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Originally Posted by GodLikeCreature View Post
Surprising stuff about Mac OS you mention there. I had no idea that was the case with applications... I am guessing that also happens because the computer is never shut down, right? I would guess Mac would close all apps on shutdown?
Yes, my parents pretty much never shut their computer down, they just let it automatically sleep. The applications would close on shutdown.
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Originally Posted by sjgadsby View Post
Settings -> About product
Just got back from NYC Flagship. The model they have on display has firmware 2009.42.11.002

Some observations
- I click on Applications, and then click on more. I had to click 3 times before it went into the more menu. I could see my clicks being registered as the icon got highlighted 3 times. Looks to be a software issue. No other apps at all were running in the background
- Wanted to try hulu, but the internet was just too slow
- gcc or cc not present on the terminal app. Assuming nothing should stop me from installing these
- I downloaded manbus.pdf (manhattan bus map PDF which is pretty heavy). Kinetic scrolling not enabled, neither is twirl zoom. Panning/Zoom is quite responsive.
- OVI maps took about 15 seconds to load to get past the introduction screen.
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Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
- I click on Applications, and then click on more. I had to click 3 times before it went into the more menu. I could see my clicks being registered as the icon got highlighted 3 times. Looks to be a software issue. No other apps at all were running in the background
Interesting regression from 41-10. Unfortunately both week 41 and week 42 firmwares are woefully out of date.

Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
- gcc or cc not present on the terminal app. Assuming nothing should stop me from installing these
No, Nokia does not ship build-essential out of the box.

Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
- I downloaded manbus.pdf (manhattan bus map PDF which is pretty heavy). Kinetic scrolling not enabled, neither is twirl zoom. Panning/Zoom is quite responsive.
The PDF reader is still essentially the same one we had in Diablo so, for now, there aren't a lot of big changes there.
Ryan Abel
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The model that they have on display (closest to the counter) there gets a *lot* of use, banging around on it etc... I was there on friday night and tried to use it and it was barely useable, I rebooted it and had a better response experience but the touchscreen seemed to have lost calibration. Just my 2c. I used other peoples N900's and they all were much better.

Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
Just got back from NYC Flagship. The model they have on display has firmware 2009.42.11.002

Some observations
- I click on Applications, and then click on more. I had to click 3 times before it went into the more menu. I could see my clicks being registered as the icon got highlighted 3 times. Looks to be a software issue. No other apps at all were running in the background
- Wanted to try hulu, but the internet was just too slow
- gcc or cc not present on the terminal app. Assuming nothing should stop me from installing these
- I downloaded manbus.pdf (manhattan bus map PDF which is pretty heavy). Kinetic scrolling not enabled, neither is twirl zoom. Panning/Zoom is quite responsive.
- OVI maps took about 15 seconds to load to get past the introduction screen.

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Posts: 521 | Thanked: 296 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by mobiledivide View Post
The model that they have on display (closest to the counter) there gets a *lot* of use, banging around on it etc... I was there on friday night and tried to use it and it was barely useable, I rebooted it and had a better response experience but the touchscreen seemed to have lost calibration. Just my 2c. I used other peoples N900's and they all were much better.
Looks like Michal Jerz of has experienced the de-calibration issue making it unusable. Reboot doesn't fix anything for him and seems to have to do a factory reset.

...."P.S. My unit apparently needs a reformat / restoring factory settings. Its touch screen decalibrated for good and to the point that using it actually isn't possible anymore. "

Wonder if this is what's causing the n900 delay...
Posts: 2,014 | Thanked: 1,581 times | Joined on Sep 2009
Originally Posted by bugelrex View Post
Looks like Michal Jerz of has experienced the de-calibration issue making it unusable. Reboot doesn't fix anything for him and seems to have to do a factory reset.

...."P.S. My unit apparently needs a reformat / restoring factory settings. Its touch screen decalibrated for good and to the point that using it actually isn't possible anymore. "

Wonder if this is what's causing the n900 delay...
Or it could be that he is using a non nokia obtained prototype. Its incredibly difficult to tell when there are no "real" units being tested.
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Originally Posted by GodLikeCreature View Post
As far as the UI goes, I guess that's what left me a bit cold. It does have a definitive GTK linux feel to it, but felt a bit poor to me. I guess it looked poor in the same way a Gnome desktop does right after installation. When that happens in a desktop, it is not that big a deal, most of the times the person installing was planning to change everything anyways.
Maybe what you are trying to explain is that, while Fremantle UI has plenty of 3D (animations, movements, etc) it does not have as much "art" as other UI's have.

