply using gparted should be enough. Although you may want to follow the instructions you got from your search as mine is a very sketchy re-collection of my own experience.

Lastly, best is to have a back up in case anything goes wrong
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012
Nothing went wrong, great success. First it shocked me with the warning, that I had modified the device software, making the warranty permanently... etc.

But then..

Booted fine, checked the system-entry on available storage - saw what I wanted to see.

But I wonder - why did I have to do that within Linux? Nothing I did was exclusive to linux. Flasher is also available for Windows, so are partitioning-tools, capable of R/W ext4.

Do I now always get that warning before boot?

edit: lemme guess:
disclaimer-cal remove View-openmode ?

Last edited by greenstorm; 2013-02-26 at 10:14.
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
Well you are now in open mode; the instructions you read must have told you to disable the warning before doing the partitioning as now you can't disable it till you flash your device

Also those who wrote the instructions must not be using Windows hence they must not be wanting to give instructions that may not work for everyone...
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012
No, they didn't, but that doesn't matter. I can live with that notification. What I cannot live with however is the quite annoying fact, that I have to re-enter all my account-data every time I reboot the device. And that facebook & twitter don't update the feed anymore (already deleted fb & twitter-accounts and re-added them. No difference.)

Does flashing (or reinstalling the OS - wait, can I do one thing apart from the other?) mean I have to do that partitioning-thing again? What wouldn't matter, since I have a) the Backup of most files and b) it probably won't take as long, when the partitions are empty.. a bigger problem would be loosing my calendar-entries etc - which are probably not backed up properly, since they are in hidden folders, which ubuntu didn't see. And therefore probably didn't back up.
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Welcome to open mode; things may seem difficult at first but they make your life much easier wrt aegis in the long run

To solve the passwords issue we need to delete ALL accounts on the device so that new accounts can be made for which the passwords would be remembered.

To delete the accounts in terminal you can type:

rm -rf /home/user/.aegis
rm -rf /home/user/.activesync
rm -rf /home/user/.accounts
The above removes the 3 directories responsible for the accounts + passwords.

For your calendar entries they are in a database iirc in /home/user/.cache/tracker/meta.db

You may want to extract them from there and import them later on or simply re-use the meta.db. Note I'm not too sure of this step so proceed with care; I would advice to sync your calendar entries to get them out of the device first.

If you can reflash its best you do a full reflash (rootfs+emmc) then enable developer mode, disable the warning and to flash open mode use the kernel from here and re-partition your device.
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012
Great. So much for "I currently have no time to xyz" // Will do so tonight - for now I will head off to the library, without the N9. Thank you for taking care of me and introducing me to all that stuff btw. I did spend much more time on the trusty N900, but now I am quite busy and not really been up to exploring the full capability of the N9. That obviously just changed through my problem.


Just did a recheck on the ubuntu I used, indeed didn't copy the .xyz-Files. Including .qmf and .cache and so on. Which are the important parts for me.

I just mounted the N9 through the flasher-tool with the same commands as in ubuntu, but withing Windows, and am using ext2explore to etract the data from the N9 (again.) But now fully, already checked. So whatever file I might need afterwards, I will have it ready.

Does the N9 delete all the eMails and stuff when I delete the accounts? That would be quite annoying.

And with synching - what to sync with? I don't use google, do not have any other cal-dav-server available atm and Nokia Suite + Outlook.. well.. its a mess.

So, next steps for tonight:
Reflash the device, re-enable dev-mode, disable the warning via some command, enable open-mode through flashing the kernel from "there" on the device, then recreate all the accounts, and then insert the "old" meta.db and .qmf-files. Righty?

Last edited by greenstorm; 2013-02-26 at 11:42.
Moderator | Posts: 6,215 | Thanked: 6,400 times | Joined on Nov 2011
When resetting the accounts old emails are removed from display but still in the .qmf folder but that's not of much use since they are removed.

You can try hotmail in mail for exchange; it syncs calendar just fine but i don't know if it syncs past entries. Maybe search if there is a way for the calendar entries; there was a way to extract notes from the notes app so since both use a database i'm sure there is a way to extract calendar entries too. I don't remember it well otherwise would point you to it

Your procedure is right. For removing the warning after enabling developer mode you need to type in terminal "disclaimer-cal remove View-openmode" then flash the openmode kernel and you are done
Posts: 53 | Thanked: 9 times | Joined on Apr 2012
I am getting an mmc-partition-table mismatch. What next?

edit: Just found your old thread on that problem. reading it now =)

edit#2: As far as I understand it, I need to restore the partitions to the old size. Since I resized all three of them, I need the info (start - stop) for all three, not just MyDocs and the sdg3..

Last edited by greenstorm; 2013-02-27 at 11:11.

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