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Posts: 78 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Sep 2005 @ San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by Jus
the command free will show memory usage.
Thanks, that's just what I needed. I've learned I need more VM.
Nokia N800, 4GB ADATA SD (Class 6)
Nokia 770, 1GB Sandisk RS-MMC
LG CU500 for 3G data service (uses my iPhone SIM)
Posts: 52 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
thank you Wolfram Ravenwolf !

thank you for doing the tutorial to explain how to extend the
memory to a swap on the mmc...

it seems to work on my 770.

thank you for your .deb wich automate the copy, of
the internal files....

i just want to indicate this :
this process take some second, or minutes.
just wait... (i just thinked that i bricked my 770)
but no !

it works...

the only problem i have is that because i'm not skilled with
linux commands, especially with partitioning, i just want to mention
some things :
- to do the partition, you need to use cfdisk given with wolfram .deb :
/var/lib/install/sbin/cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0 (don't forget the space before the /dev...)
- then, you must delete the existing partition !
(simply press D)
- create after that the first partition that will be used for data storage (in the same way as your original mmc worked) it must be a FAT16 partition. to do that press N.
- don't forget to indicate the type of partition (press T); it's number 06.
- i mentionned it bootable (should i ?) by pressing B
- then i created the second partition, used for the swap.
(press N)
- it create a linux partition. (number 83 i think). i leave it like that

booth partition are Primary (i created it like that)

now, the important thing (that i forgot to do, i understand this when readin help, always read help ! ) :
don't forget to write the partition table to the mmc :
use Write (press W, not w, but W ! then answer "yes")

now, you can quit and format the new created volumes !
the first one with :
mkfs.vfat /dev/mmcblk0p1

after you need to reboot then :
shutdown -r now

and then, go back to xterm, gain root (sudo gainroot)
and :
/var/lib/install/sbin/mkfs.ext3 /dev/mmcblk0p2

that's it !

you now created two partition on your mmc !

for information, mine is 512MB big (i'm waiting for 1GB),
i created the first part (FAT16) to 384MB (this is now the main data
memory, accessed by your main computer when connecting through USB), and the second one with the rest (approx. 129MB) for swapping. i hope it will be good !

this thing will be very usable when you want a lot of apps installed, or running. you will have a large space for saving your mails, and bookmarks... but, i want to mention this, Wolfram your script does the reverse thing, take all this back to the internal memory.
but now, because of this new swp size (bigger than the internal memory) a lot of people won't be able to get all the data back inside the 770. every one need to know this. then. if you want to copy all this to a new MMC (bigger... ) you need a computer running linux, and wo can access booth partitions to copy all this !

i'm happy !

surfing is now cool, and fast...

Posts: 10 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Dec 2005
Got a bit carried away trying to install kismet and ended up with the 770 constantly rebooting. Re-flashed, run the script, re-booted and had things back to exactly as they were before i broke it. ... thanks Wolfram, u've saved me a whole load of hassle.

Now where did i put those packages...
Posts: 37 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Nov 2005 @ The Netherlands
OK, my first attempt to use a swap file on the standard 64 Mb MMC failed and resulted in a reboot loop... So I had to flash my 770 :'(

Can somebody confirm the settings Rjungmann used in cfdisk? I didn't read them when I tried to make the partitions but I did almost the same except from the bootable partition part. Then I ran the extrootfs script but errors showed up, something like "not enough space"... I made both partitions 32 Mb big. Is this to small?

Any idea what I have to do to prevent the reboot loop?

Posts: 1 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Feb 2006
Thanks for the excellent guide guys. I created the 128mb ext3 partition and also the swap file from the maemo wiki article. However, how do I check whether I've done it correctly or not? Also, is there a way to check what's in the 2nd partition?

I noticed that when I browse to and have the audio player running, the memory plugin shows that I'm using full capacity of the ram(all the way to red).

Posts: 35 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2005
I have a basic (read dumb) question - I followed Wolfram's wonderful instructions and think all is good but I dont understand how to access the "big" partion on my 1gb card - if i look on the 770 its there but when i connect via usb i only see the 64mb swap - i thought i should see the bigger partion - even if i pull the card and try and connect using a card reader only the 64mb is there - am imissing something?

Posts: 3 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2006
Originally Posted by bahtaraigi

I get an error message in cfdisk when running:

/var/lib/install/sbin/cfdisk /dev/mmcblk0

FATAL ERROR: Bad primary partition 0: Partition ends in the final partial cylinder

I have root access, and mmc card is unmounted.

Any ideas?
Well, I have the same error with a Kingston 1GB mmc. No problems with the original Nokia 64MB mmc.

Anyone knows how to solve the problem?

Posts: 17 | Thanked: 2 times | Joined on Oct 2005 @ Hamburg

I have a question about the usage of the extended 1GB N 770?

Can I run a full blown Browser with javavm - run applets started by websites on it?

Thanks subsecond
Posts: 227 | Thanked: 51 times | Joined on Feb 2006
I did the extrootfs script with no problems but swapon is failing.

If I try the commands exactly as written:
1. Create an empty file to hold the swap:
* dd if=/dev/zero of=/Root/swapfile bs=1024 count=24576
2. Turn the empty file into a swap file:
*mkswap /Root/swapfile
3. Now it can be activated like that (as root):
*swapon /Root/swapfile
4. To deactivate it, use this command (as root):
*swapoff /Root/swapfile

It first chokes on step 1 unless I am root because it won't let me create a new file in /Root as user.

I then sudo gainroot and it chokes on step 3 with a mysterious "swapon: /Root/swapfile: Invalid argument"

Any ideas?

Oh and how come the second partition is obviously working but it does not show up in the list when you issue the "mount" command with no args?
Posts: 191 | Thanked: 10 times | Joined on Feb 2006
why not use jffs2? iirc it detects the often-written parts of the flash and balances its lifetime.

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