Compare this weather widget from the HTC Hero:

with this weather widget from the N900:

Now, I am not saying that details like that make one UI better than other, usefulness wise. Android looks a bit more beautiful, while Maemo looks a bit more simplified, almost utilitarian. Like comparing a Sony Vaio with a Lenovo Thinkpad.

And I think that's actually something consistent with Nokia style, it always emphasizes function over form.
Posts: 232 | Thanked: 106 times | Joined on Sep 2009 @ Chicago/D.C./Katowice
tried it out at the chicago meeting, after seeing it in person, i must say i'm rather impressed
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Originally Posted by geneven View Post
Oh, and I just read the Ubuntu review. I think it was really pathetic. Are you SURE that someone running Windows FOR THE FIRST TIME who was used to Ubuntu wouldn't say the same stuff? I have seen MANY Linux users making the same idiotic types of comments about Windows. They are stupid when Windows users make them and they are stupid when Linux users make them.
O RLY? (I'll hit these in a minute.)

(I often forget what environment I'm in, personally; I see right now that I thought I was in Linux but I'm in Windows 7! Once you get into a browser it's hard to tell, especially when you're sleepy and it is 3:40 a.m.
Neither; You're in Firefox, second only to the various emacsen in its delusions of being a cross-platform OS!

Now, for the "stupid" comments Linux users make...
  • Linux took 40 seconds to boot. Yes, that’s faster than the 55 seconds Windows 7 took to boot (and on a faster laptop, too), but, still, 40 seconds is pathetic.
LOL. Anyone who complains that the other OS sucks because "it's faster than mine but not much" is definitely lame. Agree.
  • The background was “offensively brown” – something people have been telling Canonical for years.
OK, I can believe Linux users whining about Windows's default backgrounds and color schemes. Definitely lame, agreed again.
  • The writer “struggled to see other machines and devices on my network.”
Yes. Windows doesn't come with basic support for many widespread network protocols. Is observing this "stupid"? Well, I guess complaining instead of setting to work installing cygwin is slightly "stupid", but still...
  • Audacity was “more complex to get hold of”
I'm not sure if he meant "get hold of" as in "wrap head around" or "install"... The former is stupid; the latter, assuming Audacity is packaged by and available from the OS vendor, is a legitimate complaint.
  • He gave up trying to use Spotify, because it required Wine.
The Linux counterpart would be giving up trying to use e.g. MPlayer because it required Cygwin. I've never said any such thing, nor heard anyone else! In fact, I say nearly the exact opposite: "I feel totally helpless in Windows until I install Cygwin." Most Linux users I know, however, while fairly ambivalent about Cygwin, would certainly install it if they needed an app requiring it.
  • It wasn’t immediately apparent that clicking on the Ubuntu logo took him back to the desktop.
Probably because I've never used Ubuntu Netbook Remix, I have no clue what he's talking about, but given that most distroes ship out of the box with a WM behaving very much like Windows, I can't imagine a Linux user being similarly clueless about some UI detail for basic window-management -- despite all wm UIs being completely non-obvious except by familiarity.
  • A Canonical advisor had to come over and install a few extra things for him, including Flash, but still he “struggled to work out how I would organise photos, music and video.”
Really? Linux users, who presumably organize their photos, music, and videos by making folders and dropping them into them, would struggle to work this out in Windows? Either you ignore the existing "My $JUNK" folders and make your own, or you see them and use them. Either way, no struggle required.
It's like a man who's always walked with crutches will struggle to work out how to walk without one, but a man who's accustomed to walking without them will not struggle when handed one, whether he uses it, carries it, or throws it aside.
  • Ubuntu “would not make my computing life any simpler and more pleasurable than it is now.”
Well, I would say that about Windows. In fact, I'm strongly considering ditching Windows altogether, now that I'm out of school and no longer need MathCAD. But why is that stupid?

god, your 15 minutes r up

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