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Originally Posted by thoughtfix View Post
The included slip case for the N800 is far too loose, while we're on the subject. Twice I've dropped my N800 when picking up the case. Thankfully the first was on my hotel's bed and the second was caught with my remaining hand (yay ex-juggler geek) but it does concern me. I'll browse for more options soon too.
I dropped mine once already on a stone brick floor! Luckily it still functions!
The included case is horrible at best. I have mine permanently removed!
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FWIW, I've placed an order with these guys for a custom holster, specifically the PDA one. I chose the optional stiff flap which is supposed to protect the screen. Being custom, It'll take a week or two to arrive -- I'll report on it here when it does.

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The link cited by KerwoodDerby as "these guys" seems to offer the 2000 and 3000 Otterbox models (the 2000 being the "right" size for the N800) at less cost than ordering directly from Otterbox, and at a much reduced shipping rate. Good spotting, Kerwood.
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Well, my time estimate was off by a week. Here are the pictures of the pouch (actually, the maker is The Pouch Incorporated):

The flap feels as though it has a piece of that HDPE latchhook mesh that craft stores sell; I feel comfortable with the protection it offers. The belt loop is sewn at both ends (no cheesy velcro to come disastrously loose). I like the geek chic; reminds me of a slide rule slapping at my side.
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I would probablly buy that if it was in black.
Maroons not the best of colours..
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Adam, did you check the site? Many color options available.
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Is anyone using this case? Looks very interesting:
Posts: 171 | Thanked: 7 times | Joined on Mar 2007
I bought this case:

It's a snug fit length-wise, but there's room for business cards and a couple of SD cards inside. Cheap too.

* Nokia N800
* Nokia SU-8W Bluetooth keyboard
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Nice deal on that last one.

I'm looking for a small case that can hold the N800, charger, and a few SD cards. A bonus would be a keyboard pouch.
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Originally Posted by alvindd View Post
Is anyone using this case? Looks very interesting:
I would also like to read an owners report of this before buying it. Three things that I would like to know are
i. does the closure flap fall down over the screen when using it?
ii. can you get the stylus out? It looks like it might be tricky
iii. Can you put it in your back pocket and sit on it? just wondering if it is protected that much lol

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