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tnkgrl's Avatar
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My N95 gives me directions for free (only turn-by-turn instructions is pay)...

Then again, my iPhone gives me directions and turn-by-turn instructions for free! Of course I have to set my location first.

Why is it that on The N810 when I try the "Free Navigation Trial" I get the following message "Navigation service is expected to be available in December 2007."

It is December 2007 last I checked

Originally Posted by barry99705 View Post
That part will take money I'm afraid. Maemo mapper can show a route though.
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Originally Posted by tnkgrl View Post
Why is it that on The N810 when I try the "Free Navigation Trial" I get the following message "Navigation service is expected to be available in December 2007."

It is December 2007 last I checked
Yes, it will be someday in december, but it seems not yet.
Daniel Martín Yerga profile
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Well, I guess all things being equal, my only real gripe is lack of bluetooth PAN support which prevents me from easily using my Blackjack to get online when there is no wifi. I've seen shell scripts that require root access and lots of hacking. I've seen similar hacks to bring back DUN capability to my Blackjack. Where is the easy access for a n00b like me?

I want to use this to manage my <cough> Windows <cough> servers when I'm on call so I don't have to drag a laptop around. However, I would be stuck if I had no convenient wifi.
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Originally Posted by rareed0219 View Post
Well, I guess all things being equal, my only real gripe is lack of bluetooth PAN support which prevents me from easily using my Blackjack to get online when there is no wifi. I've seen shell scripts that require root access and lots of hacking. I've seen similar hacks to bring back DUN capability to my Blackjack. Where is the easy access for a n00b like me?
I agree. It's _nice_ that the community has created a PAN capability for Maemo, but it does not in any way let Nokia off the hook for providing PAN capability.

I'm also rather annoyed (even a little offended) that the response I saw on these forums from a Nokia employee was that it couldn't be done because they'd have to completely re-do some set of documents in order to add PAN. That's a completely inappropriate response.

PAN is a huge missing piece of basic bluetooth connectivity for the NIT family. I honestly can't think of a higher priority for them to be working on. And I bet they can't come up with anything that I would agree is a higher priority (and I don't own a PAN based phone, so I'm not biased in my statement).

If what it's going to take is re-doing some roadmap, or requirements document, in order to fix a HUGE oversight on Nokia's part ... then DO IT. Yesterday. And get it into the very next release of Chinook (not the next major release of Maemo, but the immediately next official release of Chinook).
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Actually, it wouldn't just be some changes to some documents per se, but a new Bluetooth listing adding PAN profile, PAN profile testing , new printed documentation for the packaging. All of this means time, effort and cost. It's too bad they didn't plan for this use case. Hopefully a third party will step up with an implementation...
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I was hoping Nokia would build PPTP into OS2008. I'm love the wi-fi, but I really want to VPN into my client's windows networks and use rdesktop to access systems remotely. I haven't been able to make vpnc work for this purpose.

Not including a good java RT out of the box was another mistake.

However, the biggest mistake I believe they made was to not include voice turn-by-turn nav out of the box - perhaps they could have made you pay for it to operate after a year, or charge for updates. At it is I can't even get it yet. Of course I won't even get into the gps speed - I'm going to buy a bluetooth GPS to leave in the car when the TBT nave is available.

The other big annoyance for me the keyboard. I really wish they had made it slide another 1/2" out and put the numbers on a separate row.
Posts: 107 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Apr 2007
i got my n800 working with my blackjack awhile back. it was pretty easy, just follow the directions on the wiki or do a search for n800 blackjack.

Originally Posted by rareed0219 View Post
Well, I guess all things being equal, my only real gripe is lack of bluetooth PAN support which prevents me from easily using my Blackjack to get online when there is no wifi. I've seen shell scripts that require root access and lots of hacking. I've seen similar hacks to bring back DUN capability to my Blackjack. Where is the easy access for a n00b like me?

I want to use this to manage my <cough> Windows <cough> servers when I'm on call so I don't have to drag a laptop around. However, I would be stuck if I had no convenient wifi.
Posts: 139 | Thanked: 24 times | Joined on Sep 2005
Originally Posted by exon View Post
Is gpsd being used in OS2008? If so, any idea which version? (I don't have one to check myself.) This sounds vaguely similar to a problem with early versions of gpsd that caused rapid oscillations between "fix" and "no fix".
Yeah, but it's a fork with some ported fixes. Last forkpoint seems to be gpsd-2.32.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Nov 2007
same for me i thought that the N810 is mobilephone + internettablet and i was realy in the process on buying this thing but after i relized it is not a phone i ended up with best PPC ever Tytn II Kaiser

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