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shallimus's Avatar
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First: thank you w00t for taking the time and trouble to engage here [again], even though this is not an official Jolla support channel. I appreciate it a great deal, and I am sure that others do as well.

Originally Posted by w00t View Post
I don't have problems with reminders showing at the correct time. If you do, please make sure it's known on together so it can get some attention.
Good point. I will write this up on TJO as soon as I have time to research it properly and write it up. So no, I haven't raised this, but that is because I am waiting for a resolution to a more serious issue which makes reminders more or less irrelevant: all my appointments are offset by a number of hours. At least two other users have this issue, but it remains a fairly unloved question.

Peeking inside the sqlite db, it seems as though the appointments download correctly, but are then almost immediately adjusted somehow by Sailfish.

You asked me whether the Today view is good enough:

Originally Posted by w00t View Post
About agenda: I take it you know that if you tap the 'Today' label on the main overview, you get taken to a (pannable) view of all events. Is that good enough?
I am grateful for this tip as I hadn't realised you could scroll up and down between days in this view, but in short, my answer is: nope, not even close.

Although it's probably annoying to some, I would like to give my answer in the form of a large image:

In short, the Today view:
  1. doesn't show me my upcoming events for the next few days (which is my requirement)
  2. makes a feeble attempt to show me some sort of Agenda, but it is cramped and doesn't give any idea of when the appointments are happening
  3. shows me loads of blank space for time when I will be sleeping. Instead of empty nothing-ness, perhaps an option to hide a configurable "sleep" range of hours, unless there is something there? Perhaps this - or an "empty time collapsing" option - could be a toggle setting if people really like to stare at the hours in which they will be doing nothing
  4. shows me an appointment from yesterday right at the top
  5. is hidden several taps deep in the Calendar app, but I need to look quickly at this all the time without becoming absorbed in my phone - wasn't glanceabillity one of the original design principles of Sailfish? I have to make minimum 4 taps after unlock to get to the panning view, and then have to scroll like crazy up and down to see what is happening in my life say nothing of the fact that all my downloaded-from-google appointments appear several hours earlier than they should across the board in Sailfish, so the entire calendar functionality is almost useless to me.

Having said all that, I don't want to sound too critical, because there is so much to love about Sailfish, and the regular updates have made huge improvements to this young OS. I have faith that things can be fixed, and you are quite right that no-one will fix an issue which hasn't been reported.

Next up, I will try to do a mockup of what I think the Agenda should be, but I've spent too much time on this already today and my employer also has legitimate claims on my time today.

I like Manatus' summary of calendar issues. It is perhaps a more concise summary of the issues than my long, rambling and excessively graphical post here.

Finally: I found the rock-solid N9 calendar implementation in combination with thp's billboard to be the perfect way of not forgetting stuff. For a couple of years there I was super-reliable... but now I have to choose between putting down my Jolla and going back to N9, or continuing with Sailfish and struggling to manage my agenda until all these issues are resolved.

So for me, at least, anything which can get Sailfish closer to that essentially perfect CalDAV implementation and 0-tap reminder system would be a step in the right direction.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)

Last edited by shallimus; 2014-07-09 at 16:13.

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Posts: 301 | Thanked: 531 times | Joined on Aug 2010 @ The Netherlands
Hi w00t, very nice of you to drop in again!

My problems with the Calendar: I am syncing with an Exchange server. Like it or not, I have grown used to Outlook defaults. So I would like to use some settings like: Classify new Events as 'Busy'. Standard reminder: 15 minutes (or whatever). It has happened to me that I created new events on the Jolla that I only saw again in Outlook when it was too late, just because I did not manually set the reminder.

The Missed Calendar Event in Notifications shows nothing now, and links to nothing. This may be a bug. An N9 solution like Shallimus describes here would be great.
Palm Treo -> N900 -> N9 -> Jolla -> SailfishX -> XA2
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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
CardDAV is coming, but not quite that quickly:

As for CalDAV issues... What's the problem exactly? lists the problem. See my follow on comment about setting the parameters which is how it worked on the N9 also.

Really though, I'd like to see iCloud as a first class account like Google is accessed in accounts or failing that listed explicitly like Yahoo or Memotoo is listed in the CalDAV list without the need to hack in the server or special principal number. There are iCloud plugins on Android that avoid that configuration with a user just using their AppleID email address and password so it is possible to make it really simple and would make Sailfish integration with the Mac/iOS world so much better.
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Originally Posted by w00t View Post
Ok. There has been talk about a week view, but I don't have any sort of a timeline for when that might happen.

