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Originally Posted by mscion View Post
Hi Kangal. ZShaolin was a real nice find!. Works great with hackers keyboard. I converted a png to jpeg file from terminal. No problem. Also I can now use some commands like ls -ltr which was missing from terminal. Vi and Vim worked well too.
No problem.
The underlying kernel in Android is different from what we use in Desktop Linux. They've "shaved off the fat" to put it in laymans.

However, they are still quite similar.
Of course, a cut n paste doesn't work.... modules have to the ported.

This is what pisses me off.
If anyone had forgotten, like Amazon, Nokia didn't sign Google's terms in the OHA.
This means they are free to take the AOSP, add any (linux) modules to it, get rid of the gui and implement their own gui based on anything, add their own framework (Qt), and install their own services such as:

OVI Store
Nokia Maps
Nokia Messaging
Comes with Music
PureView Camera
My Nokia Content
My Nokia Backup

It would be Android underneath the sheets, and any improvements the AOSP or other OEMs make (eg Wifi Hotspot)... well Nokia could've shared that code, or used it as a guide to implement it on their own.

In fact, Palm could've been acquired to speed up such development, they had talent. Should I mention Amazon... they've got a lot of services and muscle and money. Look what they did with the Kindle Fire all on their own, now imagine that with Nokia's expertise and additional services.

And if Blackberry (downfall) were approached by Nokia with this concept and told that the control of the ecosystem (incl. services, ads, revenue) wouldn't be hogged by Google. And that they could share in the spoils. They could even make an agreement that BB handles the business class of devices, Nokia handles such and such to limit the amount of competition between each other and instead increase their cooperation. There's a lot more to gain doing that, and they would know. And Blackberry could even fuse its services with Nokia's such as:

And other online services (nothing comes to mind right now).

The App problem?
Nokia/BB could've bit the bullet. They could offer Android Apps which all have to have no "ad supported" versions and the money taken from the developer would be a staggering 40%. So either the developer makes a free version with no ads, doesn't get paid (maybe gets a device). Or the developer "bites the bullet" makes some money ($1x 100,000 dls) and only scrapes what's left of that (60k - taxes = 45k?).
OR the developer chooses Qt. Gets over the learning curve. Makes a great App. Can choose to make it ad supported. Or makes it paid ($1 app), and through a promotion gets 1 year without any % cut out of it (100k - taxes = 80k?). On top of that, after the promotion ends, he only has to pay 25% cut (75k - taxes = 60k?).

To be a developer it could be a one time nominal fee of $100, unlike Apple's yearly subscription rip off.

Anyways, the experience could've been a device with the fit, finish, and software breeze of iOS. Except only it would have a lot more features, probably not as much as Android. But being a "best of both worlds" approach.

Google would "declare war" by trying to alter Android significantly so that it impacts Nokia's business. But it doesn't really matter. Nokia could do a yearly update like Apple, and catch up with changes in Android.

However, by the time Google can make a big enough change in Android, Nokia/BB's ecosystem would've taken off. They would see more Apps written in Qt. Marketshare increase. In fact, they wouldn't be dependent on Android anymore, and after a while they could end submissions of Android Apps into their store and after a loooong while (5 years?) they could state that a refresh is going to happen and they need developers to convert their Android Apps to Qt variants, and that Android Apps would be eventually 'cleansed' from the Market. There you go Nokia, Blackberry... now why the hell didn't you do something as genius as that instead let yourselves go into demise?!?
(end of rant)
Originally Posted by mscion View Post
I vote that Kangal replace Elop!
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So who out there has "swipe envy". I love the swipe gestures ui on n9, Sailfish and ubuntu. The closest I can get to doing this on an android phone is using GMD which allows for a variety of swipe gestures. For example I've set it so that an upwards swipe on bottom third left edge brings back previous app, swipe down (same place) brings next app, swipe down on top third left edge brings you back home. Swipe left from right edge takes you to recent apps list and so forth. I'm not sure if the N9 and Sailfish allow specific gestures along the edge but it is nice. However you cannot do the equivalent of peaking where you can partially pull out the screen of the app. Are there any other gesture apps out there with that capability?

Last edited by mscion; 2013-12-11 at 13:44.
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I was just thinking... If (when) Jolla Sailfish gets succesfully ported to android devices this thread would truly become epic!

Merry Christmas/Holidays Y'all
mailcomx's Avatar
Posts: 94 | Thanked: 33 times | Joined on Sep 2010
Please someone can tell me if it is possible to install NITDroid 2.3.4 and backupmenu. I want to do with U-boot and kernel power v52. It can be done without Multiboot?
N900, 64gigas, xlv 250 - 805mhz, CSSU testing Kernel Power.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Nov 2013
Originally Posted by mailcomx View Post
Please someone can tell me if it is possible to install NITDroid 2.3.4 and backupmenu. I want to do with U-boot and kernel power v52. It can be done without Multiboot?
Right question! Someone?
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Wish I could help.
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This question does not necessarily need another thread and because the TMO's Android experts have gathered here I decided to ask in this thread.

While waiting for Sailfish to conquer the world and come to my living room inside new innovative gadgets, I have decided to test some Android hardware for streaming music (Spotify, my personal song library on local network harddrive) and movies (Netflix) to my AV receiver. I have been therefore thinking to buy an Android TV stick that I could attach to my AV receiver. Any recommendations? Prefarably some stick that can be purchased from a web shop within EU.

I am also not familiar with how these types of sticks can be controlled. Do they provide a web interface so that I could use them with for example Nokia 770 (yes, I still have one laying around) web browser? Do I need to have TV turned on if I listen to Spotify or can I use the 770 as "second screen" instead of TV?
Hattivattein lauma sankka suur!
danramos's Avatar
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Wow.. people are still coming back to a site named after a very, very dead OS? Not talking about Android, I meant 'maemo'. heh
Nokia's slogan shouldn't be the pedo-palmgrabbing image with the slogan, "Connecting People"... It should be one hand open pleadingly with another hand giving the middle finger and the more apt slogan, "Potential Unrealized." --DR
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This is the best thread here...

@OVK, did you look into the Chromecast? Should be available in Europe since October. You can control it with your Android phone AFAIK, but there are probably other methods too, like connecting a bluetooth keyboard/mouse, etc. It is a full fledged Android device that uses the TV as the display, after all.

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Posts: 559 | Thanked: 1,017 times | Joined on May 2008 @ Finland
Originally Posted by herpderp View Post
@OVK, did you look into the Chromecast? Should be available in Europe since October. You can control it with your Android phone AFAIK, but there are probably other methods too, like connecting a bluetooth keyboard/mouse, etc. It is a full fledged Android device that uses the TV as the display, after all.
Yeah, I was considering Chromecast but it seems somehow a bit limited in its current incarnation. I would like to have a possibility to install also some other Android apps than Chromecast defaults, just in case.

I might also be wrong and Chromecast would be a good alternative, I haven't really researched any further than reading this short article:
Hattivattein lauma sankka suur!

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