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Posts: 172 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ San Francisco, CA
Okay, got it working. All I can say is wow! This is truly amazing! Thank you shuairan (and xalioth)!!

Just figured out how to zoom in and out: CTRL+ Up or Down arrow. Superb!

Last edited by jsbigs; 2010-01-25 at 08:13.
anapospastos's Avatar
Posts: 553 | Thanked: 183 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ Not decided
Its great. Congratulations to shuairan. We re waiting next release with improvements
My name was Maemo, then it became Meego and now I'm getting a third one. I am Sailfish.
Posts: 74 | Thanked: 16 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Ireland
shuairan: Thanks man!
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Hamburg
Hey I have the same problem as jsbigs.
Everytime when I try to install the libqt4`s i got an error message for exampke with libqt4-maemo5-test:
E: Couldnt find package libqt4-maemo5-test
and the same error with some other libqt4s
Can anyone help me please?
Posts: 127 | Thanked: 44 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Nottingham
Originally Posted by shinkamui View Post
No. The N900 would need a compass for that. It can be "done" via a number of logical workarounds, including using the GPS and making the user walk in the direction they are facing until the direction is determined, or forcing teh user to initialize and reinitialize which direction is north. Neither of these workarounds would promote a positive user experience.
I use the Viewranger ordnance survey mapping software on my 5800. This has a panoramic view of the surrounding landscape and uses the GPS and direction of travel to orientate itself. I have never been successful with it. I wish the hardware compass had been fitted to two otherwise very good Nokia phones?

I'm still really looking forward to being able to use Stellarium on my N900 though.
Posts: 6 | Thanked: 4 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Bulgaria
Originally Posted by shinkamui View Post
No. The N900 would need a compass for that. It can be "done" via a number of logical workarounds, including using the GPS and making the user walk in the direction they are facing until the direction is determined, or forcing teh user to initialize and reinitialize which direction is north. Neither of these workarounds would promote a positive user experience.
To quote from the other thread:
Originally Posted by Jerome View Post
Have an initialization process: the soft shows you first a bright star or object (the moon...), you point it to the object and press a button to initialize. Just as it is done on computer-controlled scopes (except than only one star is needed).

And be blessed that there is no compass, that is the biggest source of errors in the skyscout.
Google "Celestron SkyScout" if you don't understand the last sentence.

In all cases, GPS and accelerometer support should be implemented as Stellarium plug-ins, so using that feature and the initialization that it requires would be optional.
Posts: 172 | Thanked: 27 times | Joined on Oct 2009 @ San Francisco, CA
Originally Posted by Memo View Post
Hey I have the same problem as jsbigs.
Everytime when I try to install the libqt4`s i got an error message for exampke with libqt4-maemo5-test:
E: Couldnt find package libqt4-maemo5-test
and the same error with some other libqt4s
Can anyone help me please?
Assuming you already have the stellarium package (stellarium_0.10.3r4182-1_armel) in your downloads folder, here's what I did to get it all working finally:

1.) Go to Applications Manager --> UnInstall and make sure there is not a copy of Stellarium installed. If so, uninstall.

2.) Enable Extras-Devel Repository (proceed at your own risk)

3.) In Terminal as root, run:

apt-get install libqt4-maemo5-core libqt4-maemo5-opengl libqt4-maemo5-network libqt4-maemo5-gui libqt4-maemo5-script libqt4-maemo5-svg libqt4-maemo5-test libqt4-maemo5-xml libqt4-maemo5-dbus libgles1 libgles1-sgx-img libgles2 libgles2-sgx-img opengles-sgx-img-common

4.) cd MyDocs/.documents/downloads

5.) dpkg -i stellarium_0.10.3r4182-1_armel.deb

Bingo! Should work after that. Remember to un-enable Extras-Devel when you're done.

Good luck!

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When you pan the view all the way down... does it show your sneakers?

SLN member # 009
Posts: 36 | Thanked: 5 times | Joined on Dec 2009
Originally Posted by jsbigs View Post
4.) cd MyDocs/.documents/downloads
When I try and do this it just says: cd: can't cd to MyDocs/.documents/downloads

Haha, oh wait nvm, I made a typo.

Last edited by Le_Petit_Lapin; 2010-01-26 at 03:48.
Posts: 2 | Thanked: 0 times | Joined on Jan 2010 @ Hamburg
Awsome. Thanks jsbigs it worked

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