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, 10:49
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Nope, the sensors service sometimes crashes or does not start on boot, just restart it with
and everything should be fine.Code:devel-su systemctl restart sensorsfw
[nemo@Nexus5 ~]$ devel-su systemctl restart sensorsfw Password: Failed to issue method call: Unit sensorsfw.service failed to load: No such file or directory.
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, 11:00
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Since we look only for the loaded microphone, you could just pipe it to grep mic. So, to see the microphone,
/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/logcat | grep mic
wait few seconds
dial a phone number.
D/audio_hw_primary( 981): select_devices: out_snd_device(9: voice-handset) in_snd_device(23: handset-mic) D/audio_hw_primary( 981): enable_snd_device: snd_device(23: handset-mic) D/audio_hw_primary( 981): disable_snd_device: snd_device(23: handset-mic)
I don't know which version are you guys running on N5. OPX and N4 are on 2.0.5.x . Maybe its time to ask on IRC regarding the plans of rebuilding N5 image if it hasn't been done yet.
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, 11:34
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@ Estonia
Thanks for your very helpful posting! It pains me that I cannot contribute much to the discussion, however, here are a few tidbits.
Ah, now I finally got it. Here's my result:
Code:D/audio_hw_primary( 981): select_devices: out_snd_device(9: voice-handset) in_snd_device(23: handset-mic) D/audio_hw_primary( 981): enable_snd_device: snd_device(23: handset-mic) D/audio_hw_primary( 981): disable_snd_device: snd_device(23: handset-mic)
I have been running ever since Christmas. Prior to that I followed the instructions that started off this thread which installed It was exactly the echo/hands-free issues which drove me to try and upgrade to However, the result has been identical.
BTW, whatever happened to RealJohnGalt?
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, 15:29
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, 06:20
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@ Germany
I don't have the microphone echo problem on the later device adaptation. The image is (device adaptation and updates fine to The only problem with that image is that sfdroid won't work on it. That doesn't bother me, but it might you.
Furthermore, with build.prop edits I listed earlier in the thread on the old hardware adaptation, I was still able to get rid of the echo on
, 13:31
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Could you please check if you have symlinks of following files in /etc?
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, 14:49
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@ Germany
On my (upgraded from only two of these symlinks exist.
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 20 Dec 24 12:48 acdbdata -> /system/etc/acdbdata
lrwxrwxrwx 1 root root 27 Dec 24 12:48 mixer_paths.xml -> /system/etc/mixer_paths.xml
Should I establish that missing link? Where should it link to? There is no /system/etc/mixer_paths_auxpcm.xml file on my phone.
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, 22:35
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I don't have the microphone echo problem on the later device adaptation. The image is (device adaptation and updates fine to
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, 21:53
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@deprecated: Just curious, do you have all of those three symlinks in /etc which mautz mentioned here?
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hammerhead, nexus5, sailfishos, sfdroid |
OK, let's see with the logcat. Logcat is easy when you know where to look. In N4 and OPX, its under
Since we look only for the loaded microphone, you could just pipe it to grep mic. So, to see the microphone,
/usr/libexec/droid-hybris/system/bin/logcat | grep mic
wait few seconds
dial a phone number. Note that the microphone will be loaded at the beginning of the call, you don't even have to get someone to pick it up. If, while having default build.prop (I presume its configured for noise cancelling, as in N4), you would not see dmic loaded this bug is affecting you.
Re trying: I am quite sure that @sledges did try to rebuild his N5 image and got the expected (loading dmic) results. I could see that on the OTA to 2.0.2 has noise-cancelling, but its suggested for devs only.
I don't know which version are you guys running on N5. OPX and N4 are on 2.0.5.x . Maybe its time to ask on IRC regarding the plans of rebuilding N5 image if it hasn't been done yet.