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Re: The leaked FW from China DOES improve N900 100% how many have flashed, your thoughts.

Originally Posted by silvermountain View Post
Hopefully a moderator will merge this thread in with the other big 1.2 thread.
At some point repetetive threads may have to be simply closed with the moderators final post inviting the op to become more familiar with the forum and to "feel free" to post his or her insight in an existing thread on the topic.

You can only merge into an existing thread so many times before the whole thing looks like some sort of brain salad surgery prompting even more repetitive threads.

My problem is with declarative titles such as this one. Was there a study done? How large was the sample?

or should the title read:

"The [what ever] from [where ever] improved MY N900 a gazillion %. Does it do the same for you?"


SLN member # 009

Last edited by YoDude; 2010-05-08 at 04:50.
rpgAmazon's Avatar
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
Many people have mixed feelings about this leaked FW from a Chinese website but after testing it does appear to have given us the fix for many issues on the N900 and does NOT brick the N900.
What are your feelings about this FW? and Nokia now?.
Nice for me, no hangs, no bricks, no explosions. Just nice.
Yes, I can notice some lags (so much free rootfs space has a price), after unistalling applications a very nice one appears.
But LPR1.2+Titan makes battery A DREAM.


DANGER: LPR1.2 CAN SERIOUSLY DAMAGE YOUR N900: Yesterday I was browsing with n900 at bed, using pseudo portrait mode... as long as back "back" button makes navigation a lot more usefull, I browsed and browsed and browsed... until I fall slept WITH MY N900 IN HAND!!!!
At morning desperately searching my phone (I imagined it with broken screen or in two halfs at floor) but it was alive! ufffffffffffffff.
The socking one: full of apps open, all night unppluged... but battery nicely up!!!

EDIT: uuhhhmmmm... "desperately searching my phone"... Am I falling in love?? Who knows...
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The moderators on this forum are proving everyday how self centred
they are. This pathetic thread is about the FUTURE OFFICIAL RELEASE SPECULATION not at all about the LEAKED FW FROM CHINA. so why was what could have been an interesting topic regarding THE ALREADY RELEASED FW FROM CHINA been merged with this pathetic thread.MODERATORS all you are in fact doing is prove to the world just how BADLY you are moderating. Maybe we should have a poll to REPLACE every moderator currently working on this forum proving to the world just how incapable they are at PROPER MODERATION TECHNIQUES.
rpgAmazon's Avatar
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
The moderators on this forum are proving everyday how self centred
they are. This pathetic thread is about the FUTURE OFFICIAL RELEASE SPECULATION not at all about the LEAKED FW FROM CHINA. so why was what could have been an interesting topic regarding THE ALREADY RELEASED FW FROM CHINA been merged with this pathetic thread.MODERATORS all you are in fact doing is prove to the world just how BADLY you are moderating. Maybe we should have a poll to REPLACE every moderator currently working on this forum proving to the world just how incapable they are at PROPER MODERATION TECHNIQUES.
Abill, don't get angry: LPR1.2 is taboo. Nokia only allow talk about it as a "urban myth", Nokia supports, so must talk about it as "urban myth". Disjunctive syllogism is it said?
Do you remember the "Nokia said that overclocking will fry your device and drain your battery" times?. Same here....
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Originally Posted by abill_uk View Post
The moderators on this forum are proving everyday how self centred
they are. This pathetic thread is about the FUTURE OFFICIAL RELEASE SPECULATION not at all about the LEAKED FW FROM CHINA. so why was what could have been an interesting topic regarding THE ALREADY RELEASED FW FROM CHINA been merged with this pathetic thread.MODERATORS all you are in fact doing is prove to the world just how BADLY you are moderating. Maybe we should have a poll to REPLACE every moderator currently working on this forum proving to the world just how incapable they are at PROPER MODERATION TECHNIQUES.

Last edited by nivram; 2010-05-08 at 06:41. Reason: fail
Texrat's Avatar
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Yeah, maybe abill_uk really does need a vacation.
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Originally Posted by Texrat View Post
Yeah, maybe abill_uk really does need a vacation.
Maybe you should look at the reason the thread was merged and at least try to moderate properly instead of siding with all your mates. It is now showing this is indeed a badly moderated forum that needs to be seriously looked at by the whole community. And no i dont need a vacation i like many many others are getting very bored with this somewhat yank orientated forum that should be treated with the contempt it deserves.
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this thread is classic...just had to contribute....bring on 5000 took me 5 days to read all of this!
Posts: 4 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on May 2010 @ a bbq near you...
Originally Posted by Laughingstok View Post
WHys everyone all butt hurt about thread tittles?
Really don't understand either....

Last edited by Texrat; 2010-05-08 at 11:39. Reason: Image deleted by moderator. Sorry, just a bit too much
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I hope they release the fw soon.

A friend recently purchased the Nexus one. And what I really liked was the consistency. There were no hiccups, no delays to transitions. I rather Nokia have no transitions that have transitions that sometime work and not at times.
Secondly. Contacts, when my N900 goes to phone, and I click Select Contacts takes 3 to 4 se4conds to load, that is just plain unacceptable.

Lastly, fix ovi store already, I am tired of telling people yeah it has u7ser apps and emulators, cool yes but I want shazaam and all already.

Habib Q

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