Poll: Did you order a Jolla tablet?
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Did you order a Jolla tablet?

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Dave999's Avatar
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Originally Posted by gerbick View Post
How about we agree that you're instigating **** and above all this was yet another crowdfunding attempt that unfortunately went south? It happens.
I won't argue with that.
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Copernicus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
Let's conclude that Jolla is scammers and a company we can't trust until all are fully refunded.
Nope, wrong conclusion. Jolla is a start-up company that, like the vast majority of startup companies, did not manage to achieve its initial goals. They aimed a bit too high, and ran out of money before they could hit their mark.

In short: no scam. Just failure, plain and simple.
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Originally Posted by Copernicus View Post
Nope, wrong conclusion. Jolla is a start-up company that, like the vast majority of startup companies, did not manage to achieve its initial goals. They aimed a bit too high, and ran out of money before they could hit their mark.

In short: no scam. Just failure, plain and simple.
So how can we trust them next time they planning to do something?
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Copernicus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
So how can we trust them next time they planning to do something?
Do they actually have a next time? Their business model has essentially been proven false over the last few years -- despite the splash initially made by the tablet project, I haven't seen the kind of interest by cell phone consumers (and especially cell phone manufacturers) in alternatives to Android that Jolla was looking for. With their focus on easy-to-use UI gestures and pretty Ambiances, they were explicitly trying to create a mass-market product, but the mass market doesn't seem to be buying it.

If they were a different kind of company, they might have been able to market their own devices to the kind of folks we saw on Indiegogo, and remain a going concern that way. (After all, that effort showed that a device running an OS like Sailfish, even with sub-par hardware, could pull in millions of dollars.) But they set themselves up as a direct competitor to Android, and that just isn't working out.

Jolla can't run its current business plan just on the income from Intex alone (assuming the Intex project still exists). And I don't see Sailfish on startup devices (like Fairphone or whatever) providing much income either; certainly not the kind of income Jolla might have gotten from a mass-marketed handset.

So, here's the thing -- Jolla, as it is, just can't afford to put out new hardware. It wanted to start licensing its software to the big-name handset producers, but those guys just aren't biting. From my point of view, I can see only two possibilities: it needs to change its business plan in a radical manner (to pique consumer interest in a completely different manner), or it needs to wrap up operations and fold.

I don't know exactly what the latest round of investors are looking for, but if they're hoping Jolla will succeed using the same business plan they started with, Jolla will simply end up in the same place again in a few months: bankrupt.

So yeah, I say Jolla will only have to worry about consumer trust if they ever reach a point again where they are looking for new consumers...
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Originally Posted by pichlo View Post
Which is why I agree with vitaminj and condemn prometheus's actions.

But marxian is right, prometheus did say exactly, "I do not encourage anyone to do the same, it is totally up to them whether they decide to stick with Jolla, wait for them to (if they ever) issue them a refund, donate that money (that they so happily implied in their blog post) or whatever..."

In other words, "it's up to you whether you want to play with everyone or be selfish and inconsiderate like me."
Not, as nieldk implied, "only I can be selfish and inconsiderate, screw everyone else".

If I am misinterpreting neildk's words, then I apologize.
Noone is acting selflessly in this. Everyone has their own reasons for deciding whether or not to pursue a refund. Anyone who claims to be selfless is simply confirming that they are not.
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One question on-topic:

If most of Jollas money in 2015 went into developing Sailfsih OS and fit it for tablet i still wonder about 2 things.

Whats up with the split screen (Perk 2) and what has come to the partner space. If i remember right it should have been an option for partners or a space for an app accesible via swipe. For example Deezer i think they showcased last year in Barcelona.

So no tablet for everyone - no split scren for the 121+480 and no partner space?
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I really can't see Jolla attempting their own hardware again, nor any sort of crowdfunding. Personally, I think they realised how damaging it was back in the autumn, and that resulting in a few founders leaving.

So I don't think you'll be asked to trust them again for a physical product delivery. They're asking OEMs to trust in their OS now, which is a much less risky proposition. A pretty awesome one really. They'd be *fools* not to take them up on that crazy deal.
Dave999's Avatar
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Yeah, no need to put something else to market. Better to die trying to payback the backers...Go out in style!

Of course, its possible to knock android as the top dog OS for mobile devices. The future will prove that. Jolla didn't had the skill, the timing, the luck.

Originally Posted by hemiwi View Post
One question on-topic:

If most of Jollas money in 2015 went into developing Sailfsih OS and fit it for tablet i still wonder about 2 things.

Whats up with the split screen (Perk 2) and what has come to the partner space. If i remember right it should have been an option for partners or a space for an app accesible via swipe. For example Deezer i think they showcased last year in Barcelona.

So no tablet for everyone - no split scren for the 121+480 and no partner space?
yeah, jolla ignored the stretch goals. Just assume it was fake to get your money. They spend money elsewhere.
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Last edited by Dave999; 2016-02-13 at 18:26.
Copernicus's Avatar
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Originally Posted by Dave999 View Post
yeah, jolla ignored the stretch goals. Just assume it was fake to get your money.
You know, Dave, you're completely right! Jolla did scam you, just to get your money. They didn't even try to create the products they described in the Indiegogo campaign; instead, they sat back smoking cigars and drinking margaritas, watching as the bucks just rolled in...

Really, I can't understand why Jolla couldn't complete the stretch goals at the same time as they were cancelling contracts and laying off employees. It just boggles the imagination.
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Now you are talking!

Double margarita coming right up.

While you are slightly sarcastic, ironically you are possibly not far from the truth. Just remove the smoking and mags.
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