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Originally Posted by Helmuth View Post
Hmm...Nice. But what about checkered paper? :-)
Yeah. Good question

One thing first. Almost everything in Xournal can be changed via its configuration file (after the first run it's stored in $HOME/.xournal/config).
From there you can change the default paper style.
It's a well documented file.

Many of those configurations are not exposed via the UI.
In a later version I will try to create a Settings panel, but for now, the "less important" items are left to the config file manual editing. Sorry.
This is one of them.

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I dont know if it has been discussed earlier, but is it possible to add an index of file names like conboy or penpen and synchronize it to some server (like conboy). This feature will be killer if implemented.

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But I was thinking about annotating PDF exported cloud (Google Docs, Dropbox, Evernote) documents instead of "only" local PDF/Images...

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I've tried the new version (0.4.5maemo10). Great work!

Few observations:

-The icon for the colour picker is missing (at least on my phone. I remember seeing it in one of the previous versions), Other icons (pages, brush sizes) are displayed normally.

-I can save a new file, but I cannot overwrite a file (yellow banner is displayed asking if the file should be overwritten by there is no way to confirm.)

-In the portrait mode only first few icons are displayed (but I guess that was intentional) but when the screen goes back to landscape orientation, the reduced toolbar sometimes stays on the bottom of the screen and the normal one is displayed above it (I think I've also experienced it in previous versions so probably someone has mentioned it before)

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Originally Posted by morto View Post
I've tried the new version (0.4.5maemo10). Great work!
Thanks "morto" (albeit you seem quite alive to me ).

Originally Posted by morto View Post
Few observations:

-The icon for the colour picker is missing (at least on my phone. I remember seeing it in one of the previous versions), Other icons (pages, brush sizes) are displayed normally.
This is a known one. As explained before I am still working on the icon set.
(Inkscape is quite cool!)

Originally Posted by morto View Post
-I can save a new file, but I cannot overwrite a file (yellow banner is displayed asking if the file should be overwritten by there is no way to confirm.)
Ah, good spot. This is a bug I remember I squashed. May be in so me of my internal testing versions
I'll fix it. Thanks.


Originally Posted by morto View Post
-In the portrait mode only first few icons are displayed (but I guess that was intentional) but when the screen goes back to landscape orientation, the reduced toolbar sometimes stays on the bottom of the screen and the normal one is displayed above it (I think I've also experienced it in previous versions so probably someone has mentioned it before)
Yeah I noticed this myself. It only happens when the device is flat, isn't it?
I think the MCE gets confused and reports the terminal as being in portrait mode, albeit it is not.
I need to use an alternative way of detecting rotation.

UPDATE: Fixed. Also improved rotation by implementing it the proper way (listening to window sizes changes):

Please, use Bugtracker next time
I know it can be a tedious process, but helps keeping track of the issue.


Last edited by anidel; 2011-03-17 at 03:47.

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Hi guys, this is a

Call for Icon Themes

I think this latest version of Xournal is pretty stable a part from a few issues that need to be ironed out.
Only thing missing is a proper icon set.

Xournal supports customizable icon themes.
You simply create a directory named after your them under :

Change the theme name in the config file:

the config file is created in the user home directory:
And put there the 48x48 PNGs that it expects:

/* Icons */
static struct {
  gchar *filename;
  gchar *stock_id;
} hildon_stock_icons[] = {
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/pressure.png", "hi_xo_pressure" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/ruler.png", "hi_xo_ruler" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/highlighter.png", "hi_xo_highlighter" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/hand.png", "hi_xo_hand" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/pen.png", "hi_xo_pen" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/pencolor.png", "hi_xo_pencolor" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/eraser.png", "hi_xo_eraser" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/color_selector.png", "hi_xo_colorselector" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/vertical_space.png", "hi_xo_verticalspace" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/text.png", "hi_xo_text" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/prevPage.png", "hi_xo_prevpage" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/nextPage.png", "hi_xo_nextpage" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/newPageBefore.png", "hi_xo_newpagebefore" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/newPageAfter.png", "hi_xo_newpageafter" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/newPageEnd.png", "hi_xo_newpageend" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/deletePage.png", "hi_xo_deletepage" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/veryFine.png", "hi_xo_veryfine" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/fine.png", "hi_xo_fine" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/medium.png", "hi_xo_medium" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/thick.png", "hi_xo_thick" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/veryThick.png", "hi_xo_verythick" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/black.png", "hi_xo_black" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/blue.png", "hi_xo_blue" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/red.png", "hi_xo_red" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/green.png", "hi_xo_green" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/yellow.png", "hi_xo_yellow" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/orange.png", "hi_xo_orange" },
  { PACKAGE_PIXMAP_DIR"/%s/fuchsia.png", "hi_xo_fuchsia" },
I think the names are pretty clear.
The '%s' will be substituted with the theme name. The default one is named "default", so it's icons are found under:
And as you know it's incomplete. I'll complete this one, but I am no good at icons, so they won't really look nice.
A few months ago two of you gave me nice icons, but now the icon set grew a bit and thus those sets became incomplete and I can't use them anymore.

So, I am asking for icon designers to step up and, please, provide more themes to choose from?

That'd be awesome!

Posts: 29 | Thanked: 29 times | Joined on Apr 2010 @ Somewhere in Europe
I've updated some icons (see attachment). Feel free to include them.

Somehow not all of them are loaded. Forementioned color palette icon is not displayed and undo, redo and fulscreen are the ... eh ... default icons from some other shared set?

Also your icon customization via config file didn't work for me. So I just replaced icons in default folder.

Oh, and the config file is not being created in /home/user/.xournal/config but in /usr/share/xournal/config on my system.

Btw, I also noticed the remarkable slowdown due to high CPU load after the page is full of handwritten text.

Even with these small issues it is nicely usable, thanks a lot for your work!
Attached Images
Attached Files
File Type: tar icons_default.tar (200.0 KB, 88 views)

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Weird, will have a look at why the .config is not created for you.
The one in /usr/share is installed via the .deb, but after starting Xournal, it should create the .config one. Will have a look.

And also at the icon personalisation issue you've experiencing. Maybe something broke recently!
Thanks for reporting and THANKS for the icons!
anidel's Avatar
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Made the necessary fixes to the issues you raised.

The config file is now properly stored in /home/user/.xournal file and Xournal is now back, as a result, properly user configurable.

Also made Undo/Redo icons user editable as well as part of the user theme.
Note: Fullscreen/Share are still default ones. Will make those user selectable soon.

Used your icons as default theme.

I plan to put this version as Stable though.
I think I have to iron out few little issues I discovered myself (have got a note somewhere), but nothing should be a stopper.

Also, as you noted, when there are plenty of strokes Xournal becomes slower. Nothing much I can do at this point, it's just pure processing power.
The xournal-devel ML is quite active lately as someone is re-structuring the code in C++.
As part of the restructure code, the stroke handling may improve.
We'll see.


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New version of Xournal has been pushed to the autobuilder. You'll see the update soon in extras-devel.

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