If someone were to mock things up (even better challenge; if you know QML - do a usable mockup) as to how you'd like it to function, it might be a nice exercise to help out.
About weekly view:

After scetching something I noticed that it is in fact bloody hard to implement anything that would be in uniform with the current calendar layouts and actions. Unless one does some some redesigning of the existing views (namely pull left action and pulley items).

I think that weekly view would require paper calendar like solution where you can switch between pages (weeks) pulling left and right.
One screen is one week, presented day by day slots.
It would scroll if there is no enough space to show all meetings of the week.
Day slots would stretch if they have several items (meetings), but would always be minimum one unit that you can use as a button to start creating new meetings at that specific day (leading directly to time selection and then edit mode).

However this imposes inconsistency with current design, where swiping left backs out from daily view to montly view. Doing same with this planned design would prevent moving left to a previous week. So workaround for going back to default montly view would be best to implement with a pulley item.

Which leads to redesign of the current daily view, which is designed for whole screen action in mind and would work somewhat badly with pulley items.

And also to a redesign of default montly view, whose pulley currently lacks items for weekly and daily views (daily would be needed for uniformity).

About extending daily view without separate weekly view:

I can see that the current Daily infine scroller view with 30 minutes divider could show only two to three meetings in the past and same for the future at the same time, until it becomes too cramped to be used like it is now. Unless free time areas are retracted.

Retractable free time areas impose input problems. The best how I see it, would be using clickable divider button above+between+below or next to the already shown meetings. This would "explode" the view to the currently implemented Daily view mode.

Scrolling between free days and weeks would be slow still and that is a hard one to solve without buttons. Daily view being an infinite scroller, one cannot use the method which was used in N9 Contacts app (as that had a beginning and an end). You would run out of screen for your thumb when going far enough to the future or the past.

Last edited by Manatus; 2014-07-10 at 08:36.
Miharin's Avatar
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Glance screen really coming? That was my most requested feature and was told a million times it wasn't possible because of no oled (even though nokia now has it on non-oled as well), so if it's true I'm really happy.
Jolla want list: disabling vibrate from Facebook messages

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Glance screen is ALWAYS possible, but makes no real sense on non-OLED displays as in that case it is screen_backlight_ALWAYS_on wasting energy. But let us see the Jolla implementation and then judge it.

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I am guessing that Glance screen is done in the same way as in Windows phones, so it will be activated depending on the proximity sensor (when taken out of pocket or howering the hand over the proximity sensor). The screen will not be always on so it won't consume battery that much.

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It worked like that on N9 as well. I don't mind if the screen is always on when it's lying on the table next to me during nights, besides it's always on the charger anyway. If I want to conserve battery life with glance screen on, I can just turn the phone upside down and the screen will go off.

Since it works on non-OLED screens without the battery completely dying, it can work on Jolla too.
Jolla want list: disabling vibrate from Facebook messages

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Originally Posted by Manatus View Post
I can see that the current Daily infine scroller view with 30 minutes divider could show only two to three meetings in the past and same for the future at the same time, until it becomes too cramped to be used like it is now. Unless free time areas are retracted.

Retractable free time areas impose input problems. The best how I see it, would be using clickable divider button above+between+below or next to the already shown meetings. This would "explode" the view to the currently implemented Daily view mode.
+1 for click divider to explode to show free time, but I would be happy with just having a glanceable read-only agenda at the top level of the OS for now.
tinfoilhat.dll: Trojan horse detected
Sailfish want list: calendar bugfixes, glanceable agenda, Swype or similar
Evolution continues (but we're still pre-Cambrian)


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Posts: 334 | Thanked: 616 times | Joined on Sep 2010
This is getting heavily off-topic and will require a thread of its own. But I'll make this last remark here...

I started looking through qml code of jolla-calendar app to get some grasp how it works.

Looks like the agenda view has already been under construction:

You can enable the existing version by uncommenting this part

            /* Disabled for now
            MenuItem {
                //% "Show agenda"
                text: qsTrId("calendar-me-show_agenda")
                onClicked: pageStack.push("AgendaPage.qml", {date:})
in /usr/share/jolla-calendar/pages/MonthPage.qml.

After that restart the calendar and you get agenda selection in pulldown menu. It shows upcoming meetings for next 7 days.

Currently it is dependent on selected day in montly view, though. If you select another day, and then go to agenda, the view starts from that day onwards. This is disorienting and can be considered as a bug. It is too easy to select other day accidentally on the first page and miss events because of that.

There probably are other bugs too.

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