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I found and installed Koos Vriezen's GUI KMPlayer port for OS2006 and wondered if it would be useful to link this GUI to the great work being done by Siarhei Shamash (Serge) on the command line Mplayer
KMPlayer is a Hildon/Gtk port of the KDE/Qt KMPlayer application. It's an audio/video player frontend that supports various playlists like ASX, m3u, RAM, pls, RSS/Atom podcasts and can even play SMIL files w/ support for RealPix format.

Homesite of KMPlayer

Can Mplayer be invoked/started via directly selecting a URL in Opera? How exactly can Opera (OS2006) be advised to open Mplayer in preference or in addition to default AV players (Like on a PC with the right mouse button)

For additional information, a personal interest of mine is in being able to utilise the universal Tversity Media Server running on the PC to serve any Personal and Internet AV formats I have or find; for streaming playback on the Nokia 770
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Well done. The same Futurama clip (320x240,25fps,304kbit video,128Kbit mp3 audio) is now fluent even in screens with lot of motion. Apart from volume and audio being a bit off it is ideal.

Finally something that plays better than my old Tungsten T2 overclocked to 168Mhz with TCPMP And there is still room for improvement at least with the colorspace conversion done directly by the video chip. This could shave off few cycles and memory accesses too.
Posts: 503 | Thanked: 267 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Helsinki
2faber: With '-vo x11' option enabled, pixel doubling is automatically used if the image still fits screen when doubled. It is doubling and not scaling, so in order to make video use all screen space, a fixed 320x240 resolution is recommended for encoding (or 400x240 for wide format).

2smackpotato: Thanks, I'll check that single channed double speed issue. As for using aac codec, it is really technically possible, but requires some work. So I think that ensuring bug free and fast MP3 playback is the first priority now. Can you explain why you want aac codec support that much? So aac codec may get higher priority, right now it is quite low

2MikeL: It is a good idea, though I'm more interested in getting good performance and stability first. GUI launcher can be added any time.

2fanoush: Yes, hardware colorspace conversion would be certainly very useful for MPlayer, but we depend on Nokia developers here and should try to get some information from them. By the way, here is a report about much improved video performance in IT2006, so maybe optimized MPlayer port is not that much needed now: How does your Futurama clip work with the built-in video player?
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Originally Posted by Serge
2fanoush: Yes, hardware colorspace conversion would be certainly very useful for MPlayer, but we depend on Nokia developers here and should try to get some information from them. By the way, here is a report about much improved video performance in IT2006, so maybe optimized MPlayer port is not that much needed now: How does your Futurama clip work with the built-in video player?
Well, maybe there is enough information but someone has to try it. I still had no time for this. It is a hack but you can write to framebuffer directly (as root) using fbdev ioctls. See include/asm-arm/arch-omap/omapfb.h and drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c in kernel source. It should be matter of making OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW ioctl with proper color format (OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV420). The hard part for me is to prepare picture in YUV format to actually verify it works and looks as expected wit this ioctl

As for the dsp code in IT2006 with futurama it is good (maybe better in IT2006) but not great and your mplayer version seems faster. And also it hangs sometimes randomly in various scenes and you must wait until dsp daemon restarts dsp (and then you must play movie from the beginning and seek).

Last edited by fanoush; 2006-07-24 at 08:20.
Posts: 503 | Thanked: 267 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by fanoush
Well, maybe there is enough information but someone has to try it. I still had no time for this. It is a hack but you can write to framebuffer directly (as root) using fbdev ioctls. See include/asm-arm/arch-omap/omapfb.h and drivers/video/omap/hwa742.c in kernel source. It should be matter of making OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW ioctl with proper color format (OMAPFB_COLOR_YUV420). The hard part for me is to prepare picture in YUV format to actually verify it works and looks as expected wit this ioctl
Well, googling for OMAPFB_UPDATE_WINDOW I found the following source code:

Did not try this example, but it can be probably used as a template for future experiments (for example trying to convert it to using YUV colorspace may be the first step). And omapfb.h also contains OMAPFB_SCALE define. Does it mean that video controller is also capable of scaling video? Anyway I find the information in omapfb.h not very detailed and not quite obvious, if it got slightly better explained, that would help really a lot.

An interesting observation is the availability of libxv in maemo repository, though it seems to be useless now. But if hardware is really capable, maybe we will get a fully featured XVideo extension support in one of the next revisions? I already asked a question about libxv status in the maemo-developers mailing list, but got no response so far:
Posts: 2,152 | Thanked: 1,490 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Czech Republic
Originally Posted by Serge
And omapfb.h also contains OMAPFB_SCALE define. Does it mean that video controller is also capable of scaling video? Anyway I find the information in omapfb.h not very detailed and not quite obvious, if it got slightly better explained, that would help really a lot.
Well, it is just a header file. hwa742.c in kernel is actual implementation of these ioctls so it has a bit more information.
Posts: 503 | Thanked: 267 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by fanoush
Well, it is just a header file. hwa742.c in kernel is actual implementation of these ioctls so it has a bit more information.
Thanks, found this file. And sorry for misleading information about OMAPFB_SCALE, that was defined in one of the files found in google, but it is not available on Nokia 770

Well, I got one more idea to try Maybe the same gstreamer thing can be used for YUV video output. But I would prefer XVideo extension for that. And having to run video player as root for framebuffer access is not good.

As for scaling, seems like I found why SDL is capable of scaling video relatively fast while mplayer using -zoom option with x11 output fails miserably and gets a slideshow. SDL uses a low quality linear scaler, while the fastest software scaling option in MPlayer itself is bilinear scaler. So probably a fast assembler optimized linear scaler can be the best option for providing proper fullscreen support for any video resolution. Though most likely pixel doubling should be disabled and not used with linear scaler otherwise image quality can suffer too much. So we have 2 options, either use better scaling algorithm and stress CPU, or use a linear scaler and stress memory (memory bandwidth is about 250MB/s when only writing memory and about 100MB/s when copying from one location to another).
Posts: 59 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Nov 2005
Odd - I try and run the 20060721 beta as root and user and I get "permission denied" even though I've set it to be executable.
Posts: 503 | Thanked: 267 times | Joined on Jul 2006 @ Helsinki
Originally Posted by Nickster
Odd - I try and run the 20060721 beta as root and user and I get "permission denied" even though I've set it to be executable.
MPlayer binary is compiled for Internet Tablet OS 2006. It does not work on Internet Tablet OS 2005. Most likely that's the problem you encountered (and you are not the first, check older messages in this forum thread).

Edited project description at garage just in case, though 'armel' suffix already implies OS 2006 requirement.

And MPlayer does not need to be run as root (at least right now, unless we add support for OMAPFB output module).
Posts: 2,152 | Thanked: 1,490 times | Joined on Jan 2006 @ Czech Republic
Originally Posted by Serge
Well, I got one more idea to try Maybe the same gstreamer thing can be used for YUV video output. But I would prefer XVideo extension for that. And having to run video player as root for framebuffer access is not good.
I'm not sure gstreamer will help. I guess there is some secret handshake or setup between gstreamer video sinks and video player and that the video frame is sent to framebuffer by videoplayer, not gstreamer (because of pixel doubling which needs to be set). But these are just guesses. I don't think dsp sends data to hwa472 chip directly (i.e video driver is duplicated in dsp code), it only draws to famebuffer in main memory and rest is done either by videoplayer directly or gstreamer. See also this thread

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