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Originally Posted by hillsdalebob View Post
Chelli: Thanks for all your efforts. I was able to install Gnumeric on my N800 OS2008 without problem per post number 22. But, I have the same problem others have reported. If I open a file created in Excel (Office 2003 version) I have problems with cells that have calculated totals in them. Even a simple formula like =2+2 in an Excel cell does not open properly in Gnumeric. In Excel it will display as 4, when I open the .xls file in Gnumeric it will display as 5E-315
Chelli, thanks again for your efforts here. I write not to 'pile on', so to speak, but to affirm that I too have the same results as reported above. I can send an example file if you like.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Originally Posted by hillsdalebob View Post
Chelli: Thanks for all your efforts. I was able to install Gnumeric on my N800 OS2008 without problem per post number 22. But, I have the same problem others have reported. If I open a file created in Excel (Office 2003 version) I have problems with cells that have calculated totals in them. Even a simple formula like =2+2 in an Excel cell does not open properly in Gnumeric. In Excel it will display as 4, when I open the .xls file in Gnumeric it will display as 5E-315
Chelli: I have the same problem on my n800/os2008 with weird things looking like scientific notation showing up in Excel 2003 files. And these are files that previously worked on the Gnumeric port for os2007, so it's nothing strange in the files. I managed to work around it by first importing the files into OpenOffice on my laptop and saving to a native .ods file, which Gnumeric opened correctly. Thanks for your efforts on Gnumeric, by the way!
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Sorry for my bad english.

Can someone say, what's the outlook ist here?

Gnumeric under OS2007 ist an magnificent programm and works also stabil with greater and complex tables. Under 2008 the 1.6.3 do not work correct as user written before and ist therefore not useful. It's seems to be a heavy problem. What's with the 1.8.0-file in the tschmidt-directory?

In my remembrance the work with e.g. 3 tables in a xls-file were under OS2007-Version better - but i'am not certain in this point.

It seems i have to get back to OS2007 an can't use the better Performance and USB-Host for OS2008 - (
rick65000's Avatar
Posts: 15 | Thanked: 1 time | Joined on Dec 2007 @ Minnesota
Is there a place to donate monies for this project?

I want gnumeric on my N800 OS08 and am considering reflashing to OS07 to get it.
iMac intel 2.8Ghz, 24 Inch, Snow Leopard
ASUS eeepc 1000 SSD, eeebuntu
PowerBook G4 1.25Ghz, 15 inch, Tiger Deceased 2009
N800 TI OMAP 2420 330MHz, 4.1 inch, Ver: 5.2008.43-7
Posts: 85 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Erfurt, Germany
Originally Posted by Helmuti View Post
Gnumeric under OS2007 ist an magnificent programm and works also stabil with greater and complex tables. Under 2008 the 1.6.3 do not work correct as user written before and ist therefore not useful. It's seems to be a heavy problem. What's with the 1.8.0-file in the tschmidt-directory?
Well, i did some tests with Gnumeric 1.8.0 last weekend and i uploaded the source-tarball of it allready, but short test showed that it is not really stable here, so i did not upload the binary package (the .deb) and the .dsc and .diff.gz files.

The new version also shows the same problems like 1.6.3, but has additional ones. (One point is that it crashes when you try to open the Filechooser a second time.) Another thing i consider really annoying is that the fullscreen-button does not work, except if you have a keyboard connected (I have a Nokia SU-8W Bluetooth Keyboard.)

I could upload the .deb of 1.8.0 as it is currently, but my guess it that you will not like it more than the current version (1.6.3). I will most likely not have time to work on it in the next weeks (at least in the next 4 weeks, maybe longer), so do you really want a version which is worse than the current one?

(I will at least upload the .diff.gz and .dsc files, so someone else who is interested in improving the situation can compile and debug it by himself.)

Sources uploaded completely, everything you need to compile it by yourself should be located in my repository ( If some of the build-dependancies are missing, please let me know, i'll upload them as soon as possible.

Last edited by Chelli; 2008-01-05 at 01:21.

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Posts: 304 | Thanked: 32 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ somewhere in the far south
Originally Posted by rick65000 View Post
Is there a place to donate monies for this project?

I want gnumeric on my N800 OS08 and am considering reflashing to OS07 to get it.
Why don't get it with ITOS2008? I've installed it and works great.
Posts: 67 | Thanked: 6 times | Joined on Dec 2007
Originally Posted by akd View Post
Why don't get it with ITOS2008? I've installed it and works great.
Umm, not so much...

As reported earlier in the thread, it can't read .xls files properly, and seemingly the search function inside a workbook either hangs the program or takes so long that it might as well be hung. Those are pretty serious bugs. The os2007 version works better...
Posts: 85 | Thanked: 79 times | Joined on Nov 2007 @ Erfurt, Germany
Originally Posted by Chelli View Post
The new version also shows the same problems like 1.6.3, but has additional ones. (One point is that it crashes when you try to open the Filechooser a second time.) Another thing i consider really annoying is that the fullscreen-button does not work, except if you have a keyboard connected (I have a Nokia SU-8W Bluetooth Keyboard.)

I could upload the .deb of 1.8.0 as it is currently, but my guess it that you will not like it more than the current version (1.6.3). I will most likely not have time to work on it in the next weeks (at least in the next 4 weeks, maybe longer), so do you really want a version which is worse than the current one?
Ok, i re-checked 1.8.0 and the issue with the wrong format of cells seems to be gone. (I initially tested it with a file i opened with 1.6.3 and i guess i saved it with the wrong formats, so it looked also weird when i opened it in 1.8.0.)

So i decided to upload 1.8.0 to my repository. (Should be ready in a few minutes, just update your application manager then.)

Please keep in mind that the new version is not 100% stable also (as i said above, it crashed if you open the filechooser a second time in one session), please report other bugs you discover here.

Maybe i can spent some time to fix the filechooser-issue in the next days, but dont expext to much work from me in the next weeks.

Last edited by Chelli; 2008-01-05 at 10:24.
munky261's Avatar
Posts: 1,674 | Thanked: 171 times | Joined on Mar 2007 @ Anderson, IN
can anyone tell me why when i install this version of gnumeric it downloads , then goes and installs , gets almost done and i get an error message that says it is unable to install gnumeric. but yet when i open the extras folder , there it is everything seems to work , although app manager says it is broken.
Posts: 5 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2008 @ Germany

i've installed Version 1.8.0 from the application manager - but no changes to 1.6.3. on my N800. Same Problems. No change with older Excel-Formats. It seems, that version 1.6.3 is the better base to solve the problems. And in correction to post #26: cells with date also not correct imported.

Someone post here, that some Excel-files on the Card aren't shown in Gnumeric. I have a file with name CD.XLS - shown in Filemanager, not shown in Gnumeric. I rename it to CDklein.xls - then i can load it in Gnumeric. It seems, that the file-extensions must be *.xls and not *.XLS.

However, I'am glad, that the project is not dead. To test the toooo big KDE seems not a good idea i think in moment. I wish time for chelli and donates as rick65000 also for me.

And as a more office user: There is no need for another Media-player. At least a *.DOC and *.XLS-Readsupport ist needed.

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