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I must say that I use modRana on PC and Poor Maps on the device so far. So, I haven't tested modRana too much on device.
Assuming that you use the latest version of the server (there could be different problems with the versions earlier than 0.3)
* you could be hitting timeouts for connections in modRana. As a result, modRana might ask multiple times for the same tiles. To check if its true, look into the events log shown in the server's main screen. Check whether the same URL is loaded multiple times.
* its probable that modRana and Poor Maps use different tile sizes. This is visible in URLs requested to render the tiles. Notice if there is a difference in "shift" and "scale" parameters in URL. Poor Maps uses by default 1024x1024 or 512x512 tiles that are not very well supported by modRana (or not at all yet) with modRana using 256x256 tiles (shift=0 and scale=1 by default). As a result, tile rendering can be done in bigger chunks in Poor Maps which should produce faster overall rendering. Optimization of tile size vs parallel rendering is not a simple problem and it may vary between the devices.
* maybe modRana's rendering is slower. If its true you could try to follow when the server states "Idle" on its cover and see when the map is rendered in reality. For that, browse the map in Poor Maps or modRana and peak by sliding from the right on the state of the server. In Poor Maps delay is minimal if any, in modRana - I haven't checked.
The main drawback of smaller maps is that you would have to change them in the server's settings.
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Maybe it could be also related to the old bundled urrlib3 (issue 146) ? I've updated it in the master branch, but it is not (yet!) in any released version. So users packages from OpenRepos & Jolla Store still run with the old urrlib3 and might be getting those errors.
That should hopefully not be an issue soon as I plan to release updated modRana packages today or tomorrow.
This is something I have been wondering about - is that really needed ? Couldn't OSM Scout Server check incoming tile requests against the bounding boxes/shapefiles of multiple data packs and return data for the first match ? Or, depending on cost, just run the query on one pack after another until there is a hit ?
Some heuristic can be applied for this to run all further queries after a hit on the same data pack until there is another miss. Users could also enable just some packs in the OSM Scout Server UI to reduce the number of lookups.
Also a related idea - client side pack specification. OSM Scout Server clients could specify data pack name for the lookup. They could get the available pack names either from OSM Scout Server via a special query or by other means (listing all folders the OSM Scout Server data folder or even by downloading data packs themselves and pointing OSM scout to them).
Yeah, that's certainly not an easy problem to solve. I wonder how the commercial/proprietary navigation systems handle that ? Or do they just have larger areas (whole Europe, etc.) so they don't have to care about it ?
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We can return to it a bit later. Maybe Lukas will implement it that way that it will be exposed via libosmscout anyway :-). Ideally, it would be solved on the library level and all applications using the library would benefit from it (server included).
I would suggest to get other issues solved first: better GUI, search, rendering, and routing come up into my mind on server side. Better routing support on the client part (voice commands?).
Routing between maps is possible. Many have solved it with what seems to be separate data packages: OSMAnd, MAPS.ME for example. From Valhalla's docs and few test runs, it seems that they also partition internally all the maps. So, its possible, just have to work on it. Corresponding issue is
Keep them coming. Let's just hope that we can implement at least a fraction of them.
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A significant usability issue is also IMHO the constantly changing data format - if it was more stable there could be data repositories users could use instead of having to generate their own data packs. It might be even possible to download the data directly from the GUI (from the OSM Scout Server UI or via clients).
I might be even able to arrange something with the Masaryk University NLP lab which is already kindly hosting the 100+ GB of Monav offline routing data modRana can make use of (currently mainly on the N900).
But at the moment people might even have to re-generate their data files even due to am OSM Scout Server updates due to using a newer version of libosmscout.
Does it look like there might also be a solution for this issue ? I understand designing and supporting an unchanging binary data format is no easy task for libosmscout developers.
But at the same time I'm afraid the current unstable-data format can block many users from using OSM Scout Server & client apps - especially less advanced users who could make use of pre-generated map data.
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The last time we had to regenerate the maps was due to the bug in map importer. As far as I remember, the format stayed the same - just data was imported wrongly.
This bug was exposed during testing of the routing and I suspect that there maybe more bugs to come. Eventually, it will stabilize, we just have to accept some fluidity at this time.
To offset the map format changes I worked on the importers. Hopefully, it would be of help for users.
Its great that you have such a host - it could really become handy. Note that the maps do have to be regenerated relatively frequently. I presume that once a month should be a target.
And then we would have to see how to split the maps - countries, regions, ...
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That should be doable - I'm using one of the machines in the NLP compute cluster to generate the Monav data. It's a rather powerful computer (48 CPU cores & ~250 GB RAM) and can run a full update (download planet.osm.pbf, split to regional files, convert to Monav data, compress the results to tar.gz archives) in less than 24 hours. The conversion itself takes about 5-6 hours, the rest is "planet splitting".
BTW, the software used to generate the repository lives in the modrana-data-repository repository and it should not be that hard to extend it to generate also libosmscout-compatible data once the format is considered stable enough.
For the Monav data packs I've just used the same region definitions Geofabrik uses on their OSM data download page. They even have polygon files for each area - this is what I use to generate the regional *.osm.pbf files with osmosis from a fresh planet.osm.pbf file. No need to download all their PBF files every time the repository is updated.
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To map distribution, I just recap what I send to libosmscout mailing list: server part for OSM Scout is ready, scripts are available here. I host it on Rasperry PI with 1 TiB disk dedicated for maps. It is dwarf to compare to your machine @MartinK :-) I will focus on client side next days/weeks. It will be available for osmscout server too off course. When everything will be ready, we can start working on map delivery network (MDN ?).
What is university status to your server Martin. It is officially supported or it is tolerated "punk activity"?
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Of course it would be nice if maps would render faster, but anyway its so nice to have finally native offline maps!